Friday, June 29, 2007

This Sporting Facility Has A Connection

Linguistic Corrections
First I should have written :"......did she have long flowy tresses...." and then I spelt "Degeneres" incorrectly. Sorry Ellen. It was a typo.

Finally it should have been : "Who were you, Miss Boo?"

Just thought someone may care.

More Air-Routes
I have counted no less than 3 stadia which have the air-planes droning over a flypast. All three are located within reach of each other so I suppose in combo, they are ONE HUGE AIR-BASE for our flying crew.

Laugh If You Wanna But It Isn't A Laughing Matter
Yesterday's blog may have been a funny take on Miss Boo, the deceased ex-owner of this flat.

But more frightening and scary is the fact that there are prolly a lot more singles (in whatever manner and for whatever reasons) out there who are suffering the same fate as Miss Boo.

The circumstances surrounding her death and her plight in the distribution of her asset.

Who can she will it to if she doesn't want it to be divided among her kin as this asset can only be willed to related persons?

For unrelated persons, there is the more complex process of share transfers and a minimum age is required.

We may all laugh now but wait till this hits us some time or another.

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