Thursday, June 14, 2007

Take This All Of You And Dunk In It - This Is Water Therapy

Ok Ok, Here Are More - Add This To the Menu Of Things Gone Terribly Wrong
Food Gone Wrong
For a plate of fried beef rice priced at SGD5.50 cooked and served up by some Chinese Nationals, I would expect something MORE THAN what I was bargaining for.

Instead what do I get? Shreds of roasted pork instead of chunks of beef. Bland, flat and that charred taste. And we have foreigners cooking and serving up our national dishes?

Semantics Gone Wrong
Well, I meant "tresses" when I wrote "trusses' but then again, a boo-boo like this is probably intended

Remedies For Bitches On Heat - Go Dunk Yourself In Some Water (Kraft's Oreos Video Advert)

God! I guess this is a fitting end to bitches on heat? And its panacea? I mean as moi was walking down the street to go have his brunch (yes, I have one proper meal a day only), it poured.

By the time I finished the mile to the kopi-tiam, I was soaking wet. But guess what, the heat is almost gone (I think).

If that is so, how come my fervent quest for a Man (or a Boy) hasn't really subsided?

Not that the burning furnace of a hell-hole I am now cooping up in has helped me any.

I am on HEAT AGAIN, meow-meow-caterwaul-BITCH ON HEAT!

Are You Redesigning This Place Or Not?
I am so sorry I have to say this. The estate where I am IS THE ABSOLUTE PITS.

You should see the amount of litter and throw-aways that pile up here - the walkways and the lift lobbies. I HAVE even witnessed faeces inside the elevator once. Not to mention the pigeon bombardments spotting the pathways You should see the kinda gunk clinging on to the walls everywhere and the kinda litter hanging from the window ledges of some of the places. YUCKITY YUCKS!

MY FUCKING GOD, I am living in PURGATORY for the holy innocents of the Kingdom of SCUMS!

Since I am storing away my shoes inside my bedroom now (gosh, no more space anywhere), I have taken to cleaning and washing the soles of all my footwear everytime before I step inside.

What a bitch, BITCH!

Improving Dental Hygiene
If I remember correctly, it has been more than a year since I last visited a dentist. Considering how my teeth had always been, this must truly be a TRACK RECORD.

I noticed my teeth has been holding up very well, perceptibly because I have taken to changing my toothbrushes after every few months of use.

You should see the kinda state some of my toothbrushes were in -bristles bristling and wearing away and gunk clinging on deep inside the bristles' spaces.

I have also switched brands - Oral B for toothpastes and for my toothies to brush my teeth with. The paste is made in the Netherlands.

I suspect one or several of these factors have contributed to my overall improvement in oral hygiene.

The List Just Goes On And On And On.......
Bitches on heat? Bitchy or heaty? Public housing? Scummy? Schools? Scummy? Trees? Treey? Movies? Movy? Public servants? Scummy? Politicians ?(again?) Scummy ?(again?)

Somebody Save Me! My Life Is In Grave Danger!
Methinks me life is in grave danger.

For some premeditated and inexplicable reasons, moi got a numbing jab which made it seems like a GAG order.

Then there are all those people and events that turn up right along the way where moi treads. Young teenage courting couples smooching everywhere and holding hands. Oldies speaking in tongues among themselves at the coffee-shops, which is always within my earshot and sounds like some HIDDEN SUBTLE subtexts.

Even when moi was in Bangkok, our Tourism Board was out on the streets and I got waylaid for some survey and there was a body lying on the ground with a blood trail.

Those places moi had leased for his creature dwellings also did seem like they were out of the ordinary.

What about those hotspots where moi blogs? They always do not seem to connect for some reasons and we know who controls them. I will even venture as far as to postulate that maybe even my electronic commuting were being intercepted and relaid.

I mean McDonalds has just closed its WIFI hotspots for migration of its servers to a different one, coincidentally, and the chain of cafes has ostracised moi's powerful blogging notebook.

Where does that leave moi to blog?

Save here in the park, it seems. Gosh, but the glare isn't helping moi to see very well on his tablet screen notebook.

These were just some of the agents and the agencies BIG BRUDDER has surreptitiously planted along the way JUST SO TO SCARE MOI INTO NOT BLOGGING ANYMORE!

You know what, I am so scared now, I have to wank 15 times a day?

How's that BIG BABBLER?

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