Saturday, June 14, 2008

Spin Odyssey - B Boys (Last For One)

Save My Neck And My Upper Back Please
I just wanted to kick myself real hard in the face. Except that I couldn't of course. With that implant sitting tightly right inside the pupil of my eye, I daren't. In fact I have been warned not to stoop or lift heavy weights for some weeks to come.

I haven't been stretching, running or gymming and I just feel so lousy. With a stiff aching neck and upper back, I don't feel hunky, just sulky. I really wanna get back to my usual exercise routine. But with what I have scheduled for next week, it is gonna be a couple more weeks.

The wait will be worth it, I hope.

How Do You Feel Knowing An Implant Is Inside You?
My once cataracted but now operated eye makes me vulnerable. With an eye shield worn over it immediately post-operatively, I signal to the world that I have an ailment, so keep away. No balloons in my face. No shoving and pushing. No horse plays. No nothing.

Without it, like I did the first day after the op, nobody is the wiser. I look as normal as the next guy except maybe for the initial stumble, occasional glancing down and some slow unsteady steps. Was it the vision (yes certainly) but it was also in part the confidence and the psychology.

How do you feel knowing that an implant is inside your eye?

I pray the vision is more the undercorrection (undercorrection is always better than overcorrection, no?) which can easily be remedied with a new pair of glasses or contacts.

Or does moi really have to get used to the newly acquired vision?

Gays Are A Happy Hedonistic Bunch Of People? LOL
Contrary to popular belief that gays (we are not gay as in the sense of the word of being happy) lead a hedonistic life, I beg to differ.

Speaking for myself, I don't party and sex all the time, do drugs, get high on chem or has absolute peace of mind and no worries.

That is a myth that some anti-gay quarters of society must have planted in the minds of people.

As a gay, I live a miserable life. Secluded and isolated from the mainstream, almost living in the cloak of darkness and stealth, while trying to send out feelers for similarly oriented individuals and in my case mostly in the wrong sectors and always ready to deny our sexual identities, we are shunned and not talked about.

Non-existent and hated even.

We suffer the same tragedies in life as anyone else does. We feel the same pain, the same discrimination, the same love and hate. The same everything everyone feels, so how can we be hedonistic if the rest aren't hedonistic too?

So please do not mislabel us.

What "Kick In Your Face" Thingy Are You Talking About?
Wait you ask. What was it about the first thing I mentioned about kicking myself in the face? I will get back to you on this real soon.

Well with all that has been going on in my life - the endless moves, the cataract, the op, the nightmares, Liz, the China doll, the fat bloke Raymond, Wei Zhao, hey what do you want? An Oscar nominee listing?- I at least had a short 150minutes of happiness tonight.

Short yes and happy too.

I got to watch this hunky crew of mostly gymnastically and acrobatically muscled young men and boys (well almost all are young or boys and almost all are hunky and muscled but hey how do you expect moi to separate the real men from the boys in the space of a few words?)

Ok ok ok. I confess. I skipped the June page of Singapore Calendar Guys 2008. Go on, call me a racist if you want. Why don't you hunt down the sexists and ageists too?

Wait I wear a kimono at home now. Does that make me a kimonist too? Or is that anti-kimonist?
See What An Internet Connection In The Comfort Of Home Can Do? I Get To Switch Universities And Hopefully Get To Gawk At Prettier Boys? Maybe?
There you see. With an Internet connection at home and in the comfort and quiet of home, my blogs shine and I can do my research which accounts for my deciding to switch university except that I am not too sure if this new university will throw up better looking guys than the former. I will have to draw lots on this.

Hot Local Dudes At A Hot Foreign Show
My eyes first trained themselves on this HOT dude wearing a tight green tee. I knew him from the gym and here he was looking fitter, slimmer and sweller.

Then a retinue of other cute hot local young dudes sauntered past the queue outside the Recital Studio and into the studio afterwards.

Spin Odyssey - B Boys (Last For One)
The opening of the show saw two young dudes dressed in black warming up the audience. One was a young man who was to be in drags later (and he looked sexy either as a man or a woman) that cracked me up so much I hadn't laughed for a long time.

Once the show started, I gathered that the odyssey was about Apollo rewarding a victorious troop in the Trojan War with a ball and this adventure took them to a journey through Earth.

The crew was mainly a young one, some hunky, some muscled, most toned and fit and athletic.

The producer has cleverly woven sports like soccer, basketball, baseball and karate (maybe tae-kwon-do, maybe judo, hey I don't know) into the plot which the troop encounters with Earthlings.

These sporty acrobatic and gymnastic moves fit the all-male crew just right.

What follows was a dazzling display of swirls, twirls, hip-hops, hand-stands and youthful energy, vitality and verve.

I thought a set of 3 looked like brothers and yese, they do look like Peng, the hot Chinese tenant at Raymond's. Or is it Peng looking like them? And a set of 2 similarly looked connected.

I can't imagine myself performing all those stunts and that is why I didn't sign up for the workshop. With my implanted ocular condition now, I probably made the right decision.

In fact at one stage a performer was throwing out apples to the audience which got me a little worried that it should hit moi somewhere in the audience.

Towards the end of the show, I was surprised the stars began to be interactive. They ran up to the audience and did high fives. This was when a hunky handsome young male lead slapped palms with moi and I could feel his sweat. Whoa, so close and personal, exhilirating!

And this was when I wanted to kick myself over and over again.

When the show ended and the audience streamed out, the crew had lined themselves outside the exit. I felt the urge to go up and kiss each and every single one of the performer. Hug, embrace and maybe hook up a date?

But I didn't.

Then when the taxi queue got too long, I went back inside again and they were there again! Having a photo-shoot!

I had another stab at chance but I didn't bite the bait.

Fuck you Philip!

1 comment:

buff said...

You are never alone, stud. There are bloggers out there who share both your joy and your pain in being gay.

Resolve to say, FUCK IT, I'M QUEER and That's OK.

I find my self feeling great about being gay, because it has made me a more fully formed guy. I like the arts and rough and tough sports.
I like working out and working in, doing domestic stuff.

You are very gifted and talented, and never let a day go without reminding yourself of that.

Big hairy muscle hugs. You deserve it.