Thursday, June 21, 2007

Botched Blogs

A Summer's Flurry Of Movie BlockBusters
I have caught "Fantastic Four" and I will be keeping an eye out for the other upcoming movies this summer like "Harry Potter And The Order Of the Phoenix", "The Simpsons" and "Transformers".

Run With The Heat
Well yeah, this could be yet another remedy for being on heat! Run for your life, topless, in the blazing mid-afternoon sun! That will help you take off some of yer heat!

Truth is, I am not showing off my body (not that it is anything near those drop-dead gorgeous hunks' wash-board abs) but I hate those tanlines, what with my dri-fit tanks clinging on to a wet and sweaty bod.

When I walk out of the shower after a gym workout, it makes me look like I am wearing something when I don't of course.

I Am Connected!
I am actually able to get a good connection today. Amazing. And in the comfort of home.

The Star Hubba people have got back to me and guess what they said? They don't think that at this point in time, it is necessary for them to do any upgrade for the routers.

Gosh, I could just walk to this cafe and blog my heart out. No need to spend on transport and food. But guess this isn't gonna happen anytime soon.

Please, Let Us Get A Grip On Our Food And Beverage Scene
Tasty juicy satay meat but such small blobs, it ain't worth the 40 cents it costs.

Long queues forming for most of the Hokkien mee stalls. But really, is this warranted? I seriously don't think so. They are usually so soggy and tasteless. Even the belachan tastes like that.

Nothing like the Old Airport Road one.

Can you imagine making your way to all these places, only to be disappointed time and again?

Another Low-Rise Living Peril
Well, this is the dumpling festival.

The last time the temple celebrated some event, it was noisy enough but yesterday and today, a huge stage had been erected near moi's block which extends all the way to the basketball court.

There were joss burning in ignormous cages, smogging the whole place up and the grass verges were burned charcoal black. Not to mention charred debris flying around.

There were opera plays going on stage and that loud-hailer of an auction booming nearby.

Gosh, I can't imagine what is gonna hapen when the Hungry Ghost Festival swings by.

Need I say more?

No Imagination, No Creativity, No Nothing
I hope we haven't embarked on too many mis-steps that are inrevocable or irreversible.

Sigh, guess we didn't have sufficient brainpower or foresight ourselves and we were lapping up all that the "experts" were throwing our way.

Need I say even more?

By-Ways, Free-Ways, HighWays And BeltWays
Hey, look what I found out.

Washington DC has a beltway. I am not sure if this has solved its traffic woes but remember this is a small and concentrated kinda locale. I believe it would be different should it be magnified on a larger scale like an island (or islet) like ourselves.

In case you are wondering, a beltway is a ring road, the kind I was envisaging for ourselves.

Ring roads (which would be our beltway highways) running round the whole island (islet), with one running concentric to another should one gets jammed up at any point in time.

Worth a look and examine, I thought.

Really Entertaining Talk Shows These
I enjoyed almost every episode of the Ellen Degeneres show, like I did Oprah and her gang and the Martha Stewart Show.

I laughed at the beauty therapist recommending rose petals under the arm-pits for body odor control and grapefruits for breast enlargement. This is so HILARIOUS!

I say, let us bring on some more of the talk shows, this time featuring male hosts like Richard Simmons and the rest.

Botched Up Blog
I am beginning to warm up to the Tyra Banks Show. One episode featured a singer talking about her botched plastic surgery.

Please I know I wrote something like "collagen jabs" and people are like thinking I must have so many of them.

Here let me put this on record : one eyelid op, one lipo, one derma, one suturing, one collagen jab and one laser. That is about it.

Do you think I deserve to hang for these?

What Price Beauty?
All the after-effect pain, the dressing, the wounds, the bandage, the pain-killers. Aren't these enough to kill us all?

So why are we still doing it?

For the sake of love, finding love and being the sex play things for the men in our lives (because they like big boobs, big cocks, beautiful body, beautiful faces) and because there is this huge media play-up about being rich, beautiful and famous.

Otherwise, you will be an outcast.

As I said, every dude has to find his own natural body contour. Nobody can go on looking like all those hunky dudes in glossy fashion mags. As long as it is naturally defined, that is about it.

When will all this ever stop? Can it even?

Look Here Busters, We Can't All Be Behaving And Living Like You Do (Read The Above)
We are not only not your sex playmates and playground, we are also not for your economic, cultural and lifestyle dominion.


At The Drop Of A Hat
If I can quit smoking just like that without any averse effects, sell my car or just up and sell my whole place, leaving me with little in material belongings (at first but hey I can simply tear up all those new stuff I am having now as well) and flitting like a vagrant from asylum to asylum, or lose all that weight JUST LIKE THAT, think what else I am capable of.

Some of these things just mean nothing to me. JUST SOME SHITTY CAPITALIST PIGS' doing.
I can think of one other thing I might just drop like a hat. Not indulge in gay sex or talk to any gays or bis or wateva.

Not to turn straight. But just to turn my noses up at the whole bunch of snooty, narcissitic gay hunks (or otherwise) hanging around the pools, the gyms and god-knows-where-else the gays and bis preen themselves.

In fact I haven't been speaking with anyone lately and not anymore for some time to come yet.

Let them do the chasing around (though I seriously don't think I will have that many young, hunky, sensible, conversational and nice-looking suitors)

Moi is tired and I wanna do the REJECTION for a change.

Yawn! I am really so tired and sleepy..........ZZZZZzzzzzz

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