Friday, June 22, 2007

Another Day Of A Marathon Run?

Yes! I Am Finally Connected At Home And Late Into The Night
Vegetable Farm, whoever you are, thanks to you, I am now able to connect late at night.

Please don't stop now. that would be like severing the blood ties between us -the umbilical cord that binds the placenta to the foetus and the foetus to the amnion.

Thank you, once again.

What a moniker for a network, Vegetable Farm!

My Small Small World Of Blogdom
I am not dumb nor unseeing people. Otherwise Jesus wouldn't be in business.

I mean I have been observing all these people going round my small world of blogdom. The dude who runs the Internet centre, my big bro, the lady working at the orphanage who is rumoured to be romantically linked to the runner it seems and the lady beau of my ex-tenant.

Speaking of the last, this probably deserves a separate blog of its own. They reportedly got hitched, bought a house in the east coast and started a Fish And Chips cafe of which we are seeing quite a number of these days but the owners aren't them which makes you wonder if they sold out or they got swallowed by the Venture Capitalist.

And I can't confirm this but my ex-classmate who is doing my investment property could possibly be the hubby of this lady heading a department in an all-girls' school I visited once.

I didn't exactly have very good words about her in front of Jeffrey. Sorry!

Another Sodom And Gonorrhea Twist ?(Spell This, Spell Cast)
Pretty scary yeah? I mean what if these guardian angels weren't really angels in the first place. They were just some pretty effeminate boys looking for a RED-HOT fucking good time?

I mean they were tired out after a long journey, they wanted a massage but there weren't any masseurs back then. Instead there were sodomites looking for sodomees and guess what, these guardian angels fitted to a T what the sodomites wanted - RED-HOT asses with so much fisting going on, the sodomees were HELL-BENT on being sodomised?

Think about that.

Reeling In And Cleaning Out
You know, all those paper towels I have been reeling in have proved to be more than just useful.
I mean now that I am actually a vagabond of sorts, trugding my sorry arse from one cafe or joint to another, just so I can connect and do all my internet stuff, they have come in real handy for moi to wipe away all that ketchup, grime, spills and gunk clinging themselves to the table tops or chairs.

In fact those establishments should thank moi for cleaning up their places cleaner than the cleaners engaged to do the job are doing.

They are almost spotless to a point.

Do I get paid for this?

Talk Shows' Absolutes
O God! Like Oprah the last time, Ellen is being screened two times a day. One in the morning and another in the evening. And I am watching both episodes.

This talk show is that good. I mean Ellen has all these fabulous guests sitting in on her show, some BIG CELEBRITIES who sing or act or is a guru of some sort. She has all these different segments featuring funny videos of animals or people. She does a phone-in chat sometimes after reading some mails and she has quizzes, interviews and performances.

Not that our very own morning talk show is so bad, it doesn't have an audience like moi. The two host and hostess are quite witty and funny and they do have a good assortment of guest stars on their show too.

The System Is Simply This : Just Do All That They Tell You To, Never Mind If You Have A Conscience
Well yeah, morning talkshow host. There is indeed a "system" here to speak of.

The system is just this: Do your twelve or fifteen years of education (give or take a few), get a degree, vote for the government, be a everyday zombie like the rest of them, build a career with THEM, start a family of three or more if you can afford it and you ARE IN FOR A FABULOUSLY SUCCESSFUL life here in Singapore.

Be a zombie? Build your life with THEM? Not on your screwy life, asshole.

How About A New Island State Called SinGAYpore?
By now, I realise how much of a self-starter I am.

I mean I guess I should really emulate the early navigators of our times, the Magellans and the Columbuses. So I should just swim out to sea, spot a landshore somewhere, plant a flag and name it SinGAYpore.

My very own islet for pure gay romp and rumble. And yes, we are all naturists and naturalists.

And you guessed it: No GALLS allowed.

Any nation with one island (or islet) too many who would like to cede one for MOI's conquest?

Oo Semantically Incorrect?
Hey I just realised it should be "hare-brained" and not "hair-brained" like I wrote in one of my blogs. And I didn't spell "gigolo" right when I wrote "giggolo". Spell Cast, you have something to say about this or don't you?

You try writing a piece of good work amidst all that racket going on all around you. Especially if there were lady magpies near you.

Like today. Chirp! Chirp! Squawk! Squawk! Chatter! Chatter! That is all they ever do.

It would be trying under the circumstances, no?

Bronzed And I Look Like An Africana From The Safari Swamplands
After almost a week of running half naked, from the waist up of course, DUH, you can imagine the glorious sun-kissed bronze look moi has gotten.

Coupled with the brown tinges in his hair (but not the gold streaks which he had actually wanted), I thought I make for a good pin-up for a Mandom cologne act in the Sahara desert.

Pretty stark and pretty tanned.

I Would Die For A Little More SunShine And That Hair Of Yours
This is what I told someone.

In a nation of jet blacks, the few gold or gold streaks stand out. So would the opposite hold in a nation of blonds and blondes.

Just like the people further up north, who see so little of sunshfine and daylight back in their own homes, make their pilgrimage here for their summer vacation.

I must say we have all that glorious sunshine here but we are all making so little use of it.

Freaking crying shame!

Quirky Quirks
You know some of the quirkiness we all display.

Like I have three Adidas watches of different colors - blue, red and black - and to make sure all three run to the exact pinpoint accuracy of a second, I had to place all three together and press the reset button ALL AT ONE GO!

Yes RipCurl has all these colorful and beautifully designed bod shorts but almost all come with ONLY ONE back pocket.

You know what we need two back and side pockets for? One for the wallet, one for the hanky (yes I am one of those eccentric dudes who still carry a hanky), one for paper towels and one for the bunch of keys and mobile all rolled into one.

The essentials to surviving the URBAN JUNGLE.

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