Saturday, June 14, 2008

More Of Your Ridiculities

Unto Thy Death Does My National Service Do I Part
As I said before, it isn't for the lack of stuff that I do not blog as often nowadays. In fact, every second and every minute there is an issue that crops up and I have just been bottling them up and keeping mom till I CAN'T SHUT MY MOUTH ANYMORE!

So here they are:

O, moi forgot National Service. And today, two of our own trainees have contributed their lives towards their National Service training for the nation.

Two young lives.

Landslide In Timbuktu, Charity Show In Singapore - You Fucking Nosey BusyBody
And yes, fund raising and the works. I say some overseas humanitarian work to help disaster victims is ok.

But to then start a charity show or fund here in Singapore (where the vast majority of us are just struggling by, going on bank loans, etc, etc) to elicit funds is just setting a precedent for every damn disaster that happens abroad that becomes Singapore's nosey business.

You are just spoiling the whole show. Let the business federations and the government who have strategic interests in these countries do the fund raising. It has nothing to do with the citizens.

Common Sense Dictates Less Strenuous And Shorter Field Training Hours During The Heatwave
In these days of the heatwave (and moi knows that the moment he steps out into the sun, he
feels the heat oppression so much, he just can't breathe as well), it makes better sense that physical training is shortened, suspended or made less exhausting.

So at the end of the day, what do Singaporeans get out of this? Nothing.

Let me illustrate:

A Matter Of Tuition Grant - Does This Favor Citizens Any Better Than Foreigners?
I think primary, secondary and junior college education still remain largely affordable unless these are the gifted, IP and IB programmed ones.

Not so for polytechnic and university education. Something more has to be done here to make them more affordable.

The tuition grant is open to both citizens and foreigners. So I don't see how citizens are treated better. Foreigners are tied down to some years of work here to work off this grant and that in fact means direct competition for jobs with our local graduates.

Do you see how wrong this is?

Who Looks After Moi's Dental HealthCare? You?
Moi's set of teeth has endured years of gum diseases, mouth ulceration, toothaches and extraction of the wisdom teeth with all its attendant pain that eats into my head sometimes and now leaves a wide-enough crack between my two front incisors.

Who Looks After My Eyes? You Again?
I am just so afraid of my operated eye now. Anything can go wrong. If it does, what happens?

Who Looks After My Back? You ? Or You?
What if my lumbar compression comes back to haunt moi? What happens then?

The hairdressing, hair-brow and beauty/slimming businesses are dominated in a large part by our neighboring country.

I don't see a single shred of up-to-date skill (either the technology or tools are non-existent or it hasn't arrived here yet only because our "talents' aren't schooled in them) anywhere here.

A bunch of con-artists who just wanna offload their products which just in most cases do not do the job they claim to do at all. Like my hair revitalising gel or the face mask.

I think our food tourism is gonna suffer if that huge eatery of a place just across from the National Library is just serving up junk at bloated prices. It is a touristy place and tourists are gonna go away thinking Singapore food is like that.

There has to be more food control in terms of quality especially when food establishments are within touristy places.

Paying More For Better Nutrition, Products And Services
I don't see it. If the room I am leasing is a newly renovated fully furnished spacious one located within an upgraded precinct maybe. In most cases it is the same run-down places that have their prices jacked up.

Bush, let moi know what other nutritious products one is getting today that he isn't already getting yesterday. Your sperm protein?

Again, they are the same old products selling at inflated prices.

You Have Earned Enough Dudes - Pay Up
For all their worth our top leaders are feeding themselves off Singapore and living as multi-millionaires here in our midst.

It is only right that they who have suceeded through the system that they established in the first place that they should be giving back to society.

Not the rest of us.

Don't Live Life Too Old - Kill Yourself First
I have budgeted my life till 60 or 65. I have no wish to be living past 70, let alone 80 or 85.

Probably top corporate and political leaders would. After all, they are sought after and they are kept on their feet by the challenging, fulfilling and remuneratively lucrative jobs they have created for themselves.

Not so the lowly worker like menial laborers or a humble civil servant for example.

In any case, to totter around at that age, to be in bad health and not have anyone look at you anymore save another similar oldie (O God, who wants another fellow oldie or some sluts or cheapo gold-digger for christ sake) just isn't worth living anymore.

I will just kill myself.


Post Script : I See Them Almost EveryWhere I Go And The Kinda Side Look They Give Moi Or The Pretence Or The Act Of Innocence
If you think moi is dumb and blind, think three times. I know who your people are planted in my midst.

I can smell them out.

Period again.

I Am Not Benefitting Any From Suggestions To Improving Life Here
For all the improvements that I have blogged about seeing happen here in Singapore, I am not even a beneficiary. Not of the education system, not of owning my own place, not even of waterfront living.

But the rest of Singapore is.

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