Sunday, June 29, 2008

The People Behind MedicaL Advances Count Too

I have credited laser and ultrasound technology as the kinda medical science that have helped mankind. 

In fact I will put down a couple more inventions like the computer and of course its respective operating systems, the Internet and electronic mails as other scientific and informational technological advances that have convenienced and helped mankind progress. 

Now let me credit the men and women behind these technological advances, the men and women who possess the skills and know-how to execute these advances without whom these technological advances ultimately fails.

The likes of eye surgeons who give the gift of sight and dermatologists who give the gift of our natural skin all over again.

These are truly the miracle workers and healers who make our lives significantly better and more meaningful to live for!

Now let us hope that medical science will progress even further! 

Stem cell technology that may perhaps one day grow our body parts naturally without resort to artificial implants that will add on healthy years to our lives.

That will certainly be the spirit of the Hippocratic oath!

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