Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Sudden Proliferation Of Blogs

The Network Is Speaking To Moi
Imagine the kinda monikers some of the people are having on the Network.

Sample these : "Kingdom Of God", "PornStar", "Don't Steal This Network", "Kelly Loves Pigs"

And there is always that "Lim" , "Linksys" or "SH-(numerals)" thingy. Sometimes there is the "House Of (Some Family Name)" connection as well.

Nice choice of names, people.

Banished, Exiled And Ostracised - I Am Beginning To Feel Like That Dude In "Eternal Summer"

Oh yeah man! I am really being banished and exiled to a park where I can finally connect and blog! Except for the glare and the swelterng summer heat, I am pretty fine with this location.

In fact it can be inspirational!

You can't gag me, BIG BLUBBER!

Scummies Of The Earth, Leave True Paradise (As The People Define This Themselves) Alone
I watched this clip on some TV show hostess visiting a school in LAOS. The school was really a shanty and ramshackled. The kids wore no uniforms as far as I can see and they were scruffy little kids. But those bright eyes and smiling faces can really break the most wooden of hearts.

All I can pray is this: Let nobody anywhere tell them that they should be like anyone of us if they are happy the way they are.

In fact this set me thinking if I should even wanna take home a Cambodian kid with me back home here. Can you imagine how spoilt, tainted and corrupted he is gonna be here? Do I want that? Wouldn't he be far happier where he is if he has nothing against his natural living surrounds?

Oo Mr President
I didn't say I didn't covet one top job in the country. And that is the presidency.

As the presidency is largely ceremonial, non-political (non-partisan too seemingly) and pays more than the premiership, I can see myself receiving foreign dignitaries, visiting foreign countries and winning over international friends to our cause and to our mission.

All for the good of our people.

The Science Of Shadows And Machines
I am beginning to understand why my room and in fact the whole darn place is so dark and gloomy.

This is another one of the perils of low-rise living (in addition to putting up with noise, the lack of security and privacy as well as with pests like rodents, cockroaches, mozzies, ants and what-have-you)

With the surrounding blocks of apartments and trees overshadowing you, you can perhaps plot the rising and the setting of the sun at various positions, just to track the long and short of shadows.

It is also what is happening with all my sling bags slung low near my hip. The weight of just a mere one and a half kilos or more of my lappy is killing me back.

This has got to do with the order of machines where a load is always lighter with a shorter sling. So a shoulder bag slung short over the shoulders will alleviate a heavy load.

This is another bit of Science for you.

What Goes On In The Club Scene
Going by Keagan's account, this Malay SPB stole SGD5000 cash from a white man at his house. Seems like the whitey had spare cash all over his place. This broke out into a fight at that foreign club when the two met and clashed.

In fact, Uncle Cabby had told me of drunken brawls over, what else, bitches, at some of the newer and bigger pubbing and clubbing joints in town.

Seemingly there are signs of our bobbies' presence which signals security patrols and the joints have been such huge draws, the older clubs in the other parts of town are seeing a diminishing enrolment.

Dog Taggy Nite Out
I like the idea of a dog-taggy nite out at the men's club. So I got myself one with my name inscribed on it. Even if I am not going to the special event anytime soon, at least it is gonna serve as a fashion accessory the good old-fashioned way.

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