Monday, June 30, 2008

Blood Season - Summer

One More Credit
Yes, I have to thank my orthodontist for his skilful and masterful orthodontic craft in bringing up to the front a recessed tooth and other alignment and straightening works.

I have told him that I will be very happy as long as my teeth are able to grow as closely and tightly as possible into the spaces where my four upper and lower canines have been extracted, the lower crooked teeth straightened as much as possible, I get to sport a set of pearly whites, something done to the gaping gap between my two front teeth and I get to take off my braces as quickly as possibly.

Will that be too much to ask?

Can Stem Cell Technology Do The Job?
Well can't it grow a body part and substitute for an artificial implant or organ transplant for that matter?

It is afterall a more natural process, growing a part of you from you and not from somebody else's or worse, using a synthetic replacement?

UnVoiding Void Decks
There is legitimately the fear of noise pollution and congestion of both space and humans.

Personally I wouldn't want one right below my block. The next block a few blocks down the road is ok with me. As long as it is not my block.

I want that space to sit, enjoy the breeze and sight, have some quiet time to think or relax and maybe a puff or two.

Murals, NSmen IPPT training (Oo, hot guys, drool), selective green projects (that do not invite pests to make their home), lounge areas (and not just for the elderly) to sit around and read (mags, books and newspapers are certainly welcome) and maybe drink and eat (of the refreshment kind) are fine.

The rest will just not go down well with most residents.

Certainly not storage facilities (seems like most unwanted items could be sold) nor indoor parking lots (wouldn't this make it look like a showroom for cars?) or even a toddler's playground (too small a space and that noise, don't we already have student care services or nursery/kindergarten schools running at these places)which will make it three tads too congested .

Blood Season - Let The Blood Letting Begin
We all know we have been reading and observing many utterances made by some of our leaders and that they just don't make sense.

I guess some rebuttal is in order.

$2.50 + $1.00 (One Way Trip At That) = $3.50= Price Of Lontong Sold At Some Food Courts (Air-Conditioned Some More And Usually Savoury Too)
Yes, meals can be had at $2.50 at certain places. If you happen to live, work or play near those places, guess what? It is your "LUCKY, LUCKY, LUCKY" day!

But if you don't you are not gonna pay transportational expenses (which happen to be at an all-time high now) to travel all the way down and purportedly spend less on food.

How ridiculous is that?

And it speaks nothing of the quantity or even quality of the food.

"Longkang" food anyone?

Moi Has To Visit The Hospitals, So Moi Knows How Much Cab Fares Have Shot Up
Have you noticed how cab fares have increased dramatically? And there is now even talk of a fuel surcharge.

Moi has noticed that. Short distances now usually means at least 5 bucks or more. Longer distances now shoots beyond the $10 mark.

And this happens only during off-peak.

Peak hours, what with the metered fare running, 35% of that metered fare, CBD and ERP charges, will see you hitting the 20 dollars mark and more.

Poke For Poke
Who pokes who first?

Examine all your policies and do some soul-searching.

We all usually go about minding our own business untill provoked or things happen (usually the doing of you and the Unholy Trinity).

Like moi. I would just wanna go on living in my own world like the rest of Singapore but what did the pigheads make moi do?

They put me out here to see a world they call "civilised, first world and advanced".

Then they wanna play God, judge, punish and decide what our lives should be and how we should turn out when they know their lives are not much better or happier.

These are the very same people who blow simple things out of proportion and make life a web of intrigue and endless political games for all, garnished with paranoia (isn't that the case with fat bloke Raymond?).

Fuck You!

Green Eyes
Everyone by now should know how unindigenous the Malay, Indian and Chinese communities here have become.

You will be surprised many of them are not even hailing from their native lands but from just across the Causeway.

Moi gets the funny feeling that our neighboring Chinese who have chosen to settle here are more than jealous of the native Chinese who also choose to make their home here. Primarily they know it is hot competition, be it looks, appearance or daring, maybe even the smarts or the skills. They know they can't measure up in some instances.

I don't hate the Chinese at all. The guys are really hot. Well, most of them are. I can't say the same for the womenfolk nor of any womenfolk for that matter.

The same goes for the Third Worlders.

Too bad there is just that BIG cultural bridge to cross - be it language, habits, traits, character and the kinda education and civics and moral schooling we get here.

As a Chinese businessman said : "Another generation perhaps?"

I don't think I will live to see it. In fact if anything should happen to me in the immediate future, I shall just take my life.

That I have planned for myself.

I Am Not Gonna Be At Anyone's Mercy - Their Whimps And Fancies
If you think you are gonna throw some witches, bimbs, wimps or blimps down my way by making me less self-reliant, you are gonna be terribly sorry.

Life is about independence and self-reliance. Otherwise it isn't worth living anymore.

That is something all parents must remember. Their kids have to be independent and self-reliant one day. They must prepare their kids to that end.

And it starts from a young age.

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