Monday, July 30, 2007


I Can't Take This
I am as sick as a kitten. It all started a few days ago. The moment I ate into the container full of mee goreng sprinkled with hot chilli and oil, I knew my throat began to flame up and itch.

What more with durian pancakes, prawn fritters fried in deep oil and cold drinks the last couple of weeks and the climatic change from hot to wet and then to hot again.

The stuffy room and the overall bad fengshui of the whole darn place must have surely added on to a poly-trigger of a flu, cold, cough, bodyache (that includes back ache), headache and fever.

To add to my woes, I am on a room hunt and here you have Galen, chasing moi off by the 30th even though we agreed to the 31st.

I am so mad I wanted to pee on someone's bag.

Searching For A Cure
I spent Saturday night, after viewing a room (enduring all the pain and aches and headaches), at home with a terrible headache and fever and aches all over me.

The next day, I shopped for Panadol Extra, Woods Peppermint Cure cough drops, downed a Rhinocerous brand cooling water, fed myself spoonfuls of Duro-Tuss and rested the whole day. I ate nothing save for some buns and hot milo in the morning.

Today I still had no appetite but forced myself to eat fried fish soup rice and a meal of toasted bread, eggs and hot milo. I bought two cartons of 12 bottles of birdnest ginseng and white fungus at $18 and walloped that off in no time.

Back at my old place the last time, I used to brew whitefungus which is supposed to be good for the lungs.

Unpacked And Unready But Moving House Anyway
By tonight, I should be signing the papers for a new room in the same estate and shifting out by tomorrow.

I haven't packed yet because the Indian dude and his mother who own the mama shop hasn't provided me with the cartons though I requested this two weeks ago.

But I have already arranged for a mover.

MaMa Mia
Now this mama shop owner I have patronised very often. I don't think I spent peanuts each time I buy from him.

Even if I were to relate my woes to him, I know he isn't listening and he doesn't understand. He is too pre-occupied with the business and watching Tamil/Hindi movies on his small-screen TV at his shop.

Worse, he is a mama's boy who still lives with his mother.

Just like Galen who has his mum coming in to clean his room, pick up his clothes to wash at her house (most likely handwash) and cleaning out the mess he creates in the kitchen (leaving behind his unfinished drinking cups in the sink for one).

Like his mother, Mr MaMa shop may be viewing moi with suspicion. I had on one or two occasions, after finishing a run and carrying no cash on me (as my shorts do not afford any pockets for notes or coins) , requested to buy drinks from him first and paying him later. It was an immediate payment anyway.

Run straight back home, take cash and then run down again to pay him

Well that is how life is like. People like these small business owners are so scared of you if they think you can't pay them.

There Are ABC WaterLife Plans Afoot Here, It Appears
Remember what I blog about the last time. The pure wastage of an enjoyment of the waters and greens of Lower Seletar. Well, today when I visited PUB's webby, there are plans to inject ABC waterlife here.

When and what exactly, it doesn't say.

ReTurf This And Rightly So
It is true the astroturf at this particular stadium is algaeing for some reasons. That makes it slippery slopy and so plans to refurbish it is certainly appropriate.

Some Development Ideas
One way to control soil, twigs and dead leaves and what-nots from being washed up on footpaths or to litter the places we live near to, is to have parks and gardens in designated control areas.

Like a belt of park or garden separated by some distance before we build residences. I don't think trees and shrubs can mingle with life so closely.

Remember my vision of residences is just a precinct of 5 towers and each precinct has a controlled belt of park or garden.

When we speak of good layout and design for flats, we speak of bedrooms clustered at one place, away from kitchens or the hallway entrance. Proportionate space for bedrooms and living areas. Distinct areas for washing and drying, away from fumy kitchens. Full length windows to let in air, light and breeze. Less concrete. Privcay can be afforded by tinting windows or putting up blinds lor curtains.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Evening Movie

Black Sheep - The Movie
A New Zealand production (a nice change from the usual Hollywood mill) that seizes upon every chance to show off the many beautiful lakes and greens that the country has. The accent is a bit strange to hear though since we are so used to American, British or local films.

The story has strong undertones of science gone wrong, perhaps alerting us to possible dangers of cloning sheep like Dolly.

It also turns the table on man where he gets a dose of his own medicine when he is horrifyingly turned into a chimera cross between a Man and a sheep - a SheepMan? - when the genetically altered sheep revolt and bite back.

It also confirms what I have said all along. That sheep do not "baa' but "meh". All the sounds they make are just that.

There are many blood-spilling scenes, making the movie one BIG GORY and GUT-SPLITTING mayhem. There were more than hilarious moments such as a sheep driving a truck off a cliff and when a SheepMan starts shearing itself.

Two important lessons to draw from the movie. One, it shows how much of a danger Man can pose to himself and nature and two, that Man should perhaps just leave nature alone and not tamper with it.

And yes, I got another complimentary movie ticket which I think I will put to use watching either "Harry Potter" or "The Simpsons".

Two Is Company
Now that Chris wanna join me for a room-stay, I am not quite sure how that changes the equation of a room-hunt. First, price will certainly go up for two persons and second, I am not too sure if landlords are as accomodating.

It is good to have company however, and Chris and I are no strangers. We have met before although he may have forgotten.

My Other Gay Brethren
Ok, as in any kinda population group, there are of course subgroups. I have mentioned two.

Don't forget the effeminate kind, the ones who are most likely taunted in schools no end for their lack of athletic abilities and their outwardly female appearances and behavior.

Poor souls, what about them? Are you also gonna drive them to their deathbeds too? Haven't they suffered enough and what if they rebel too, as they surely are paying back what they got before.

A Comparative Study Of Housing Locations
I am fixed on the locale of my abode partly because of the kinda funds I think I am gonna end up with and partly because this place has a better layout of its apartment blocks and nearer tranquil waters, greens, amenities and sporting facilities.

Although it hasn't got the kinda facility for long walks around its waters and greens yet, I am crossing my fingers that our Parks people will get round to installing one and fast.

The only set-back is the kinda long journey most buses are routed to go anywhere.

Where I am now, it is a transportational hub but the layout of the apartment blocks leave much to be desired. So closely packed together and certainly no place for long walks around waters and greens.

So sad! It doesn't even has a stadium of its own for christ's sake.

The estate near the mini-ECP hasn't got 3 roomers. Transportational convenience is only just. But it has about everything else though.

What a pity!

What Are We Really Made Of
So what is it that makes up our culture here. I mean the kinda speech and language and behavior we exhibit.

I think the way we talk seriously lack content or depth. It just scratches the surface and yes, there are many false assumptions and wrong conclusions we always lead ourselves into. In fact we have a very standard cliche that seems to emanate only from ONE SOURCE.

I am not sure if schools or the media, what with its oppressive regime, its "rules and regulations" (if they are at all reasonable), its national exhortation, dissection of world events and its portrayal of characters on TV has created this.

Certainly, it has reinforced certain stereotypes and typify ONE PERSPECTIVE on life and the world. And bred enough rebelliousness, resentment, hostility and so on.

Seriously I think we have very little EQ, not to mention just so-so IQ. People know only as much as they need to know and within their own circle of their living. Period.

And we do seem to have very little motor control of ourselves or awareness of our environs and of people around us too, it appears. Very very self-absorbed.

And I am not speaking of the very old, the very young or the disabled.

Strange bedfellas these species they call Singaporeans! But perhaps they are not us in the first place. Hey I can't tell sometimes and I won't know either until they open their mouths.

And perhaps the oustiders (the foreigners and permanent residents and naturalised citizens) can see us right through for who we are. They may have a different take on things here. I don't know again.

Sigh, what can I say? Life stinks?

Yea, Let Us All Pray For Me And The World
Of course I appreciate the little prayer offered on moi's behalf.

But let me offer my take on all these gathering of prayer groups at home. Sure, it lifts my spirit up somewhat with the hymn-singing, hymn-praising, the slaying and swooning of spirits and the babble of tongues (thie last two I am not sure, it is kinda scary for moi)

But once this is all over, it does nothing for my human problems which need a human solution.

I will find it more valuable if I talk out my problems and someone offers helpful advice borne out of experience and helps me find a solution.

What do you think?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Heat Is On And Off Again

Despite Mantaining Or Lowering Labor Costs, Why Is The Price Of Everything Still Increasing?Strange how in spite of cheaper labour costs with foreign imports that everything else is still increasing in price.

You should look at the staff working here at this fast-food restaurant. Almost all are Malaysian Indians. What about the endless stream of foreigners cutting grasses (whatever purposes these grasslands serve, that is)?

What does this say?

Different Segments Of The Gay Population Need Different Addresses
Wait. I am only speaking about one segment of my fellow gay brethren. The naughty and rebellious ones who prolly will turn straight or bi but with their innate qualities intact.

What about those who have gone off the trolley? These are my gay brethren whom I have to speak up for. The ones who are really hiding in real fear and who cannot express their sexuality.
The ones who have gone mad.

What about them? Haven't you pushed them enough, right almost to their brink of deaths?

Of Returning Like For Like
I chatted with two dudes just recently. The chit-chat ran along the lines of serving in the service industry.

I talked about that sales assistant (most likely the sales supervisor) who works at the gay fashion house and who overcharged moi 20 bucks.

Now this is gonna be a long story so bear with me.

Sexual Cronyism?
My reasons for thinking he is the supervisor is because he seems to have served the longest while the rest just come and go. He is cute, hunky and good-looking.

Maybe he got to where he is by cronyism in return for some sexual favors, hey, I dont really know.

What I am very sure is that the other colleague of his whom I have seen a few times at first and now seems to have vanished into thin air (maybe he is now headquartered because he got promoted) was someone I had a tryst with.

Sexual Pettiness
He bj moi, didn't ask for anything in return and when we met a second time, he wasn't happy. So I asked why he didn't ask me in the first place and promptly returned him his favour. What pettiness, I thought!

I mean I have bj and done countless other sexual favors for others without asking for anything in return . Just as some have done for me and didn't ask anything in return.

I mean it is just all in the heat of the moment thingy and what grabs us to do what for each other. Not keeping score who has done what.

Pure Attitude
Anyway maybe this ex-CJC dude told this hunk about me or spread some untruths or half-truths about me, I am not sure.

A Culture Of Cannot Ask Questions, Seems Like This Started With Schools (Cannot Ask Questions And Cannot Talk Back)
This hunk is pretty attitudinal and you can't seem to ask any question about the products.

In fact, he wasn't happy and denied it when I confronted him about the shortchange but duly refunded moi the $20 when he realised it was true.

Customers Just Wanna Buy That Thingy, Not Pick A Fight With Anyone, Geddit?
Chris put it rightly that customers just wanna buy a service or product because they need it, they like it or they desire it.

They are not there to pick a fight with anyone, pure and simple.

I mean if I am told to collect my altered pair of jeans and when I do and it is the wrong pair, of course I am anxious and if the sales staff didn't call as promised to tell me what the hell is going on, I will certainly call back to check.

The same goes for a membership or discount card that didn't reach me after 2 months despite explicit written instructions to mail it to my correspondence address and not to my residence.

Of course I will check back on the status of this card and if I personally visit the outlet and the sales staff said he will call me after investigating but didn't after a couple of days, I will have to check back again.

Pure and simple.

It is all about communicating what is going on so customers know what is going on. Pure and simple.

Oo You Can't Take The Heat?
Once again let me reiterate. I will just blog about everything and if you think it is true, you can quietly go about changing things.

If that isn't you or it that I am blogging about, then it isn't. If it is, then you and it are just what I am blogging about.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What A Night It Has Been

Open Up A Close Society
Let me elaborate more on the open and close society thingy I mentioned the other time.

It isn't about loosening our morals at all. It is about helping anyone (straight or gay) find avenues for building relationships, maintaining the relationship and leading the relationship into something larger and more meaningful - like marriage or permanent coupling.

It means more open communication and above all, rethinking and redrawing policies which have no good reason to exist. Because of all those half-baked and non-sensical policies, problems arise.

One obvious example is the issue of homosexuality. By not recognising this and giving a legitimate place and face to homosexuals, we are forced underground with a slew of consequences for society and for ourselves.

We are like in hiding. We can't be open in our relationship because society is conditioned to frown on this and gays in school are teased no end (I just witnessed one case of a school boy being taunted as sissy) anf maybe eveb forced to conform.

Because gays cannot pursue their natural inclination, they feel oppressed and the lesser ones, turn bi with SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS for their families and their gay side-kicks.

They are essentially the same rebellious people even if they marry. No change, except they now hide under the cloak of a marriage and more clandestine activities, repression, langer, lies and deceit follow. And frustration if their marriages fail or they have unfulfilling relationships within the marriage.

It is like restricting society on a whole slew of stuff (when this does not make sense), only to turn them rebellious and to be ostracised. It goes underground and surfaces elsewhere. The problem doesn't go away.

That is what I meant when I mentioned that gays could be behind most gang activities (not so much the criminal kind but more the rowdy, taunting and pranking kind).

Room Agent Shit
I still remember the agents who bring in tenants to my old place.

Those fucking agents who bring in all those lousy fucks despite my telling them the kind I want.

There was this Janet who wilfully bring in blue-collared foreigners and try to commit a thousand mischief. Now there is also this agent Janet right now whom I contacted through the classifieds. Sounds a lot like her.

Fuck you BITCH!

Most importantly, these are just landlords or fellow-tenants or tenants. They are NOT MY BEAUX. If it is my beau, I live with it.


Fat Sissy Fart
I just finished my viewing of the room and I am now at Mcdonalds.

The location is fine but the whole place stinks. The owner is fat and obnoxious and his pet dog stinks. In fact the whole place does. Wait till you see his toilet. I don't even think he is local though he claims he is.

We were asking him about the air-conditioner but he went on to yak about the internet access. Simple lack of listening skills.

I am passing this up.

Another Foreign Gay Slut
As another form of revenge on this dude who wanna rent out his room (he turned moi down based on age) , I text him to tell him that I have a younger cousin from Taiwan aged 16 who may be interested.

I immediately drew a response asking for more details in double quick time.

I asked for his and lo and behold, he is a Malaysian aged 20 studying at a university here. He is cooped up with 5 others, 4 Filipinos and 1 Parisian. He claims to be attached, which I suspect is to throw people off, and mind you, it is sharing a double deck bed in his room.

I claimed my cousin is bisexual and has a girlfriend and that he doesn't like sissy gays. I asked if he could bring in his gf to visit, stay over and have sex in the room.

Now I know all his answers that he doesn't mind is just a lie. He will prolly want to be fucked himself.

Then I drop the bombshell - he looks like a sissy fart (and this is true from his profile on the gay website) and my cousin is not interested.

TADA, life's sweetest revenge.

A Scorpion Among A Brood Of Chicks
As I told an old auntie the other time, I suspect that the immigration must be seriously myopic and perhaps intentionally so to bring in all these kinda thrash into our doors.

Thrash to cause havoc and upheaval among the people so that we quarrel among ourselves.

That must be their EVIL intention.

Don't Test Me On This - You Show Me Then
Look let me repeat this just in case you didn't get it.

Being friend with someone of a different nationality and living under the roof with one are two entirely different things altogether.

There are always issues of cultural, lifestyle, religious, food and language differences. Even if it is someone of the same nationality, there are still differences in habits, personality and lifestyle.

I remember the Black Queen was always speaking so loudly in her native tongue over the telephone with her relatives calling in from overseas. It is really disconcerting , first because of the intensity of the chat and second, the totally alien language.

If you can, then it is just your personals right? Nobody cares. Don't expect everyone to folow suit.

Gay Fashion House's Hubris
The gay fashion house hasn't issued me my membership cum discount card yet. It has been two months already.

I have given them my residential address (because the particulars form required it) and explicitly told them not to mail there but to mail to my correspondence address. I wrote this at the top of the form and boxed it.

So last Sunday I told this dude if he could arrange for me to pick it up at their outlet. He got my contact and promised to call but didn't.

Today, I went back to the same outlet and met another guy. He told me they can't arrange for self-collection so I told him to mail the card to my office address. AGAIN.

Non Service Call
Just like the pair of jeans I bought and needed it altered. I arrange to pick it up once it is ready. Someone called to say it is. I go down but it was the wrong pair. The counter dude promised to call me to inform me of what had happened but he didnt.

I had to call the next day and the counter gall promised me she would call once it is REALLY ready.

A PI's Office
Dont ask me why I had ever been in a PI's office, a very well-known one at that.

You should see the kinda spies who work for him. Really good undercover agents, mostly looking like the shabbily dressed uncles we all know and recognise.

And the clientele. A photograph of rich-tais tais (and I recognised one) who must have engaged him for various reasons, one of which must be to sleuth on cheating husbands.

I May Be Desperate But I Am Not That Desperate Ok

You Walk In And Swear Words Start Rolling, Scram You GangSta
Remember that Mcdonalds I spoke fondly of the last time. Well yesterday a groupie of Peicai students walked in.

At first they were laughing and joking and singing. I was watching the group dynamics and I could have sworn that they were gays. Then it got violent with back slapping and that was when I walked out.

When I returned, the whole group had a talk-down with a rival group who must be admonishing them for their rowdy behavior, right outside the restaurant.

Hope nobody gets into a parang fight

And guess what, this confirms some things I have been thinking. Gays are the trouble-makers. In gangs or in whatever.

I know the psychology. But I can't help you because the government isn't. I am part of you but at least I don't go round making trouble for other gays or whoever.

More Property Issues
Look, once I finally buy my own place, I ain't budging one inch unless there are compelling circumstances to sell or to move. So the twin issues of locale tied to future capital appreciation do not occur.

Measures To Curb Property Speculation
Today there were three measures mentioned which might be implemented to curb property speculation.

One of which I am deadset against - that of a capital gains tax.

Another I am just 50-50 in concurrence - that of taking away the deferred payment.

If I am finished with my investment this time round, I won't anymore but if I ain't, then this will kill off any potential hope for another round.

I totally concur with lowering the loan quantum so that purchasers have to fork out more cash.

This Simply Can't Go Wrong, I Thought
And my stand on my outstanding property investment still holds.

First, it is that corner tower which my corner unit has an unobstructed view of the sea and the skyline. Remember I can see it from the beach so it must be able to see me too from where it is. Second, there is that balcony which overlook the view. And third, it is a 3+1 totalling 131sqm. Really big and spacious.

Add these to the prime location and all the amenities and transportational services.

Returning You Your Disgusting Offer
Yesterday, just to return like for like, I text the Malaysian PR slut.

I told him I don't mind lying beside him in bed and sharing his room with him. If he doesn't mind that I had been admitted into Woodbridge Hospital for a year and jailed for 6 months for stabbing someone.

Then I added some gory details. I stabbed the dude in his butt after we quarrelled and had fucked him.

He text the next morning to say that the room has been taken.

The Vagaries Of A Back Pain
Sometimes I am plagued by back pains. At other times I am not. This is another vagary of life I now have to deal with. I have stopped gymming for some time and have decided to do it twice instead of three times a week.

I mean I must have twitched a nerve or something because I kept having this knot in my head and it didn't go away until now. My runs seem to have helped untwitch or unwind the jangle.

Playing Devil's Advocate And Please You Ain't A Saintly God
In fact, if I wanna play devil's advocate, maybe someone engineered my fall the last time.

And again I can pretty much guess who - as if this person is a saintly god who can do no wrong and wanna "punish" others without taking a good long look at himself.

Look, I am not that blind. I have noticed who is who that circle round my small world. I have bumped into people who I recognised to be former university classmates or jc-mates or someone from my past life.

Moving To Eastern Singapore - Sounds Like A Bliss
I am pretty much looking forward to my shift. If everything goes well, I may just move to the east - near the beach and a host of other water sports and sporting facilities nearby.

At least for the half year before I finally buy up my own place.

The Opposite
It is strange that the air-conditioner is only turned on at night when certainly, by comparison , it is much cooler.

I think we need it most in the day when it is hotter.

And yes, I may be desperate but that part about joining the PAP is a joke. Over my dead body.

Make It Even More Efficient
Efficiency my foot. I have found how the education, sports and housing authorities always never have updated info on their websites.

Like there were no news about upcoming new sport facilities and new ones are not listed. Just like the list of private schools always has schools that have moved or closed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


It has been more than an eventful week. One blog like this cannot even begin to cover all that has happened. Not even if I were to pen a few blogs. I will try nevertheless.

Whoever You Are, Show Yourself - I Dare You
I am not joking. That night after I bought a couple of stuff at the mama-shop and was headed home for Galen's apartment block, I could see a light in the hallway.

That has never happened before. That means he was actually sitting on the couch in the living room and watching television.

Then as if he was informed of my "homecoming", the windows and door were suddenly thrown open. And yes, he was doing exactly what I imagined he would.

He wanted to pick a fight wth moi (so we had a few screams but on introspection, it was silly and hilarious) and that was the night he broke the news to moi that he is terminating the "lease".

All I want to know is who the mastermind behind the spate of incidents is though I could guess.

Lucky 8 - A Quest For A Room And The Foreigners (Which Include Residents Or Naturalised Citizens) I Meet
I met this family of four. The dude, who is an overseas uni student, was really cute but hey, I suppose if I refer to the mom , who is prolly my age, as "auntie", she took offence and wouldn't want moi for an in-law?

And who knows and cares if he is gay or not. Ok, so I readily admit to going wobbly in the knees at the sight of him BUT WHAT CAN MOI DO? Kneel and beg the hunk that I wanna sleep with him? And I wasn't thinking when he offered his card and I didn't take it.

Sure,I can always go back there but HEY, MOI is not so unethical.

Anyway it is a utility backroom and exceptionally small that I don't think a single bed or two-door wardrobe can even fit in. Seriously, since this is at the back of the kitchen, shouldn't it be an extension of the kitchen itself or just used as a washing or laundry drying area?

But I have to think twice about the lift upgrading that is going on, just as I need to for the other place I viewed.

This time, it is a Taiwanese turned Singapore citizen. The whole place was undergoing the same kinda upgrading. I came by twice in fact because at the first appointment, we both just didn't get to meet and my mobile phone went flat.

But I talked to a China grandma from Hubei province who is here to nanny her granddaughter, the offspring of a local dude and a China gall.

She was a real pleasure to talk to, more so than many of the local aunties I have spoken with. I find her much smarter, more communicative and sincere.

Her neighbor is a China couple who has a daughter nannied by a foreign domestic (oops, oxymoronic) maid.

Just last night, I visited the private condo of a Malaysian "engineer" turned PR. It was a 1+1 apartment and he was actually leasing out the study, an enclosed glassed area. Nothing there at all. It appears he has an Indonesian Chinese sleeping in his room and on his bed with him and when his "bf" swings by, this dude sleeps in the hallway. What a slut!

What all these tell me is that the foreigners or residents or naturalised citizens among us seem to be doing very well here in the short 7-10 years they stay here. They are either starting up some businesses of their own or owning properties like anyone of us is, only on much begtter terms at times.

Many are from well-off families, it seems. Not us poor locals.

Measures Of Last Resort
Find the hunk again and undercut the agent.

Or threaten Galen with squealing on him among his neighbors if he doesn't extend my stay. I am gonna tell the neighbors he doesn't give a cent to his mom and I intend to write my rental cheque in favor of Auntie Galen rather than in his name.

Or just move in with the Malaysian PR slut and make the sex orgy a foursome.

Look, if I am desperate enough, I may join the PAP.

I Wanna Do More But I Can't On That Kinda Subsistence
When Jeffrey called the other day and told me about my property investment value, I was happy and sad at the same time. I mean with that kinda money, I can only think about myself.

That is just what it is enough for.

I can't, on that kinda value, provide for my mute sister. Nor could I help out my siblings in other ways.

It will be just enough for a modest 3 room HDB flat (a location on which I am more or less fixed on) and perhaps for a small enterprise. Nothing much else. Pure simple frugal living. Sports, long walks in the nature reserves and helping out with one group of the disadvantaged.

How My Investments Have Held Out So Far
I have cashed out my single country investment fund. I can't hold so long and I do need the money now. So I made a loss of about 1K. Big deal. Didn't the government lose something like tens or even hundreds of millions? Brave souls, dudes.

Too bad I cashed out early on the rest which have skyrocketed in prices. No point crying over spilt milk now.

I can only hope for my stock and property investments to reap me the gains I need.

Hey I took a walk along the beach the other day and there in the distance was my investment property staring me right in the face. If I can see it here, I am sure it can see me there too.

That means it has an excellent beachfront view of blue waters, white sands and beautiful greens. What with more than a fair share of good amenities and transportational services nearby.

I am pretty sure it can fetch better than excellent prices.

With the hefty increase in development charges and another round rumored to come on soon, I am more than sure supply will hold steady and there may even be a mini-crunch, thus creating demand for this part of waterfront living.

At least for the short term.

Part Of My La La Land Dreams
You won' believe this but you must.

Part of my dreams when I was living in La La Land was to own a huge mansion with other equally huge mansions alongside moi's, my siblings and parents(now deceased) living in them.

All of us would be driving BIG CARS and living together as one HUGE BIG "HAPPY" (if that is ever possible for any family at all) family.

Doesn't seem like this is gonna happen soon.

Build Some Board Walks Here As You Are Gonna Do For Punggol
Speaking of long walks, the Lower Seletar Reservoir has such large bodies of beautiful greens and waters, it is pitiable it hasn't got walk boards looping round it for traispers like myself. It makes for a beautiful view of sunrise and sunset, not to mention the tranquil and scenic views.

It is here that the Sembawang AirBase and Seletar Airport are. No wonder there are all these aircrafts, both military and civilian, hovering and droning about. In fact, I was treated to a display of parachuters parachuting near the Bottle Tree Park the other day.

It is also here that the Orchid, Seletar and Sembawang Country Clubs are, each within a stone's throw of one another, eating into the green areas for nature lovers like me.

Much like the Marina Country Club is eating into the East Coast Park or The Belvedere the Katong Park or the Singapore Island Country Club the Macritchie Reservoir. Always some golf clubs over-shadowing nature parks.

And yes, when I read the sign boards outlining the history of the whole place, I was utterly aghast that the beach villas of the 30s (which were truly built over the waters and near the waters) were wiped out by the 70s.

There was even that bay that was fenced in (thus warding off the strong currents) which provided swimmers natural waters for their sports or just to take a dip in

If board walks are built here, they will open up recreational spaces for nature lovers to take advantage of the natural surrounds.

P.S: I am so sorry if I have been using the government as a whipping boy for all the issues that have cropped up. That is the only way to survive the community hounding you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I Am Out On Orchard Road

Statistical Count
I am on yet another quest for a room.

Just to recount, this will be my BIG EIGHT. I have lived with 5 gaylords (all problematic sissies or macho marys) and 2 families. One of the families has a gay dude and the other women, especially older women and a foreign woman.

So I guess that is indeed the truth: the UNHOLY TRINITY (wimps, blimps and bimbs)

To put into perspective what my dispute/s with Galen are, here are just some of them. I will also return to the kinda office hours Yvonne keeps later on.

Oh, This Is So Wrong Man!
Auntie Galen had mentioned about turning on the lights late at night in the kitchen.

Oh yea, I do admit to that. Sometimes when I get back home late and as I need to go out earlier in the morning the next day, I would do my washing at night. So I do turn on the light in the kitchen. Nobody gets affected unless she is from across her block that is.

And the dining area between the hallway and kitchen has a raised platform. Imagine what can happen in the dark. I can just kick it and trip.

The fish tank is in Galen's room so I see no reason why he should wash it in the common toilet.

It seems I am financing the lifestyle of him and his whoever (two dudes, mind you) and he goes for weekend trips like the last week. Though Auntie Galen will defend this as a company treat. So I asked if that dude was his colleague but she kept mum.

My rent is like extra pocket money for him, I guess. And Auntie Galen will point out he works 12-hour days. Who knows where he goes and what he does in those casual work clothes. Is he even really working?

The Bitch Whore I Can Be And That Is Because Of The Environment
I enjoy bitching these days, a skill I picked up working and living with gays and women. So I actually went round to speak with the neighbors.

Seems like beneath the calm and quiet of the neighborhood, there are real strong undercurrents of small disputes amongst the neighbors.

The old couple with a daughter is not on good terms with the younger couple with their son , it appears. They had quarrelled over mosquitoes breeding in their flower pots, leading to complaints and a fine for the offending neighbor.

And the old lady actually accuses the younger woman of working as a prostitute. And she doesn't like Auntie Galen either.

I think I got the best support from Danny, the son of the other old lady. I brought him inside the house, showed him the flaks from the washer and the drainport and so on. He would be my best witness and we have exchanged contacts.

What a neighblorhood, it seems!

A 5-Hour Day Or Less Or None At All
Yvonne keeps office hours like 9.30am till 12.00pm. Then it is lunch before the afternoon work resumes from 2.30pm till 5pm.

She hardly ever starts at 9.30am (it is almost always 10am or later) and sometimes it is a half day off and she comes in only after lunch. She also comes in late after lunch like 3.00pm and knocks off early at 4.30pm.

She is in her sixties, almost retired and I guess she doesn't need the money and this is just like killing time for some pocket money. She must be substantially well-off to afford this.

My New Quest For A Room
A gay and old civil servant who works in the lower courts. A paralegal. What in the old days would be just a legal clerk.

Can be quite hubrous. When I asked if he could offset the deposit against the last month's rental (should either terminates the tenancy), he said there is no such thing and he knows because he works in the courts.

This is like all those young grads who follow the rules strictly and can't be flexible.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Look What My Rest Day Turns Up

Look What Men's Folio Has This Two Months
You should read the current edition of Men's Folio. There is now something called a Mandarin Collar Society which advocates mandarin collars as a kinda formal wear instead of the usual tie.

I thought this is such a swell idea and that formal attire could be further loosened up by just putting on a blazer, vest or jacket rather than a suit.

In this bi-monthly issue, there is also a feature on two newest mega shopping malls that are coming up in KL. It sounds really exciting and there is gonna be a park integrated within one of the malls.

They have also brought in new and exciting brands, not just the regular brands we are so accustomed to.

Basically it just boils down to the whole concept of shopping, dining, sports, leisure and entertainment, all under one roof.

Harvesting The Fruits At Bottle Tree Park
My second trip to the Bottle Tree Park today sees some contractors harvesting the fruits. This is really good. They should. I mean I spent tens of dollars in just one week buying up those fresh fruits from the supermarket. And here are some of the juiciest and bestest of our own home-grown products laying to waste.

But students and teachers of the English language will find the notices pasted on the wooden pillars holding up the attap shelters a minefield for grammatical errors. These are notices which are rules and regulations for anglers angling at the fish ponds.

I mean you can see all kinds of diffferent plural/singular form misuse, misagreement of verbs and subjects, non-punctuation when it is necessary and wrong usage of words (heal when it should be heed).

Excellent teaching and learning tool.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nancy Drew Will Not Return Temporarily

Why You So Liddat?
As you all know, I am currently stuck with ONE HUGE BAD INVESTMENT. It is funny how I cashed out on the rest too early of which 1 or 2 were doing superbly well, their prices having skyrocketed to record highs in recent times.

The reason is simple: This single country fund shrank from day 1 and I did not wanna cash out in the hope its price will rise again to breakeven or even higher. But now I am not too sure if I should cut losses before it loses even more steam. And I do need the money now.

Perhaps the fund should now be renamed a plateaued or shrinking fund instead so potential investors know what they are really buying into and renamed again when its status changes accordingly?

To top it all, it is now a single pricing. No more a buy and sell price. That effectively means that I lose out as the sell price is always lower while the buy price is always higher. I end up with a lower price at the end of the day as I am at a sell position and I have bought into it at a higher price.

This isn't fair at all.

Add This To The Menu Of Real Education For The Real World
What about "Do rats climb up the sewage pipes and enter our flats' bathrooms while risking themselves being flushed away?"

Does it make sense that traditional chinese medical halls also sell ciggies?

Hoot ah, isn't real education fun?

Half A Million Is No Small Sum For A 5 roomer
I am so sorry I have to dispute the official statement that public housing are still affordable and the one substantiation put up was that buyers typically fork out about 10k above market valuation on the average for their housing purchaes.

Now, how much the market valuation is has not been revealed nor what the average selling prices were for these units (prime or otherwise).

My own checks show that for those 5 roomers at the locale where the record-breaking $720 000 buy was done, average prices were usually about SGD500K.

In fact other non-prime locations were also registering phenomenal prices.

I think I am gonna be priced out of buying up a public house very soon.

If there should be checks, this is where checks should be and I would urge the authorities to do so.

Immigration And National Character Relook
Speaking of which, we are beginning to see so many of the Malaysian Chinese or indigenous (even from its Sarawakian and Sabahian suburbs), Malaysian Indians and Indonesian Malays here who, of course could be easily mistaken for our own.

They are re-writing the character of our country, though not always in good ways. We see them at the kopi-tiams and playing big roles in scripting and performing in our national media.

And the media shapes national character and as far as I can see, our local productions, English or Chinese, in visual or audio form, have impacted this character in so many ways - our speech and our behavior and even our modelling of these roles.

Especially the young.

Not always good.

Yellow Men Good, White Men Better
And we are still clinging on to the notion that only the West holds the monopoly on educational training needs. Because they are still coveted for educational training roles (in schools, at universities or in sales) or in teaching management roles.

Even though credentials are really only pooh-pooh.

I know because this guy sitting next to me is white and he is preparing seminar outlines on his lappy.

Cause And Effect And How A Bit Of Logicating Gets You By
Of course letting Yvonne handle my mails can be unnerving, not least because of the kinda irregular opening hours for her.

She may be off one day or start later or end earlier or have extremely long lunch hours.

Just like the other day, I wasted a whole day because she was off and she could not be reached on the telephone at all. I paid a visit anyway but the office was closed and almost until the end of the day , did she pick up the call to say she is off for the day.

I had to do something else for the day.

The next day, she starts later than her usual hours and by that time, it rained and I got delayed even later.

She hasn't been monitoring her records very well and thought I hadn't paid up for the FP January till July. She had a logo change after the CNY period and I have seen the invoice with this new logo before.

So I must have paid up for at least a quarter period (3 months) and not the recent quarter.

That is how I always logicate.

Environmental Effects
I just realised how I got to the state of who I am.

As a child I had curly hair and we all know from biology lessons (that was like back in the good old days of course, not sure if they teach this now) that this is a recessive trait. But Mom always puport that that means I have a bad temper.

So I believe I believed her and so I got a bad temper.

And anyone who has to live with unreasoning and that kinda violence at home, would grow to be ill-tempered.

Like someone living in the Bronx would or someone living at Block 90, Pipit Road.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ah...This Confirms It

I knew something was up when Galen brought home the dude that night and they disappeared for a few days without a trace, prolly for a tryst. He must have been intending to rent the room out to him.

I was glad I held back the cheque. He isn't gonna get it for the month.

He said it all tonight and you can imagine there must be some people reporting to him about my coming home tonight because as I walked towards the block, I could see him opening up the windows as if he was informed.

I knew this for a long time. These are all the grassroots henchmen working together for some reasons.

For who, I can prolly guess.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Real Education For The Real World

Real Education For The Real World
Sure, academics figure in all kinds of education. But moi is thinking more of life skills. Skills you need to cope with life. And what exactly are these skills?

Skills to communicate, skills to deal with a variety of people and situation. More importantly, skills to live your life, solve problems, think logically and reasonably to see a problem through to its solution and conclusion.

Skills to break away from the shackles of superstition, of spirits and demons, of misinformation and prejudices.

That means you need to be armed with the science and real facts of things and how they work.

Some samples:

How to keep myself strong and healthy?

Is Aids transmitted through saliva?

Would having a tumble-dryer at home (even though this would be energy consuming) help your clothes last longer because it isn't spin technology which "tends to wring your laundry to more wear and tear" as it extracts water from it?

Do body scrubs with natural plant-based products have the purported salubrious effects on the skin and body? Do they even get suffused on or under our skin even?

Does that mean if I do a uric-based body scrub that I would suffuse urea into my body? Then what happens if I swim at a pool that is chlorinated? I get chlorine radicals inside me?

How do you tell the difference between a chempedak or a jackfruit?

In fact I would even go so far as to advocate topics like these for essay-writing.

Consumption Taxes (None Of Your Fucking Damn Business) Or Whatever Taxes For That Matter
This harks back to the days of colonialisation.

But when you get down to examining its premises for even existing, there is virtually none.

What do buying, eating and spending have anything to do with the state apart from the known fact that it serves as income for some public expenditure?

And hopefully it is public expenditure spent wisely.

From Cradle To Grave - Issues Of Births And Education
Most births in the old days were delivered at home by the then mid-wives. You may argue that this is dangerous or whatever else but the fact is I don't think the requisite skills or mortality rate could be any far worse than today.

Your guess is as good as mine as to why the state or private enterprises have sprung up to take over this role.

The same goes with education. Many were home-schooled and schools were a scarcity back then. Think of all the great men and women who have impacted the world who have received little education or who have not received higher education.

If education has effected real changes in the real world, fine.

Has it?

Not Connecting
That is what I mean. The world isn't universal. Certain groups have their certain kinds of ways of life and thinking.

Doesn't matter what strata of the education or income spectrum they occupy.

There would be enough superstition, old wives' tales, rituals, traditions, unthinkable flawed reasoning and logic (which are not ruled by science or the facts of things) and so on governing their lives and putting yourself in contact with them can only spell DISASTER.

They all look dolled up in expensive branded gear, pretty, hunky, handsome, with lots of convincing style and persuasive manner plus IMPRESSIVE CREDENTIALS (sometimes) but what they spout is ALL JUST PURE RUBBISH AND HOGWASH.

What Does It Mean Being A Citizen Nowadays? Nothing Much, It Seems
If we really wanna go one step further to differentiate between citizens and naturalised citizens, perhaps the number of years of abode could count towards privileges.

And certainly a wider differential for all kinds of citizens and residents.

If I had my way, this would also be implemented in the realm of public housing. Only citizens allowed and again the number of years of abode counts.

There Are So Much More Now
More recently I have visited the supermarket and fine-combed the place after a long hiatus.

I hope it is my imagination but I can't help noticing how much more variety in food items they have now. There are pre-packed Hokkien mee and Hainanese chicken rice ready to be cooked and served up in an instant.

But it is the fruits' section that grabbed my attention most. So much more variety from more countries. There were two types of dwarf apples (one green and one red with names like Moonglo and I can't remember the other) from New Zealand, durian chempedak, Thai honey mandarins and peaches.

I had to buy them up just so to sample their exotic tastes.

And this was why I was so aghast that the rambutans and jackfruits were laying to waste at that private park.

When The Cat Is Away, The Mouse Comes Out To Play
As I blog now, Galen isn't home for the first time during my time here. Hasn't seen him since last Saturday morning and I suspect he is away for a short trip with that dude.

So I am staying home today.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nancy Drew Is Out For A Break And Will Return Shortly

It has been an eventful week, not least because moi has met up with a couple of very interesting people, both young and old.

But before I delve into all that, let me start off with what I ran into at a stadium plus a couple of other stuff.

A Fumigation Of A Story
The clouds burst before I headed out for this stadium. It was a wet, grey and misty late morning. When I arrived, there was all this smog smogging the place and it wasn't coming from the rain.

Some pest buster was at work fumigating the whole place. You could smell the distinct petroleum flavor a mile away and the smog lingers, well after all the fumigation.

I could see a couple of dead roaches while a few had crawled out of their hiding holes.

What went through my mind was if the spray was healthy for humans to inhale. Let alone, the lingering effects on our skin and so on.

I mean it killed the roaches but was the stadium the right place even for a fumigation. Yes, let us fumigate but what are we targeting at? Roaches or rodents or humans? Which is of the greater harm to mankind, anyway. Oops, did you just think what I think we all are thinking?

Shouldn't food establishments be more the places to fumigate? And if fumigation is carried out at such places, are sprays safe? Can we use safer alternatives like poison pellets or something?

I hope someone has the answers right away.

A Beautiful Bottle Tree Park
Yes,it is a beautiful privately owned park alright if not for that unmistakable dung smell of the fertilisers nearby which makes it a regular farm actually.

But the fruit trees were really rotting away and laying idle. There were a galore of jackfruit and rambutan trees but the harvest were slowly laying rotten on the ground or in the waters and the public cannot access them because of a moat.

What a waste! And they locked up the shower facilities too at the open-air rest-room which was so beautifully made out!

Pathetic that they actually need to have life-size tiger and bullock carts displays, much like the cardboard cut-outs of the cows that graze the greens in some parts of our island.

Hey, Don't Shoot Me! I Am One Of You, I Am The Good Guy, Remember
Gosh, I am not even spared at this fifth stadium I was at. The airplanes were here as well. I swear that a helicopter stopped dead in its tracks and hovered just a short distance away from me. So I waved at it.

Like would they shoot at a waving fan? I don't think so.

They are tracking me all right. I mean, hey, aren't our mobile phones with their GPRS network already in themselves tracking guides? What more with our mobile computers? The only thing my Norton Anti-virus scan has turned up so far has always been a tracking cookie.

Scary isn't it? But hey, I know God is up there protecting moi. Right God?

*Looks around but don't see a thing. Sigh! Oh well! At least I know someone is looking out for moi. Right?

Why Is He Doing This? Beats Me. He Is Another Psycho?
This isn't the first time Galen had brought home someone. The last occasion was an older and bronzed tanned dude who seems to look like someone out in the sun a lot and it isn't for sports.

Yesterday however it was a young dude, someone almost looking like a school kid.

The first tell-tale sign was the pair of white and red Adidas sneakers out in the hallway. When I entered my bathroom, there was spit in the toilet bowl and I knew someone had used it.

Because Vegetable Farm (since the Mandarin here is in hanyu pinyin and without the strokes of tone, it could also mean Retrenched of course) has been kind to me that night, I was up all night surfing away on my notebook.

So when I heard Galen's door opening and closing, I got out to check and lo and behold, this dude walked out of my bathroom with a mug and toothbrush in one hand and a towel wrapped around his waist. He had been bathing.

Now, Galen has a bath in his master bedroom. Why he is doing this remains unclear to me. Much like why he washes his fish tank in my bathroom. A ritual he does every Sunday, much like he mops the floor and washes his clothes.

I know he has been using my bath because I always have to push the stopper to switch modes between getting water from the shower head or the faucet that runs water down to the cement screed bathroom floor.

And before moi moved in, there were pails of little gravel stones that are used for lining the fish tank's floor in the bathroom.

All the trademark makings of another Psycho?

And yes, to avoid any conflict (it is always my belief that the less we talk, the less trouble and the less we run into each other, the less clashes) I stay out on most weekends, the time he is usually home.

God knows, he does need his private time for sexplay or what-not right?

And I have a third postulate. If to date, the washer is still throwing up those mud-stained flaks and it is only Galen and I doing the washing (but what if Auntie Galen comes in at other times when moi isn't around, who knows really) then it must be something he is putting into the washer.

Singapore Land Is Scarce And It Is Our Land
Yes, I support the thinking behind the rule that goes against foreigners buying up our land. The only let-up was at Sentosa Cove.

This should remain in force without any question.

In fact I believe the reins should be tighten even further especially if they are not even one of us. Here taken to mean being only a permanent resident which would entitle them to buy up our land.

But I am speaking strictly in terms of landed properties' ownership.

Monday, July 09, 2007

More Messages Before Nancy Drew Returns

What Close But Confusing Terms These Are
We will have to examine the terms "colony", "protectorate" and "dominion" all over again. Much like what we have done with the terms "pandemic" and "epidemic".

And oh yes. Let us include people who occupy positions of authority who should leave their cultural and lifestyle dominion at home and home alone.

Don't expect that just because you drink vodka that the rest of us, your humble minions, have to follow your lead just to please you.

Tit For Tat
I fully understand what Oscar Wilde was trying to drive at in his books now.

The world has gotten so superficial and artificial that the only way you can cope is to be just as superficial and artificial. In fact it is the ONLY way.

You are gonna kill yourself if you be otherwise.

It Has Been One Long Wait
You can bet your two knuckles I am pretty much fixed on the kinda enterprise I wanna set up by now. If I were to start an education thingy (which seriously would not be the focus) , it would be real education for the real world. A big if.

I am just waiting out for many things to happen and this is exasperating and I am not exactly in the best of moods these days.

Sorry if I do lash out if you say something not right and totally unreasonable.

I Like Your "Sources" And News Headlines Flashes
It is always some experts or a source or a report. Wonder who this is.

Sometimes it refers to a named source. But is this named source even reliable or impartial or even quote-worthy.

And gosh, doesn't the SV thingy apply to all those flashes of the news headlines? I mean I have come across......"....shut" when it should be "shuts"....and so on

A Little Elaboration Goes A Long Way
Let me explain my stand on the case about David Rasif.

I mean, sure, it is criminal. But hey, look at what that couple were actually doing here. They sound a lot like a pair of corporate raiders, don't they? And they get really rich doing what they do.

And they are not even one of us.

So? Shouldn't they pay their dues? We certainly have, from cradle going on to grave.

Shoot Them Dead
Let me also explain the part about those of us who have one or more "perceived" shortcomings according to this "perfect" world of ours. The "perfect" world according to those who hold the reins of influence, power, money, beauty, brains, brawns and what-have-you (sometimes all rolled into one).

I mean can you imagine putting up all these poor people for a freak show at a media circus?

Patricia Mok, if given a chance, wouldn't have wanted to be a comedian, I am sure. If she had been born beautiful, that is.

What choice does she have? She can't compete with all those beauties up at Caldecott Hill. She turns to comedies and act the role of a freaking ugly.

The same with Kumar, who has to drag for a laugh and for his own keeping. And Hossan is cute but not hunky cute enough to land lead roles like Elvin can right?

How do you feel being up there talking about your sad life and playing up your shortcomings so others can laugh at that? Do you think you really, really, really feel super being put down like that?

I would be devastated.

This Is So Real
I watched parts of the trailer where people on the street (oh there were many foreigners of course among them) were asked if they knew what Gaia was. Answers range from the name of a shopping mall to a kind of theory before one or two people got it right from among the many.

Then "Get Real" touched on co-habitation and the interviewees who were against the idea invariably were concerned about how people thought of them if they co-habited or if they thought it was ok, defended it as throwing out conservatism and keeping in time with the "modern" world.

I am not sure if being "modern" meant this though. Not a single mention of commitment for life if one were to get married instead of just co-habitating (sounds like an easy way out while having fun).


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nancy Drew Returns Right After These Messages

Who Really Is Nancy Drew For Pete's Sake? Nancy Drew This,Nancy Drew That, Am I Outta My Mind?
I was asking myself the same question. How in hell did I end up masquerading as Nancy Drew, watched her movie and write about her?

I have never read a single Nancy Drew book. NEVER. I don't know any of her mysteries and how she goes about her sleuthing.

But if you ask me "Secret Seven" or"Hardy Boys", yeah sure, I can relate some of their fun adventures. I think.

Does that mean I am turning transsexual? Oo. Don't think so.

The Pigeons Are Here Plus A Couple Of Other Characters
At ma old place, the mynahs have broken into and invaded my home a few times. They left their dirty old marks alright - their shit. I have spotted sparrows entering and breaking into Bulldog's and now here at Galen's, the pigeons have been entering and shitting the last couple of times.

That is because some people are feeding them at the field or on the pathway (they will throw some rice or something) and they congregate naturally where food is.

There is a dude here too who feeds the stray felines. Another sleeps in the park. He is a pitiful sight of tatters and tears. Don't forget the bin scroungers. In fact "Get Real" has highlighted the plight of the homeless in one of its recent reruns.

It is strange. We house our foreign guest workers (can you imagine they get free lodging as well and as far as I know some pay just tens of dollars for utilities while here I am, paying rent every month to the tune of a couple of hundred). Look at our estate or the kinda work they do, is it any cleaner or better-quality?

We build animal shelters and shelters for the poor overseas, keep and groom house pets, feed strays but the homeless and hungry here don't seem to be getting anything.

Really strange if you ask me.

Galls, you think you can do something here instead of worrying about an age limit for getting free cover drinks at an "ageist" club? The nurture genes lie within you, so NURTURE, not corporate-raid or slut, SLUTS.

Our Band Of Rebels And The List Of Wrongs
As long as you have one or more shortcomings on which you have faced discrimination before, you are in. If not, you are sitting on the other side of the fence and YOU are the ones we will be attacking in an uprising.

I say we disfigure you. What do u say? You have everything, don't you. The looks, the bods, the money, the fame, the brains, the paper, the everything and you flaunt them all. Why don't you try out our lives and see how we feel?

And history is on my side too. Remember how all those odd-balls among us were like put up for a freak show in some media-circus parade?

Chang-And-Eng, the dwarves, the conjoined twins...GOD...

Let me list the wrongs committed against us, the 3rd, 4th and even lower classes: age, gender, race, height, size(too lanky, too stodgy), looks, sexual orientation, education, economic status and so on.

I am not going to put my life on show and pretend to be a comic stand-up enjoying all your laughs. It hurts deep down inside and I ain't laughing inside.


I Confess To Almighty God And To You My Brothers And Sisters, That I Have Sinned Through My Own Faults, In My Thoughts And In My Words, For What I Have Done And For What I Have Failed To Do (Holy Jesus, I Can Actually Remember Part Of The Recital For A Cofessional Prayer)
Sigh. Some more blunders in language. "Adverse" for "averse" on a previous blog about my quitting smoking (yes, it has been 1 month and 1 week since) and "pranking" for "prancing" on a blog about those cute but mischievous school uniformed dudes at McDonalds.

So we have racist, bloggist, sexist and ageist. What does an educationist then say about the person?

Imagine Muiz And I Wedded At A Ceremony Like This. What A Head Turner And A Real Nice Change! I Wonder How Gays Feel When They Attend Wedding Ceremonies Like These?
I have sat through my two sisters' wedding ceremonies and being the "ku ku" according to
I have attended a similar ritual for my brother's. There is always that early morning rise for a traditional wedding rites, I have to kick the wedding car.

make-up session, then the groom will come knocking and has to bribe his way to get at his bride. Then it is off to a church and finally the tea-ceremony.

At night, it is always the banquet at some hotel or restaurant.

But today at a void deck, there was a Malay wedding. Really percussiony rowdy. That makes think how nice if I were to wed a dude at a private ceremony like this. It will seriously be a memorable day. A special day in a lifetime.

Anyway I have blocked out the thought and will try to keep clear of weddings as far as I can.

No point burning away my neuron cells like that. I mean I have enough thinking going on in my head already.

David Rasif aka Robin Hood?
For a moment there, I was on the side of David Rasif. I mean look at the kinda super rich clientele he had swindled. And they ain't even one of us. I am sure they can afford to lose something, which isn't very much on their terms.

Perhaps David Rasif was just being Robin Hood?

Nancy Drew Holds A Press Conference

Nancy Drew has been under a lot of pressure lately. Not least, the paparazzi. She has been hard pressed to call for a press conference and today, she finally succumbed.

With photographers' flash bulbs exploding and numerous news agencies' mikes thrust into her face, Nancy Drew held up pretty well and maintained a cool and calm facade while facing a barrage of questions from the presses.

PressMan1: "Nancy Drew, in one word or more, can you sum up what you think of Miss Boo, the wealthy deceased?"

Nancy Drew: "Ok...let me think.....S-L-U-T? (blinking, not believing she had actually uttered the four-letter word). Hey! What can I say? She is a gastronomic slut, a fashion whore, a health whore....who knows what else I will uncover as I delve deeper into my investigations...."

PressMan2: "Nancy, do you think she has any heirs to her fortune?"

Nancy Drew: " I can't be really sure. I mean she has a beau and they must have carnal intercourse. Nobody sits on the couch with a beau and don't make out. Unless that dude is gay.......(throwing up her hands in the air, seemingly giving up all hope) ......But you never know in this age and time.....Gosh....your pet dog could be gay too for all the world care, right..."

PressMan3: "Nanz, how do you think Miss Boo died?"

Nancy Drew: "I am working on it. Stop pestering me (glaring at reporter)! I mean, hell, my last psychic visit saw her blending some juice and the blades could have flown off the handle and killed her...But hey, life is full of vagaries.....That may just NOT BE IT. Maybe some intruder entered her house and murdered her. I will get back to you on this.....One last question please!"

Pressman4: "Awwww Nanz, you are great! Like you say, you are the bestest, hottest, sexiest sluethess babe in town. But hey I digress too. When do you think you will find out how she died and just close the whole god fucking chapter on the life (or death for that matter) of Miss Boo Ah Chiang?"

Nancy Drew(looking aghast): "Are you calling me a slut whore too?As I said, I am still looking into her death and I haven't exactly pin-pointed how she died. Gosh...maybe I will find out sooner if you didn't waste my time like this, holding a conference for you people? (staring into the audience of equally aghast reporters) Anyway, time's up and I hope you had your little fun"

Nancy Drew walks away as the reporters scribbled and filed their notes while the photographers continued snapping and flashing.

Nancy Drew will be back right after these messages.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Nancy Drew Returns - Briefly

Look What Nancy Drew Has Unearthed
Nancy Drew is busying herself in her new home. She has come across a few things in the house which tells her a lot more about Miss Boo than she can ever hope to find out.

For instance, there is that family photo album. Nanz had been able to make out that Miss Boo did indeed have a family. A family of four, it seems. She, her parents and a much older sister.

And yes Miss Boo had long flowy tresses. She wasn't exactly pretty but she had quite a charming smile so even ah peks in their 50s could have easily fallen for her looks.

She had left behind a black sequinned evening gown in her closet which showed that she must have been one of those high-profile and high-society socialites making the rounds of parties and BIG CELEB events.

There were correspondences that have come. These were mostly bank statements and investment portfolios. Miss Boo was filthy rich.

One letter addressed her as Madame Boo with her impressive corporate credentials to boot. She was certainly a corporate worlder. A senior VP of some investment bank, it appears. That explains her financial savvy and her ability to muster so much wealth in her lifetime.

Now all Nanz have to do is to find out how she kicked the bucket.

Stay tuned for another exciting episode of "Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang"

Friday, July 06, 2007

Nancy Drew Shall Return Right After All These

Much Younger But Technologically Behind?
Gosh I spotted two dudes who were so much younger than moi but they actually need mouses for their lappies.

Guess I am not so far behind in the technology race.

A Discriminatory World
I watched the "Tyra Banks" show and she featured primordial dwarves and their parents. Then I watched another docu-film about how short people got discriminated against. I remember how a job ad wanted people who have "pleasant disposition".

It does seem we get discriminated against on the bases of our looks, height, gender, race, age and a whole slew of other stuff.

I suggest we fuglies stand up, unite and revolt against this trend towards the beautiful and that includes the beautiful themselves - the jocks, the brawnies, the good-lookers, the snooties and the narcissists....

Temptress And Seductress All
Two bimbos in their revealing minis sashayed past a gang of young but hot basketballers playing at a court, fagging in between. Their intentions were glaring and obvious.

Then another bimbo joined them.

That is so telling how the womenfolk (if they are even one of us) have to stoop so low just to attract that kinda attention.

Another Air-Route For Our Boyz In Green
Now what is this? Even this stadium is not spared the flyover by our boyz in green. That makes it 4 stadia in a row.

A Closed Society
You know, I don't think we are an "open" society. By that I mean we are closed in our thinking, in our communication and closed in our behaving and ways.

Just look at some of the changing rooms with showers at our stadia. They are locked up and aren't open to the public. Serangoon and Hougang are two prime examples.

I can go on and show you how some stupid rules and regulations and a multitude of restrictions have made us look damn stupid and closed-up especially when the rationale is so STUPID.

But enough for today.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

More Commercial Breaks Before Nancy Drew Returns

A Little Pick Here And A Little Scrub There And EveryThing Is Just About Brand New Now
Here at Galen's, things have just gotten to be so-so.

The vertical multi-tiered and multi-pegged clothes' hanger I had gotten had given way under the weight of some of my sports bags and yes, I have bought myself a new short shoulder strapped travelling bag and the back pain I have been experiencing with all my other low-slung slingers is finally kaput and history.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Christ is King! Amen! Alleluia! God willed this...wateva.....

It is probably not such a good idea to cement screed the bathroom because it is a damp area. The floor and walls have sported a mildewy green algae and moi has just scrubbed off a few of it.

And this got me thinking about the spirulina tea I drank......chokes.......

Not only that, I haven't really paid much attention up untill today, that is. The drain porthole has gotten clogged with lots of hair (and those ain't exactly mine....) and that explains how water has been unable to flush away.

So moi rolled up his sleeves and pants and actually got down on all fours just to pick away at all those DARN HUMAN'S hair and gave the drain covers a good scrub-down.

Happy to report the drain porthole is now sparkling white again and the water is really going places.


Fashionista I Am Most Certainly Not
If you thought I was a fashion whore, you thought wrong. Just as you thought you were King, your gall-fren was a virgin, you are NOT a foster-child and those were your biological parents.

I haven't had a shred of "Branded" clothes wear about my house, save for my Calvin Klein underwear which costs something like 30 odd bucks a pair. Is that expensively branded?

Those designer underwears I wrote about were Body Gloves and goes for 15 bucks for a pack of three.

Heart To Heart Talk
I had this with Auntie Galen (Galen's mom) right after I blogged about the roaches and lizzies thingy the last time.

It appears Galen's dad has dementia and Auntie Galen is kinda disturbed about it. That explains her highly excitable and tensile temperament.

But while I take in everything she confides in me at face value, I do know there are things she holds back and there are things she doesn't speak about.

Anyway, I try not to make things too difficult for them and try to hold the peace. Like I always do.

Nancy Drew : The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang (Part 4)

Nancy Drew (coyly but none too subtlely): "Nancy Drew is back and she is back with a vengeance (clenches fist as if she means business)"

"If you don't already know, I am living in the haunted house of Miss Boo Ah Chiang and I am trying to find out how she died. Miss Boo is rich by any account. Galen, my landlord, has bought over this place from her estate."

Up to this point, we have established several facts about Miss Boo. One, she sleeps on a Super King (that old witch), two, she loves Hainanese chicken rice (Miss Pig-Out, duh) and three, she is a regular fashion whore : she wears a pair of Levis Strauss 501 limited edition designer jeans studded with rhinestones.

Add two new facts we found out about her today. She is an unmarried slut whore who co-habits with her beau and she is a health fanatic. Yuckity yucks to the first and hip-hip-hurray for the second!

Now we are trying to make out more facts about her, especially the circumstances surrounding her death.

Moi -masquerading as Nancy Drew(limbs trembling and eyes glazing over): "Argh....Miss Boo....I see your spirit has drifted in again into this haunted house. I mean I thought I saw you the last time slumped on the couch...But wait.......that was just you being a couch potato right? And that was your beau with you.....You mean you are a slut whore too? aint no puritan huh?"

"Ah..yes...the magnetic force is really building up here.....You are now in the kitchen....You are preparing something.....some pineapples...some apples...some oranges ...some bananas..Ooooo..I like bananas..remind me of something and someone ...You are preparing a fruit cocktail? Why.... you are a health nut too, aren't you? Gosh Miss Boo... You are a bag of surprises? Do you do yoga as well? You do?....Oh man!....."

"Ok ok....I feel some electromagnetic kinetic energy here..An aura surrounding the kitchen top. Yes....You are feeding those fruit slices into a blender....that switch Miss Boo....No No....not that.....That is the switch for operating the blades....something is happening here....the blades are spinning out of control...Oh No....Miss Boo...Boo Hoo...Boo Hoo............"

Running commentary in the background( a deep husky voice in a really grave tone): Will Miss Boo survive the ordeal of a spinning blade wheeling out of her control? Did she die by the cut of a spinning blade? Was that what killed her? Can Nancy Drew unearth more about Miss Boo? Was Miss Boo a scheming corporate raider too who plotted en-bloc sales and manipulated stock market prices? Was she a filial daughter or was she just another rat brat who always must have her way?

Tune in next time for another exciting episode of "Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang".

Nancy Drew Will Be Back Right After This Commercial Break

The Boys Here Are Really Cute
Now this incident deserves mentioning.

By now you would have realised how blogging at various WIFI hotspots have mostly been one big frustrating time for moi. Either I don't get a connection or if I do, many things can happen to make it usually impossible to surf.

The connection will die or the traffic will slow, just to name a few things that can go wrong.

But McDonalds seems to have its WIFI up and going at this outlet and the crowd is mostly students from the neighborhood. Really rowdy, really super hyperactive but hey I LOVE IT HERE! At least there are none of the swear words or dialects I hear back at the branch near me home.

Ok so I love the whole darn place. Up until the group of boys sitting to next to moi were prancing and horse playing and a black chewy pearl got catapulted onto me.

Ewwwwwww....get off me BOYS! That is absolutely the last straw...but being the good old calm and composed me,I shrugged it off and took out my paper towel to wipe off the fall-out. DOUBLE EWWWWWWW..........

Ok ok, so the boys are really sweaty and scruffy in their school uniforms BUT HEY, THAT IS THE WAY I LIKE IT.

And The Older Boys At This Sporting Facility Here Are Even Cuter
God! All those scrawny but nicely toned bare-bodies running around like that on the tracks can only set my heart on fire! Not to speak of their cute nice little buns basking in the sun at the pool.

They are really cute but HEY, SEE NO TOUCH, what is the fucking use?

Let Us Have A Threesome Here And WhereEver It Doesn't Exist
Have you noticed how some neighborhoods have none of the TRIO of sporting facility that most neighborhoods DO. The TRIO of a sports hall, a stadium and a swim pool.

Pasir Ris is one of these.

Gosh, why doesn't this figure in the scheme of opening up more recreational spaces?

Nancy Drew Had Been Held Back Because Of What Else, "The Transformers"

After I finally got to haggle for a free movie pass to watch the "Transformers", I promptly did so yesterday. It was a well-deserved watch considering the amount of hassle I had to go through just arguing with the staff about their misinterpretation of the terms and conditions for a free ticket.

By the way the drinks company who is promoting this happens to be the same company that the lady beau of my ex-tenant works in. That explains the mess.

Anyway, Nancy Drew has been held over because one, I couldn't get a connection yesterday night/morning (whichever way you wanna look at it) to surf and blog and two, the movie "Transformers" needs to be reviewed or at least I just wanna have my little say on it.

Nancy Drew: (suddenly appearing from nowhere) "Who hollered my name? I am Nancy Drew, the hottest sexiest sleuthess babe in town , eat your heart out Lara Croft? Who says I have been held over?"

Moi: "Oh Nancy Drew, this isn't the time to make a grand entrance like that. The "Transformers" needs airing. You will have to wait your turn. Sorry. Now shoo! Scoot! Whatever!" (shoves Nancy Drew backstage)

Just for the record, I have never read a single Carolyn Keene's novel on any of Nancy Drew's sagas. I have read "The Three Investigators", "The Hardy Boys", "The Secret Seven", "The Famous Five" and even a few books on Agatha Christie's famous detective character Hercule Poirot.

But NOT ONE on Nancy Drew.

Anyway, the "Transformers" beckons.

The Transformers
This is a Steven Spielberg's production and like all Steven Spielberg's movies, it is a MUST-SEE.
The story began quite shallowly, I thought.

There were caricatures and stereo-typing of the Negro community, the jock, nerd and babe in school and a typical American family at the start of the movie.

But once the movie got underway, these were swiftly swept aside and the REAL ACTION took hold which was what all Steven Spielberg's fans were really gunning for.

And they were not disappointed. There were special effects and fast action aplenty, though the clash of metal could appear to be very blurred and you may be seeing just that - literally.

When Bumble Bee was dragged away like a cow to the slaughterhouse and seriously wounded in a battle with the Decepticons , it was not just another pile of metallic scrap being canned but a 'mortally ' wounded and emo-feeling tin auto-bot.

Half man, half machine, these autobot heroes will have you laughing one moment and cringing the next. It is the evergreen GOOD versus EVIL storyline and showcases the foibles of humans in all its full glory.

In the end, our autobot heroes chose to stay behind to protect and keep the humans company. A testament to their belief in mankind picking their own destinies and the good of humankind triumphing over all else.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nancy Drew Will Be Right Back Tonight When I Blog But In The MeanTime

Hey, Haven't I Been Here Before, Or Am I Just Imagining Things?
Have you ever taken a bus that takes you to the same spot where you boarded the bus twice?

I mean the bus sign doesn't say a thing about which way it is going. It has the same sign that says "Serangoon" which listed the routes it would ply before reaching this destination.

But at the roundabout, it could go either one way or the other.

I am talking about Bus Service 317 in case you wanna know.

This Is Free-Listed, So Why Do I Need To Buy A Discounted Ticket Just To Get Another Free Movie Pass?
Now a movie ticket is absolutely "Free" if the movie is free-listed. It must be presented Monday through Thursday. There is a $1 discount if it isn't free-listed up to a maximum of three admitting tickets.

I thought this was crystal clear-cut.

I had no problems with the other movies I watched except that I wrangle a little just to check if the staff knew their stuff.

But haggling over "Nancy Drew", I realised how stupid it had gotten.

The title above says it all.

New Tastes For New Flavors
There are many new flavors to canned drinks nowadays if you care to check carefully.

I mean I have tried this nice small little cans of a barley-like drink and another soya-bean kind, both tasting better than what we have. And these drinks are Korean products.

Just the other day, I took a swig of something called a spirulina tea and it tasted absolutely refreshing. And doing a little research, spirulina is a kind of algae vegetable.

What do you say to that?

Your Card Doesn't Stand Up To Multiple Swipes And Insertions Into The ATM's Card Slots
I had my bank ATM card replaced today. The replacement fee was waived when I argued that it was through no fault of mine if the card was of a lousy grade material.

After repeated swipes and insertions, its laminate had torn off all over the place and it got nicked at its corner.

I can't be faulted for something that has got to do with the card itself can I?

So That Is How An "S" Pass Looks Like
It was here that I spotted it. The bank I mean.

An "S" pass holder. It had the same kinda look and feel as our pink and blue IDs, except that it was a light green and there is a distinct big S" imprint (or hologram...can't really be sure) mark on its front. The holder, in question, was an Indian-looking older dude.

Speaking of which we are beginning to see many of the dark-skinned foreign nationals here and they are just from across the causeway, not from their motherlands as we would expect.

Guess the whole flock of "S" passers are finally here!

The Good-Lookers Are Everywhere And Another Wanker?
There are so many hunks out there. The basketballers, the sun-tanners, the swimmers, the runners and so on. Ok, so I caught another HOT YOUNG wanker but hey, what's the big deal? Doesn't everyone? Besides, I can't even reach over and help him, can I?

Maybe not all those guys out there are exactly hunks but you do get some tingling horny sensations down there whenever you see them half-naked in various undress. Even if it is a scrawny but nicely-toned kinda body frame.

But I am keeping it all under control and I shall pick who I should speak to and I suppose vice-versa.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Parallel Plots : Nancy Drew - The Movie And Miss Boo Ah Chiang

I really watched "Nancy Drew - The Movie" today.

And boy, what can I say? The movie had an almost similar kinda plot as my blog! Seriously creepy. I did a triple take, what do you expect?

The Plot
Nanz (as she is popularly known) moved into a house of a film legend, Dehlia Draycott, and set about to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death. She was found dead floating in the water, an untimely death at age 43, the prime of her acting career, as the tabloids put it.

In between squeezing time for her father, her birthday party and her friends at Hollywood High School, Nanz manages to poke her nose into the dead actress' marital affairs (although in public she was never married).

Nanz wasn't at all well-liked in school. She dresses funny (although a fashion house owner would actually flatter her for her purity in dress sense and her penny loafers blazed a fashion trend), is meticulous, neat and tidy and outshines her peers at almost anything - academics, the track, the world of theatre and she even has a spell-binding hold on the principal .

Her sleuthing finally paid off when she unearthed evidence that Dehlia Draycott had borned a child out of wedlock and she was murdered so that her inheritance wouldn't go to her love-child.

Do not expect slapsticks or fast-action though there were heart-stopping moments like when Nanz had to dispose of a time-bomb ticking in her hands before it exploded into a fiery fireball of hot flames.

It had many lighter moments too with all the other characters in the movie providing the comic relief. The estate agent Barbara Barbara, Corky, Nanz's beau and her two high-school arch-enemies-turn-buddies.

Nanz seems to be able to bribe her way with her home-baked brownies and her sleuthing kit in a bag sees her through many of her cliff-hanging perils.

An improvised threaded spindle that came in handy when she needed to reel in Dehlia's will (which was evidence that she had bequeathed her wealth to Jane Brighton - her illegitimate heiress) from the rogues and a carbiner rappel that saw her safely rappelling down the wall of a house.

I enjoyed the movie, had my laughs and most of all, I couldn't help noticing the glaring similarities between the two of our plots. An unmarried woman who died mysteriously and the estate of the deceased. And both equally wealthy.

Uncanny, if you ask me. All I need now is some video footage of Miss Boo Ah Chiang which will provide me clues to prod me on in all the right directions to investigate her death.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang (Part 3)

I know some of you out there are snicking. Moi Nancy Drew? Well if I can't be the Trio Of Investigators or the Hardy Boys Duo, then what can I be right? And by the way, the movie is screening at cinemas right now. Catch it if you can because I will.

Ok so Nancy Drew may not exactly be your idea of a sleuth, what with her psychic powers and all. Maybe she is just a psychic detective then?

Anyway the mystery deepens.

Moi (going into a trance): "Yes, Miss Boo. I feel your presence here in the bedroom. Is that a Super King? Why you little witch!!!! (proceeds to slap Miss Boo's spirit a few times on her ghostly white face). Ok sorry."

Moi(eyes rolling, eyeballs disappearing and whites of eyes showing) : "And you are wearing a Levis Strauss 501 Limited Edition designer jeans studded with rhinestones too? You are a fashion whore, aren't you? Ok ok, so I digress. I am supposed to find out how you die. Any clue Miss Boo?"

Tune in to another excitinmg episode of "Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang" where we will try to unravel the mystery of how Miss Boo died.

Happy 2nd Anniversary

Two Years Of Blogging
I can't believe two years have passed just like that.

Well, it has and it is a HAPPY 2nd anniversary!

Hip Hip Hurray!

They Have It But We Don't
I was watching this TV footage of the SIP. The SIP which we had a hand in making. I can't believe we have helped them build this while we have nothing of the sort here.

All that meticulous and clever thinking, planning and designing that had gone into integrating man with nature (water and greens) living and working together in one big industrial park.


More SinGAYpore-Ness
Oh gosh! Isn't that a green poisonous pong-pong fruit? If we didn't know any better, we could have mistaken it for a mango. Look at it crush and splatter like vomit on the walkway when someone steps on it. It is a nightmare when it ripens and turns fibrous and husky. What a lousy mess they make.

Oh yes, whatever we can't grow or rear here, we make them in the lab. That includes all marine seafood and poultry.

And we do not have a defence force. All I need is to activate the impregnable magnetic shield force which would cover us like a dome.

How's that for state-of-the-art technology?

Why I Like Shrek 3 - The Movie
I liked the movie because it had many of our favourite fairy-tale characters.

Like Snow White remarked: "You have three of the hottest princesses..." (which referred to her, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty). They were funny and they represented the feminism of the heydays of the women's liberalisation movement (the bra burning and all).

The creators also blended in the new. The bubble-gum chewing and bubble blowing non-chalance of the womenfolk in Prince (going on to be King) Arthur's kingdom and they spouted modern lingo like "Totally".

Most of all it is also about discrimination.

Have we thought about why the cast-off villains may have been snubbed and side-lined because of their lack of good looks or an oddity about them (think: Wicked Witch and a hook for a hand in the case of Captain Hook)

So it pretty much boils down to being ostracised and how the "villains" seek to champion their own causes and for their own happy endings in the concluding chapters of the fairy-tales.

Galls, This Is Ageism And Greater Cause For Concern
If there is ONE THING ageist the galls could have made a case for, it would have been this: that the employer CPF contribution for workers older than 35 is not going up 1.5 percentage points.

What does this speak of the treatment of older workers in the workforce? That they do not deserve the pay increase and that age plays a part.

How much more ageist can this get?

With-Holding And Prolonging Is Not A Good Idea (Is This Altruism On Your Part Or Something Else)
Let me recapitulate why tying up a retirement savings fund for so long, to the point that it is almost illiquid, isn't a good idea.

Pensioners may actually need the fund in cases of emergencies where very dollar counts. They also want to get to enjoy the fruits of their labor, so to speak.

They do not want what should have been their providence to be bequeathed to their heir apparent/s should they kick the bucket before the fund can be used up. In fact some may even want better control of who they bequeath their legacy to, apart from related persons (which can be an automatic willing by reason of kinship).

Furthermore, the medical component of the retirement savings fund, should it not be fully utilised, cannot be bequeathed. The unused portion is re-possessed by the State.

It can be NOT fully utilised because of the restrictions to which it can be used for, like for hospitalisation bills (though this is now slowly opening up for other channels it can be applied to. Eg: clinical use for chronic illnesses).

At least if this part of the savings fund can be bequeathed to nominees (related or unrelated), then pensioners can be assured the entire sum of their fund goes back to something or someone, other than the State.

In short, CASH is King.

Open Up More Recreational Spaces And For Longer
If we are ever serious to open up more recreational spaces, think about this. Many of our pools and stadia are under-utilised. And not just the public tracks but schools' as well. The secondary schools, polys, unis and jcs.

I cannot understand why these can't be opened up to the public and that the public ones stay open longer till after midnight or even round the clock - 24 hrs.

The astro turf is also a better buffer for a run than tarmac or some gravel-paved terrain.

And it is highly laughable that Woodlands Swimming Complex is chosen for upgrading over older and more run-down ones like Katong and Ang Mo Kio. Even the renovated ones have their public loos looking like they didn't.

What goes into the thinking here?

Experimenting For A Different Look
To distinguish one housing estate from another, we could always play with motifs, structural designs, colors, textures...the sky is the limit.

No need for opulence nor frills.