Saturday, June 14, 2008

These Are Just Some Examples Of Your Ridiculity And Slaps In Your Face

Board And Alight Only At Taxi-Stands Within The CBD But If No Taxis Drive Through, Then What? Wait For Eternity Or Place A Booking? If So, Then What Is A Taxi Stand For? What Preposterity?
Some months ago (and my research shows this is in December 2007), the transport authority announced measures that more taxi stands will be built in the CBD area so that cabbies will not pick up or alight passengers elsewhere other than at these designated spots.

In fact street hailing is strictly prohibited from 1st March onwards.

However the taxi-stand @Central is located in its basement within the car parking lot and hardly any cabbies wanna drive through that spiral down to a pick-up point. My last visit saw a sole lady passenger waiting at this stand and she had to book a cab anyway.

Booking of cabs at taxi-stands is usual on rainy days but if you have to do this on a normal day, then what is the point of a taxi-stand?

The taxi-stand behind Novena Square (yes, there is one at the front which is frquented), according to the security patrol, hardly sees any cabby driving through. So passengers normally have to hail from outside it.

What is the point again?

Every Singaporean Has Paid His/Her Dues - From Taxes To Bills To Donations To Contributions To Effort And To The Singapore Pool
Let our leaders get this straight into their heads.

Every Singaporean has paid his/her dues. From cradle to grave, nothing is free here. If not in the form of direct taxes, then in the way of indirect taxes like the GST.

If moi wanna asks for a refund of school fees from which moi is reserved a place in this university to transfer to another, the GST and administration fees are non-refundable. The GST works out to the tune of almost 400 bucks.

400 bucks just like that goes into the government coffers.

And every Singaporean has contributed to the building of Singapore.

Look at the kinda places that Singapore Pools have helped build over the years. The Esplanade, the Police Force and the Singapore Sports School.

Preachy Preachers - Scums Of The Earth
Like the Chinese Emperor who says the key to happiness is having less, only after he has everything and that includes a Hall of Mental Cultivation where he keeps a sizable wardrobe and collects other ornaments, it is simply bull.

You ask someone to live in a smaller space but you live in a bungalow. You ask someone to be resilient, but what resilience have you shown? You say to wait for natural evolution only after you have engineered so many others.

I say let us engage in a bout of muay thai and after you have withstood 10 blows without a flinch or a fend-off, hey, you live up to the name of "resilience".

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