Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Movie Marathon

Shrek 3 - The Movie
This movie is an absolute delight and it made me regret that I hadn't caught its two prequels, though watching both are NOT prequisites for understanding the third instalment.

The whole movie was made even sweeter when moi had a free ticket to the show, compliments of some branded carton drink promo.

There were so many of our favourite fairy tale characters here, each breathing its own life into the plot and there are so many of the modern lingo to go along with the movie too.

The plot revolves around how an ousted Prince Charming sought the help of all the other cast-away villains in our fairy tales (Captain Hook, Wicked Witch, Wicked Queen , Wicked StepMother and so on) to invade Far, Far land and claim their places in the storybook endings.

When they finally did, they had to contend with Shrek, who, upon the death of old froggy king of Far, Far Land, had gone to get Arthur to become the interim King in his place.

There were many moments of gall power, the butt-kicking heroines of the likes of Cinderella, Snow White, Fiona, her mom and Sleeping Beauty.

It would have you laughing from the beginning to the end like I did.

As Nature Dictates
If we had been so adamant to help save the environment, we could have developed according to the natural laws of nature and its geography.

Think : land and sea breezes, natural ventilation, sunlight and scenic, tranquil views of greens and water if we had built closer to coast.

Absolutely no need for air coolers.

Don't we all also remember the old days of how a left-hander is, according to some social and religious mambo-jambo, the work of the devil.

Even my nephews are not spared and my sisters had even tried foisting on them the notion to write with their right hands instead.

So how can a natural inclination or pre-disposition, much like being gay, be supressed, opressed and whipped into a common mould, just like that?

Blinkered as blinkered can ever be.

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