Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Mid Summer Heat

Ask Before You Actually Do?
It is kinda shocking people actually plonk their cuppa or their stuff on your table or a chair near you before they even ask if they could. Well a groupie of old hags did just that.

This is good breeding I suppose?

Not Only Was It A Scariest But Also A Most Expensive Dental Affair
Gosh Doc! If you asked me how I felt during the anaesthetic effects (and yes people, this is a name of a drug like ether or chloroform, I know coz I caught parts of Medical Mavericks) what can I say?Numb? Like if you ask how was the Grand Palace? Grand? The Taj Mahal? Mahal? And politicians? Scummy?

Just to let you have an idea of how the cost breakdown goes: Examination and diagnosis is 11 bucks, a lining (whatever that means) is another 11 bucks while the scaling and polishing (termed complex - how complex can it be for a few minutes scrape?) is almost 50 bucks and the "composite" (looks more like amalgam) is about 54 bucks.

A grand total of 143 bucks, with 2 bucks for consumables thrown in.

They Are More To Be Feared, Keagan, Not Them
When Keagan rang me, he told me he was actually outside Woodbridge Hospital (now known as the Institute of Mental Health). For a moment, I was stunned.

What was Keagan doing outside the mental hospital? Was he waiting for someone? Was he waiting to be admitted even? As all kinds of weird thoughts spun around my head, Keagan finally told me he was actually doing some observation.

Some observation? Keagan, dear boy. These inmates who are institutionalised are less to be feared and observed. The real psychopaths are the ones living among us and lurking in the shadows.

The psychos who are running schools, businesses, the media and countries. The mind-control agents of society.

Scummies, Leave Now
Scribbles from a beautiful island in the sun. Scummies, you know who you are, please leave the country now. There is simply no room here for your scummage. You are not only spoiling the whole darn beautiful place here, you are also ruining it faster than the scroungers can pick up any scrap of leftovers.

Keeping Traffic Jams At Bay
I am pretty sure my model of a visionary living near our waterways and building the byways, freeways and highways as I envisage would alleviate, if not, obliterate traffic jams.

That is because like the Circle Line (built in a circle what else), the roads would be built in the centre of our island paradise (or islet paradise?) and in concentrics should one be conjested and another needs building.

Upgrading Coming Our Way And The Circle Line
I chanced upon the construction of the CCL4 (Circle Line Stage 4) at Buona Vista one day which is supposed to be an interchange like Bishan.

Now this is stage 4 of the line which commenced in 2004 and it is already 2007. What happened to stages 1 to 3 which must have commenced earlier and thus scheduled for completion earlier? Of course it has been touted to finish in 2010.

Back here in this estate, there are many signposts declaring the above but there is no polling date and no signs of any upgrading. Worse, places that have been proclaimed upgraded didn't look a wee bit like they were.

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This: Everyone Wants Something (Annie Lennox and the Eurhythmics)
If I had wanted something, I would have mingled, chatted and perhaps flung myself at them. The international community at this foreign club, that is.

The locals are certainly in here for something. Everyone wants something. A kinda barter. A little bit of sex. Youth for sale. Money. Business deals. Promotions. Sugar daddying. Whatever.

All I wanted was good conversation and friendship.

And they all have foreign diplomatic immunity, I suppose. They can get away with anything and everything.

Like the Mensa dude who hangs out at beaches and a sarong party boy (SPB) is clinging on to him so tight, he is termed a "potato" queer or queen. Incidentally, one wonders what has even happened to the SPB in the end, though we still see the Mensa dude around.

Blood Hound Gang's "Hefty Fine" Cover Album
You really wanna know how BullDog looks like? Ok. Take a peek at the Blood Hound Gang's "Hefty Fine" Album Cover Pic of that huge naked chubby old bear and you will know how he looks like.

That's him!

A HardWare Issue - At Least That Is What They Would Have Me Believe
So the nub of the problem has finally been pinned down, after so much yo-yoing (like I was yo-yoed from pillar to post from marketing programs to the schools).

Yes I did spot the bitch sow who is now one part of a husband-and-wife team running the show at the school's union, a show to sell programs to schools (like they were duplicating moi's efforts).

If I had wanted to pull strings, I could have harangued my ex-classmate there but I didn't.

A bitch sow who has no less than 5 kids (and like Keagan cracked a joke about how a boy repeatedly excused himself from school because his mother was pregnant and the teacher finally asked if his mother was a pig sow) and some contacts with the media and who has so much issue with school policies in general, she should put up a black paper to the authorities.

Please, don't take it out on moi!

Anyway it seems like it is a hardware issue more than ever. The routers the cafes are running are older versions and thus incompatible with my notebook's newer chipset.

Surprisingly it is the outdoor cafes which surfers can't log on. A ploy to deter hoggers, one suspects when in reality, the cafes are almost empty all the time in the day.

They could have opened up until peak hour kicks in during evening time.

You owe me MAN! Do you know how many pink cards I have filled out at your cafes? A pink card is an absolutely free 13th drink after you have guzzled a dozen others.

My Sole Obligation
My one and only obligation, as far as I can see, would be to my poor old mute sister.

At most there will be a good social cause for my enterprise, a place in my heart for a particular group of the disadvantaged.

But that is about it.

Let the people who have succeeded through the "system", speak up and do something for the rest of society.

Look At The Kinda Kids We Have Bred
Almost like Jon, Joe is seeing some MCYS counsellors for some BPC (beyond parental control) issues. Jon is on probation and has curfew hours imposed on him because of a rioting charge.

I don't know the exact circumstances but Joe is a rent boi. A "straight" doing it for money and who has had quite a few girl friends.

Like the way I treat all rent bois, I always skirt the money thingy and this was gonna be no exception but at the 11th hour, we called it quits because the dude was really obnoxious.

I had warned him not to come a mile near me should he have sex with his girlfriend and then decide to do his 'rent boi" act on me. PUI!

And if you thought all my blogs were written like I was some hard-up and horny desperado, THINK REAL HARD! I have better discipline and self-control than what I make myself out to be otherwise.

A Growth Fund?
Oh God! This is a growth fund but as I pointed out to my financial adviser, it doesn't seem to be growing. In fact it has been languishing and dragging me deep down in red ink.

I really regret the former fund manager of another fund I had sunk my money in some time back had actually migrated to manage a Third World fund which has seen its price hitting the roof. The one fund he managed at that time did pretty well.

All I can hope for is for this stock price to hit just a dollar or several more, AND IT IS GONNA BE "NO MORE BLOGGING FOR ME".

I Am On Heat?
I am not in the best of moods. I guess it must be the summer heat and moi hasn't exactly found a beau yet.

So that adds to all that moody broodiness.

Bitch on heat! Mua ha ha ha.

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