Monday, June 09, 2008

Cataract Yesterday, Almost Perfect Eye Today

What The Heck Is PhacoEmulsification?
My cataract surgery has come and gone.

To be really precise and in exact medical lingo, it was a surgery termed phacoemulsification.

As far as I am concerned, an ultra-uber-advanced-minimally invasive technique of inserting an ultrasound probe, breaking up the opaqued lens and then aspirating it. A 10-15 minute, relatively painless (mild discomfort as the Singapore National Eye Centre's brochure touts it to be) procedure.

My cataract had worsened over a short 6-month period and I knew it had ripened and it was time.

In the days leading to the day of the op, I was agitated and nervous. I had taken to smoking again not because I haven't kicked the habit (it has been a full half a year now remember) but because I was bored, I had itchy fingers and I was under tremednous pressure (moving again after a living nightmare with an unhappy and intrigued family nucleus with the likes of Liz, fat bloke Raymond, his China doll and kid)

To ease my agitation, I shopped till I dropped. Mostly white or black trunky boxers painted in Calvin Klein and Renoma brand names.

Post PhacoEmulsification
It has been almost 10 days now since my surgery. The shading effect of a bright white hue in my good eye contrasted with a gloomy yellow in the cataracted eye on the first day after the op was very, very, very pronunced. This is because of the UV protective nature of the new intraocular implant which has a blue light filter.

This has now become a thing of the past while today, I have to cope with adjusting to what I perceive to be an imbalance between the two eyes which makes ocular orientation slightly skewed.

Two postulates here : (1) the new implant has been undercorrected a full 100 degrees maybe in anticipation of some future changes or for my presbyopian needs or (2) the artificial lens isn't doing its job as well as its former natural counterpart

Research Stem Cell Technology Here AssHoles!
I am beginning to feel like a cyborg and yes I will have to ask doc when I next consult her.

I am afraid ocular surgical techniques have advanced well ahead of intraocular implant technology. I am also fully aware of possible future ocular complications that can occur

In the meantime, lens implant technology has to do a quantum leap in researching better lenses like multifocals in enabling sharper and more focussed vision while all its attendant complications are minimised if not eliminated.

What I Have Learned From This!
You can't wait till your golden years to relish the freedom of economics or the freedom of time! You may not have the good health to enjoy it!

You have to do it today! While you are still young and you have the energy, the vitality and the youth to flaunt it!

I have suppressed myself enough the first half of my life. Due in part to my kinda upbringing! What a sheer waste really! Think: you have only one life, live well.

Live Today Because You May Not Be Able To Or Be Here Tomorrow!
Today, I told myself I have to look my best and youngest possible. That means personal grooming in fashion and looks like my hair. Yes, I am keeping it long forever. You can only do it once in your lifetime, so do it!

I am into Oakleys (and WOW, do they ever come in the most fashionable and best crafted frames and lenses with the right mix of color to boot), basketball jerseys and what have you to look my best!

I am gonna pursue that higher education if not to gawk at guys (sounds like it is gonna be an international pool so it better be good) or make firm friends then to frame and paste that meaningless piece of paper on the wall.

From what I read about its overseas university partner, it sits in very well with the kinda university I wanna be affiliated with (it offers sports science and a 26m pound sports building is coming up in 2010 - the kinda industry I hope to be in) and part of the country I wanna visit one day (castles galore, nature, beautiful sceneries and the biggest man-made lake in the world).

Yes I am gonna finally push for that gym bod! If it means steroids (hopefully it will have none of its purported side-effects) so be it!

And all those new places and parks coming up in Singapore! Those sports and adventure I wanna do and of course those countries I wanna visit!

Don't forget the kinda job I wanna pursue armed with a new found certification (silly and sad as that sounds as I believe education isn't about certification) because of the kinda industries I know I will soar in! Fashion, sports, product design, tourism, education/training and yes SEX and porn.

*Smiles and winks*

Right here and now and not tomorrow.

In the meantime, that elusive thing called love and a place of my own just seem unreachable!

Fuck you motherfuckers!

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