Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beijing Olympics 2008 (Updated)

Pointless Blogging About Too Serious Issues
Moi will be writing far less frequently now particularly on too serious topics. He will just drive himself insane and kill himself in the end. But he will try to blog on happier events or something special or dear to his heart.

Moi feels very sorry for himself that being homeless and not being able to pursue the kinda vocation he wants to and his interests for the moment, he is too preoccupied with events in Singapore which he can't change.

He can pat himself on his back that he has registered his indignity through the vote but that was taken away from him a long time ago.

Meanwhile the rest of Singapore is engaged in earning BIG money and driving around in their BIG cars and totally oblivious and forever voting for the incumbents.

Moi must kick himself real hard for being such a jackass.

It Is The Same Disappointment Olympics After Olympics
I am keeping my eyes trained on the Olympics though.

I was analysing the past Olympic medal tallies and was pleasantly surprised that China, Korea and Japan had consistently been at the top of the league. Of special mention is Korea who has consistently done well. Even Thailand and Indonesia have medals to their names throughout the two decades of Olympic history.

Yes we should be proud Tao Li has done well to qualify being the 5th fastest woman in the world for the 100m butterfly. Somehow, moi feels he could cheer on more if it was Joscelin Yeo or Patricia Chan.

And what happened to the men? Past figures like Ang Peng Siong, David Lim, Desmond Koh or Mark Chay had always have a thumping impact on the Singaprean psyche, don't they?

It is time we stop kidding ourselves and really start looking at the very limited success of our foreign talent recruitment schemes.

Even Malaysia, Vietnam and the Phillipines have had one or more go at the medal tally in the past 20 years but never us.

Something must be seriously wrong here but perhaps we still have a fighting chance in the coming days for the table-tennis or sailing events or possibly in the 2010 Youth Summer Olympics.

The Olympics' Men's Singles Badminton Match Between Singapore And Malaysia
I feel very sorry for Susilo.

Deep in my heart, I could guess what was going on but I shall not say a word here.

When he was interviewed, his expression and what he said were telling.

We are behind you Susilo!

The Olympics' Men's Singles Badminton Match Between China And Hongkong China
Lin Dan didn't become the World's No 1 Seed for nothing.

You should see his superb tactics from light flicks of the shuttle cock to disarm his opponent to his powerful jump-smashes which caught Ng Wei totally off-balance.

But he took half an hour to finish off his compatriot and Ng Wei wasn't exactly off-form and not on the attack. In the second round, they were neck to neck, with Ng delivering several tactical finesse.

Both mirrored each other in the cockatoo hairstyles they sport right down to the strong, determined even arrogant expressions they wear and I was actually rooting for Ng Wei since he was an underdog.

At the end of the day, Lin Dan powered away to a decisive victory, a victory which is worthy of his No 1 seed fame.

Looks Like Malaysia Is In Contention For An Olympics Medal This Year
With Asian defending champion Hidayat losing out to yet another Malaysian, it looks like our neighbor has a good shot at an Olympics medal this year.

Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony
Like Singapore's NDP, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics 2008 didn't cease to overwhelm moi's senses.

It helped that it was directed by Zhang Yimou and so the performace production at the Bird Nest stadium had an almost movie-like quality to it.

It showcased China's history and culture to a perfect T with classical musical instruments playing in the background, the traditional Chinese costumes and most of all, Yimou was able to synchronise very Chinese elements as a backdrop for the displays. For instance the scrolls and calligraphic works.

Moi had so much fun watching it, never mind controversies raging about the lip-synching or the faked pre-recorded segments.

Strive on China!

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