Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Crooked Smile

Your Apostrophe Seems To Be Missing, My Dear Boy
Oh My God!

I actually have another commentator on my blog. I was told my English (and here he/she didn't capitalise) isn't really that bad though there is great room for improvement.

Oh CMajor, thanks for actually bothering to post a comment. I know. I mean I wrote "hoist" when it should be "foist" and so on.

But at least I don't go on national television or the newspaper and make a big blooper like "Singapore Best Fried Lice" when it should be "Singapore's Best Fried Rice".

Nobody seems to apostrophate anymore. What is wrong with the schools these days? Don't they teach grammar?

An Early Morning Ruckus
It is the first Wednesday of the month and it is "Bring Your Own Shopping Bag" day at the supermarket.

I bought mostly dry groceries (biscuits, snacks) which I could just chug into my fabric slinger except for two cartons of refrigerated drinks. We all know from our Science lessons of old how that brings about condensation water droplets which just kinda wet your insides, right?

I refused to donate the 10 cents for the plastic carrier the cashier tried shoving down my throat and promptly kicked up a ruckus, the bitch-whore I was myself.

I can't imagine how those cellophane-wrapped meat being the kinda raw and bloodied stuff they are, are gonna foul up the smell of those recyclable bags.

And we do need thrash bags (which are the exact same ones we use to carry the stuff in in the first place) to thrash these after consumption right? That fish skeleton or chicken thigh bone after we have chewed off the juicy cooked meat or that can of soup that we have opened up.

Can't see how there is this saving of the environment with the reduction (if there is even one) of non-biodegradable bags. Aren't we really re-using and recycling instead?

Absondment And Losing In A Bet - What Is The Difference? Duh
Private lottery bookmaking is illegal in Singapore. Reason: operators can abscond with bettors' money bets.

I applaud this. But if you lose in the bet, your money bets are as good as an abscondment.

The Scariest Visit To A Dentist Ever
I mean during the lifetime I have spending at the dentist's chair, I have had cavities filled and re-filled and some bitch-whore actually wanted to cart me off for a dental imaging, just so to see if I need more fillings.

I thought these were just pure ploys to make moi spend more money. Just like the countless hair-dressers would have moi believe he is balding and need scalp treatment when it was more a case of the kinda hair-cut, so moi thought.

And yes lezzie (no offence and I have nothing against you - just a statement of fact) hairstylist, you couldn't even get me the gold streaks I badly wanted.

I know I had squeezed myself in for a tight fit, what with the dental appointments all lined up back to back but hey, I have had numbing jabs before which went without a hitch but this time, I felt my whole upper lip going stiff and sensationless. All for the sake of a decaying amalgam tooth filling which even after a composite refill didn't look as if it had.

When I looked myself in the mirror, I was smiling a crooked smile. OMFG! My upper lips had gone awry and it WAS HORRENDOUS!

And yes everything did seem pre-meditated and YEA, I know what you have up there on the last floor of your swanky establishment! A JACKPOT ROOM, you PIRATE OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA (as the movie of the same namesake would have us to be so welcoming)

Thank God, after an hour or more with the wearing away of the anaesthesic effect and as the dentist promised, my beautiful dimpled smile came SHINING BACK on again!

That was a really close shave! It made me thought really hard about life. Anything could happen . And you know what. I TOLD MYSELF I SHOULD JUST QUIT NOT SMOKING AND SHOPPING!

Life is short, BIG BLADDER!

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