Sunday, June 17, 2007

As Natural As It Should Be

Unbelievable Unconnection
Different WiFi spots and their various service providers actually bring on various degrees of difficulties in logging in.

Here I am at another WIFI hotspot and believe it or not, it is taking me almost half my time here merely trying to log on.

Something must be terribly wrong somewhere.

It Is Almost Perfect For A While But Not For Long
It is also unbelievable how many of us think that our future is gonna be one bright spark FOREVER.

As I said, everything is just for the moment now. While you are young and while you have something or a skill the COMMERCIAL bloodhounds are after, you are ONE with the economy and everything seems fine.

Once you have outlived your usefulness and yourself, YOU ARE SENT AWAY to fend for yourself.

Just remember this, people.

You are dumped and discarded just like the styrofoam cups at a cafe thereafter.

Short Sling Of A Problem
Remember the albatross around my neck I was writing about with regard to my sling bags. Well I shortened the slings and it is much, much better now.

For sure, I am not being weighted and dragged down, as a matter of speaking.

Natural Order Of Things
One fine morning whilst on my way to the fitness club on Orchard Road, I spotted many school kids attired in all black and some red.

They had these "Achievement Awards" thingy scribbled on the back of their tees and it was some 2007 Secondary 2 camp they attended. God knows what they were doing here in town, except that I am pretty sure they were trying to achieve something of some sorts, going by what they were wearing.

This is now what kids are all pre-occupied with. Scoring points for their portfolio so they look good on their resumes. They will only do things if they have some value of some kind so that these kids can forge ahead.

Not doing things from their hearts.

While I am all for exposure , I am not sure if grading is gonna help. Much like grades for exams and projects. A simple pass/fail seems like the way to go. And a simple acknowledgement of their work seems even more sane than grades, points and GPAs.

And to round off my discourse, if a guy is naturally inclined to like another guy, then that is the natural order of things.

Let us not try and make things any other way.

How Do Guys Compare With Galls?
Especially for the younger set who is better schooled. All they need to steal your hearts is to flash their toothy wide grin and never mind if they are a little scrawny and all, they appear all natural and happily oblivious to many of the cunningness.

Galls, on the other hand, try to hard. They are so much more animated and almost all have that sly look about them.

Totally un-natural, not to mention their make-up which makes it only worse.

A Happy PM Can Do Far Better Work Than One Who Isn't
These was in essence what the current PM across the causeway had uttered on his re-wedding day after being a widower for some time.

I can't understand how the well-heeled who are fed well, live well and dress well (in fact, everything well), cannot do more good works than they are doing now.

And they still want some more?

Don't expect the rest of us who are scrimping most times to do any better than you.

Point, Click, Surf And Sip (Or So It Seems)
I have shot off an email to both the WIFI service provider and the cafe management.

I told them that I really liked their idea of a "point, click, surf and sip" thingy but to both of our great misfortune, none of these has ever materialised.

So I hope someone actually upgrade the routers to match the capability of my new lappy.

I hope they get the message, sooner than I can log onto their network.

A Better Living Deal
This estate is much like HV and has a moniker quite similar to it.

It is much quieter and well-spaced out. The people living here do seem to take a lot more pride in their gardens with very beautiful and colorful bloosoms growing in their frontyards.

I would far prefer living here than at the other stretch of living facing the central cathcment reserve.

More Food Gone Wrong
I have been flitting from one coffee-shop to another in this estate, sampling all the wan-ton noodles the town has to offer.

I am so sad to report that, by far, NONE has that authentic taste of the good old days.

But one stall here serves up reasonably good fried black carrot cake.

Many, Many Frightful Words In The Lexicon Of Our Own Politicians
If you had kept track of what some of the words have been tossed around by our local politicains, you would indeed have a bad case of rabies and shudders.

"Indoctrinate" and "fix" were just some.

Not to mention confirmation of how henchy the suck-ups are in our society when someone mentioned how a local corporate bigwig was shrewd enough to realise how his fortunes will turn out should he bet on a certain local dominant party.

And indeed he has. Just look at the ubiquity of his services and products everywhere here.

Why Not Turn Up The Coolers A Little?
I mean I have nothing against conserving the environment. But at least if you really wanna improve it, think up some truly-conserving and meaningful efforts. Not some token and nonsensical ones.

I mean we all know the two extremes of temperature we all experience here.

First there is that humid and hot weather hugging you tight in a wrap of sweltering summer sweat but once you hit the buildings inside, you have to don an equally figure-hugging but thick woollen sweater of some sort to keep off the severe winter colds.

Unpredictable Blogs For An Unpredictable Weather
Oh gosh! I have been able to get a connection but only at the park. So you can expect a lot more frequent blogs but that really depends on the weather again. As unpredicatable as the weather, as the saying goes.

Here Goes Another Round Of Scummage
Dogs? Doggy? Cats? Catty or moggy? Bugs? Buggy? Bitches on heat? Bitchy and heaty? (What? Again?) Politicians? Scummy? (Another round?) Teachers? Preachy and scummy?

A Spread Of A New Menu
Now that McDonalds has taken over KFC and even Pizza Hut in that sense, a kinda default takeover because one owns the other, you would expect that they would have their menus spread out and shared throughout their outlets.

But it hasn't happened and I guess it is a kitchen thingy. It is a good thing we can still get to eat the potato wedges KFC once served but at this McDonalds outlet near moi, it has all but vanished.

Besides the staples it is offering, Mcdonalds does have some pretty out of the way clever inventions once in a while. Its rice burgers, its Japanese burgers and its McFlurry.

Like Mcdonalds, we are beginning to see many different kinds of clever drink concoctions at places like SweetTalk (tho this is really a tad too icy and diluted), Mr Bean and even at our local hawker centres and neighborhood shops.

I mean you would have been looked upon as a madman if you had wanted soya bean milk mixed with grass jelly or papaya soya milk back in those days of the modern Stone Age we were living in. And in some ways, we still are.

Very nice. I mean the drinks, not the prehistoric times.

Get This "Back To Basics" Concept Right
Let me explain why bringing home a Cambodian kiddy (or whichever Third World for that matter) adoptee sounds like a bad idea that would destroy him sooner than the scums here can scoot off.

First, look at us. We are affluent (well certainly some segments are) and here, we are not short on any supply of material goods and luxuries to pamper ourselves with. But are we happy?

Look at all the en-bloc sales going on. But are some residents happy?

If a country is poor to begin with and that is the kinda standard throughout, nobody feels anything. But if within a country, there are huge and vast differences everywhere, people feel the pinch more so than anything.

So if you were brought up in a certain modern world,you would expect that kinda standard right? You can't regress and go back to the Stone Age.

When I mentioned "Back To Basics", I am advocating practical, well-designed and well thought-out modern public housing, not opulence or frills. Like women still playing a more traditional role at home rather than at a career, designing developments in tandem with its natural geography not skewing it. And so on.

How Can Public Places Be So Much Better Than An Individual's Private Living Space?
Some of our shopping malls and the fast food joints have proven to be refuge for certain kinda people.

People who actually find these places more conducive than their homes (if some of them even have homes to return to, in the first place, like moi) to snooze or shit in.

That is how bad the state of their homes can be.

Are we doing anything about this?

We Are All Scums To Some Extent Ourselves, So Fret Not, Scummies, AnyBody Would, Living in ScumLand As It Were
What have we bred here? People slutting, cosmetically surgerying, whoring, fashioning, sexing, drinking, binging and so on. All the excesses of a consumerist society. But are we still happy?

It doesn't take one with a degree in cosmetology to realise just how many of our folks here (not just celebrities, even the pretty ordinary folks among us) have gone under the knife.

You can just tell from the too nicely shaped doey big eyes, too nicely curved nose (but such atrocious nostrils really and the rhinoplasty can make it so parroty), too strong and firm jawlines and so on, to be able to tell who has and who hasn't.

From America to Bangkok. Almost every someone has done it.

I mean look at the foreign domestic maids out on their day off. They are all dolled up and dressed fabulously. Even their finger and toe nails are painted.

Slut Whores On The Loose - You Need To Be Doused With A Splash Of Water, Bitch
Look at this sweet young girl in a black, short maternity dress and equally short jeans short right up to her pubis attracting public attention with her beau.. Or this other girl rubbing herself all the way on this guy at the bus shelter.

What does that say about our young people in general?

Sex Playground And Playmates
And have poor countries and the poor become playgrounds and playmates for the rich and famous, either for the natives or for the foreigners?

I mean my first love, and I do love him very much SIMPLY because he was my first love, has such distinguished parentage (Mom is some BIG TIME academician at the university and DAD is some legal honcho in an MNC) but I can't help feeling I am just a sex playmate for him (the chalet, the groundsheets rolled out at the park) not someone he really cared about.

And were they there for the long haul even?

Not An Abscondment But A Lose-Out?
But there is a redeeming grace, scummies. If you leave now, we won't say you absconded, we will just say you lost out.

Not a bad deal, if you ask me, considering the scummage you have done to this place.

Bad Relationships And Friendships
While you are young, you are coveted for work and sex. If you are economically powerful, you are coveted for business deals. The list goes on.

If relationships are only made of these, humankind will be in BIG TROUBLE.

Whatever happened to good old relationships that are just relationships for relationship sake.

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