Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Koreans Have Done It

Way To Go, SNEC
Once moi is more settled, moi is gonna write a complimentary email to the Singapore National Eye Centre, commending them on the excellent professional services they have served their patients, from the doctors right down to the nursing staff and the administrators.

Indeed it has done us proud in perhaps vying for a position as a medical hub.

I do notice however that a large proportion of the patronage are local. We the sons and daughters of Singapore.

Can We Assert Ourselves Here As Well
If A Simple Looked-Down Upon Breakdancing Culture Can Develop Into An International Fame, There is Hope For Us All
I got back late last night after the outing to watch the all Korean B-boys crew Last For One.

This morning I read their official website and I was amazed how these kids started off when they were like 15, pursuing their dreams of making it big in break-dancing despite abject poverty, sacrifices and rejection from their peers and families.

It astounds me how the Koreans have managed to catapult a much despised break-dancing culture and troop into international fame, capitalising on the talent, energy and verve of its very young proteges.

This is a lesson for us all.

The Koreans Have Surged Way Ahead Here
Our myopic focus on a very academic nature of education has blighted us to nurturing our own local talent in other areas like sports and the arts. And I mean local talents. In fact I have highlighted the hair, fashion and beauty industries as other developing sectors.

The Koreans have surged way ahead in developing their pop music, their film and now their break-dancing cultures internationally.

When I visited Seoul this February, I read about bunches of hair-dyed, breakdancing young Korean people hanging out at Itaewon, the mecca for its youth. I saw some on its metro but that was about it.

Where Do We Figure In All This?
So where are we? Why aren't we? Is it because we are mired in politics, money politics, mere talk and no action and precoccupied with foreign talent, overlooking our very own in the process?

There ought to be more soul-searching within ourselves if we want the answers and better co-ordination among the administrators if we are to kick off our creative arts industry.

No Longer An Asian Loop But A South-East Asian One - Decency And Morals But Hey, We Have Casinos, Gambling Dens, Topless Shows, Clubs And Brothels - So What Is The Difference?
Somehow it seems like we are no longer in the Asian loop but more in a SEA loop (remember the four tigers or four dragons moniker we used to be labelled with along with HongKong, Taiwan and Seoul?)

Does that mean we are losing touch with more developed or advanced technologies and know-how? In fact we aren't even in the league of fashion that the other three are in conjunction with Japan.

Like a Malaysian hair dresser commented the other time: :Why is Singapore so conservative (and I take it he doesn't mean loosening up on decency or morals when we already have casinos, bar-top dancing, topless shows, men's clubs and brothels galore) when it isn't even Moslem like we are?"

The Ball Is Now In Your Court, So Move It
Talking of which I remember a segment of last night's show where a Last For One B-Boy crew threw a baseball to a Caucasian in the audience. He looked a lot like a scientist or something. Maybe someone engaged in stem cell research?

It was symbolic in that it seemed to point to the fact that the ball is now in his court.

So move it!

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