Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Know What, This May Just Do The Trick To Reverse A Declining Baby Population (Updated)

Desperate For More Babies? Then This Is How It Should Work
It just dawned on me how political everything here in Singapore is.

On the one hand, we have a highly politicised population (and I would like to think it is the women or just simply the UnHoly Trinity at work here and you ask, what? again?) eyeing the trillions in cash hoards we have as reserves sitting snugly in some bank vaults (I could be wrong here), waiting for every opportunity to seize and pounce on to urge the administration to spend (you old little scrooge you).

On the other, we have a rigid, unsmiling and unyielding iron-clad hand, the hand of Mungo Sungo godzilla dressed in transformable transformer outfit.

What we need is to find a weak spot and KABOOM, the titanium armor is thrashed forever!

Let Moi Articulate For Both Family Men And Women Their Inalienable Familial Rights
Women, you are in luck. Moi is gonna write on your behalf and by the next budget announcement, you are gonna be all smiles and in good spirits and hopefully pregnant?

Here goes:

What About Stay Home Mothers And Fathers?
I haven't really studied what the incentives are for working mothers. I assume they are sufficient and with the current slew of new measures, I presume it is gonna be LAGI BAGUS for working mothers?

However I feel that those who choose to stay home and give up their careers, should be handed out an annual allowance that is two-thirds of their annual income (or if there is no annual income, a certain quantum amount that qualifies them for a GOLD card -HIP HIP HOORAY) up to a certain nth year (let's say 24 years for each child respectively? - WHOA, far out, imagine the years just pile on top of one another and drag on).

You can't expect stay-home mothers (or fathers) to be sowing a brood of kids and not be paid a single cent, do you? Why you little scroogy-faced screw-up! No wonder we are seeing a decline in the fertility rate!

At any time, these mothers (or fathers) can choose to go back to their careers of course.

What is gonna be LAGI BEST is that no colleagues should be shouldering these duties. A new recruit (some freshie from the university or poly or even lower down) gets paid two-thirds what these women (or men) were earning.

What About Singles - The UnMarried Who Choose To Adopt Kids, The Divorced, The Separated And The Widowed?
Now extend these to singles - men or women who choose to adopt children, the widowed and the divorced.

Look, equality of sexes means just that. Equality.

So if the man chooses to stay home and the woman wanna build a career, he can't be denied these benefits now can he? Every single one of the categories above is entitled to equality and the aforesaid mentioned benefits.

Throw in a grandparents' grant! Maybe we can all do away with those loud, chattering, rumor-mongering foreign domestic maids (oops oxymoronic again) once and for all!

We Always Pay And Pay, So Now For A Change, It Is Free And Free
Better still, make education from infant-care, childcare to nursery to kindergarten to primary and secondary to vocational schools and to poly and university FREE!

Provide FREE nappies and safety pins, free infant formula milk, free baby cots, free baby toys, free baby prams and strollers, free baby socks, free baby clothes and free baby deliveries at baby hospitals and free O&G consultation fees

And then when the child grows, add : free textbooks, free educational material and toys, writing tools and materials, FREE school bags, INTERNET, FREE school buses and travel on public buses, uniforms, shoes, socks, underwear, laptops, mobile phones, S&M toys (oops, that was unintended), condoms (Whoa, dementia here) , CCA participation and FREE food!

Oo, don't forget FREE housing! And above all FREE TIME!!!!

And if we go even further back in time, there are those pre and post-babies making days to consider, so add: Free maternity dresses, free sanitary napkins (????), free corsets, free confinement period massages, free medication for STDs, free post-sex check-ups.

(If there is something else moi is forgetting here, let moi know)

And If You Are Really LAGI Serious About Pro-Creation, Then Pro-Creation Can Only Begin With A Marriage First Right?
Therefore, FREE wedding dinners and gowns and suits, Free limousine cars, free wedding photography and honeymoon holidays, Free religious rituals.

Oops, in argueing for the inalienable rights of families, has moi actually also itemised all the pre-marriage, post-mariage and pre and post babies' making costs?

And in so doing, doesn't one logically follows the other in making the environment more conducive for making babies and creating families? It is all about MONEY after all, isn't it?

In fact essential pre-requisites like housing for instance?

And Then, Dating (OO Maybe Even Pre-Marital Sex?) Pre-Dates Marriages Right?
Hence, FREE dating services, Free Condoms (?), Free contraception pills (?), FREE hotel bookings, FREE rooms and FREE pornography.

Guiness World Record For Most Freebies Handed Out To Pro-Families Creation?
That way, Singapore's babies will go back to its 1966 level where we once had the busiest baby-making machine entry in the Guiness World Of Record that year.



Women, now can you let moi go in peace? Have his little place, a nice hot hunky beau, maybe adopt a kid and drag him through the mud of a system that it is here?

P.S. I hope the administration doesn't go for broke though but doesn't look too likely with the kinda wealth they have amassed over the years, so PRESS ON PEOPLE.

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