Wednesday, June 27, 2007

SinGAYpore - We Are A Reality

SinGAYpore - We Grow Our Own Food Crops - We Are Self-Sufficient
Do you know what else we are gonna do on SinGAYpore?

We are gonna be a kinda Banana Republic. We will be growing herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and keeping our own cattle. A population of a couple of hundred or more can't be that difficult to feed right?

I reckon this is better than sweeping up the fallen leaves, twigs, angsana pods and rain-tree legumes here. Far, far better.

I rather pick up mangoes or chempedak anytime. Don't you?

So Many Air-Routes For Our Skies?
I swear the planes are following me wherever I go. First I see and hear them at the seaside. I am not even spared at the stadia where I do my runs. Right where I stay now, they are also hovering above.

Does that mean there are so many air-routes in our skies?

Don't Touch This
Here are more reasons why our savings plan for retirement should be left alone.

It is already an almost illiquid asset, what with a minimum sum needed to be set aside, only to be paid out monthly over 20 years when the prequisite age is reached. If we don't kick the bucket by then, we had better be sure we have dependants who can inherit this.

Imagine how tight this can be for someone who has a genuine emergency need.

As proof of how meagre this savings plan can be for some, mostly due to the one sole reason of low wages, the Top-Up scheme had been in place where the children can top up their parents' account.

What if the child is single? Who is gonna top up his when he gets old and finds himself in a similar predicament?

Mozzies On Heat Too?
Oh Gosh! It seems that humans are not the only species on earth who is feeling the heat. Even the mozzies are not spared. In this case, the dengue fever virus-bearing female Aedes mosquitoes.

Another prime example of how Gall-animal species seems to be the one who is always onto something nasty.

Buzz off, Galls!

What You Talking About?
Have you ever found yourself in a "communication" where the other person seems intent on asking some pre-conceived questions, without really listening to you?

Did you have to repeat yourself over and over again and even then, the other person seems to be stone-deaf to what you were trying to put across?

Was the other person very loud which seems to drown out your answers and the only recourse you have was to be even louder?

Did the other person just cut in even when you haven't finished what you wanted to say?

Congratulations! Welcome to the world of communication here in Singapore! The absolute pits!

I Ain't Disposing A Corpse Inside These Rubbish Chutes, So Please, Can We Have Them Bigger? Or Else......Some Other Alternatives?
If you didn't already know (as if you and I didn't), the rubbish chutes at our public housing are so small, nothing seems to fit.

I had a vertical multi-layer and multi-peg hanger which was just a tad too big for the chute and I am so sorry I had to chuck it away unconventionally.

There isn't even a bulky (not that this was in anyway bulky at all)-items disposal bin somewhere.

Ah! Well! Another Connection - Does That Mean All Your Friends Are Capable People?
So you may ask: What is so bad about a woman working at the orphanage being romantically linked to the runner?

Well, for one thing she behaves like she is the 2nd in charge (and she is). She barks orders and has a BIG say over many, many things. In fact when I was out with a boy the last time (and please, I wasn't the least bit interested in this boy except that I took him out for a walk-around as part of being friends with an "orphan"), her majesty's permission and consultation was needed many, many times.

Not forgetting that she actually assigned me a troublesome and really irritating Indian gall.

And as usual, women and men do have different ways of running things.

I can't see eye to eye with many things that are going on around the orphanage.

So I discontinued my service - it is that simple.

Now I Know The Gays (And God Knows Who Else) Are Mumbling Something Behind My Back
Like maybe I am kept.

At this age? Drop dead folks.

Perhaps some have gone round my old neighborhood and have noticed Uncle Benji (who is in his sixties and as you know, the buyer of my flat) and thought this was IT.

Stupid foolish idiotic GAYS.

And that if I adopt a kid, it is for sexual reasons.

As usual, the gays show themselves to be shit. They, like so many others, can't think a fart deeper into any issue.

Now, the second I have to really defend.

If I ever adopt a kid, he is gonna be age 10 at least. And this will be the conventional routes of an orphanage or an adoption centre. As his orientation can't be determined, I can't possibly be doing this to him.

However, if I am adopting a "kid" (more likely of an older age group, say from 15-16 years of age onwards?) from the gay circle and it is known he is gay, that is a different story altogether.

He will be more like a godson, than an adoptive son.

If nobody can still see this, the gays should have the Nazis exterminate them. If the Nazis don't, I will.


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