Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Glowering Glow

Amazing MakeOver
O God! It must have been ages since I last paid a visit to my old old neighborhood. The estate has been spruced up especially the environmental surrounds around the canal and my former JC. It seems to be encouraging a hive of activity with seats for people to mill around and hotspots for exercise and recreation like blading for one.

The new community club is spanking new and decked out in rich woods. And that young, sporty fair hunk with his golden mane was working his cute butts out at the fitness club. In fact he may well be a working for our bobbies, which has a presence here.

It is like this swim pool which I can't help feeling is being used by our boys in blue for their recreational laps, what with its special command operational headquarters just next door. Imagine moi cruising them up? The consequences.

Alas, my former junior college has undergone such a major makeover, all the old memories of the school are practically obliterated. Which is a good thing, considering I didn't particularly have very fond memories of the place.

It boasts of a modern, contemporary concept with sprawling buildings linked to one another and most of all, it has this glassed loft which acts as the arts room that overlooks the school's track and field. A spendid view indeed for any budding artist!

5 Whole Days Without A Smoke Nor A Hitch
I have sworn myself off cigarettes and today marks the 5th day I have gone without a ciggy.

I have been smoking a pack or more a day and this is killing me. For one, I break out in cold sweat, have cold feet and start feeling nauseaous on the two occasions I chain smoked continuously, one pack after another.

Of course I broke my vow on the day I went clubbing but that was about it.

I am really glad I am on the mend and I have quitted smoking.

Foreign Club
Keagan invited moi for a night out to a club. So I went.

We walked around the clubbing streets for a while and finally settled for a club which was frequented by foreigners and this was indeed an eye-opener. The music was pulsating but too bad, I wasn't in any dance mood, hungering more for a good chat.

The screening of Madonna performing and the behind the scenes act and her takes on life had me glued to the show till going home time.

Shoes That Glow In The Dark
This pair of Nikes actually glow in the dark. A nice ankle high lunminous green casuals. Really neat! I know coz I tried it at home in the dark of my room. It was glowy green all right!

Rescue Operation - Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Alright, so this one heroic episode did somehow alleviate the overall negative image moi has of how our bobbies conduct themselves.

Let us have more such positivities that we can crow to the world we have the BEST BOBBIES in town.

Saving lives, fighting crimes and making the world a better place to live in for all of us.

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