Monday, June 11, 2007

I Hate Mondays

I know some of you out there still didn't get the whole picture of what I was trying to tell you. So like Jesus, I am gonna put these to you in two parables.

Parable Of The Absconding Or Losing Lottery Operators
Let us say that in a lottery, there are about 100 winners (from the lst prize to the consolation prize winners) that would probably pay out some 3 million bucks.

Remember there are always far, far, far more losers than there are winners. Therefore, you can bet your two hairy rambutans, there would probably be about a million other losing bettors and let us say each betted ten dollars.

That would be 10 million and in an abscondment, only the 100 winners lose out but in a legal betting operation, 1 million bettors lose anyway.

The BIG difference is plainly just a change of type of operators - private versus public. But of course the public operators could mitigate this by saying that they have put back money to worthy causes and indeed they have.

But an effing whore like moi, would then wanna know who the beneficiaries are. Who and what are they benefitting? Is a more a case of redistribution and if so, is it even a fair one?

For example, our civil service does seem to be benefitting far more than other segments of the working population. It will come as a total shock to some of you that part of the profts your little business operaion is generating is being repatriated as tax and then channelled as income to our almighty administrators.

In other words, whatever small profits you are earning is being redistributed as income and bonuses to a fat and rich bureaucracy.

The Parable Of The Non-Saving Of Any Non-BioDegradable Thrash Bags
We all know we will not leave perishables and consumables out in an open thrash bag for too long. It not only invites smell but also pests.

Thus we bag, tie and dispose of it as soon as it is humanly possible.

Hence we still need those thrash bags.

Yes I Did Have Some Minimal Plastic MakeOver
I couldn't sleep the whole night yesterday. When I wrote about Colin, my ex-classmate in the school union, memories starting flooding back to moi.

Memories of how as a youth , I was actually bitten by the beauty bug buzzing all around moi. You know how it is like here. The girls are afflicted and even the guys, especially the gays. I would presume we would be the largest consumers of beauty makeovers and fashion whoring.

That include muscling. So I had some cosmetic surgery done.

I had a double eyelid op which left moi with bloodied swollen lids and I had to wear shades. Then I had derma-abrasion done, what with a really tough case of acne scarring and ravaging my face.

When it was only superficially better, I had suturing, collagen jabs and finally lasers. Even today, the improvements are barely just. Those deep scars are still showing.

Now the last op left me with mummification bandages wrapped all round my face and open pinkish facial abrasions that took quite a while to heal.

I even had lipo.

But I am glad that good sense had prevailed and I wasn't obsessed about my nose or my ears or a complete facial reconstruction. I could live with my facial features. I just couldn't live with being taunted as fat and as a scar-face.

Just as I still have that good sense not to pierce my tongue or my face or under my lips or a whole body or limb tattooing. That would be too painful and mutilating.

Body Scrub For You And Sorry No Rent
If it had to come to this I would do it. If rentboi had a bout of sex with his gf and then rented out his body to moi, I would insist he went for a thorough body scrub like the mandatory hisbicus scrub practised prior to all hospital surgeries.

God! And the rentbois really had no good reason to rent themselves out other than they needed the money to spend on enjoying themselves.

Help Begets Help As Does Charity Begets Charity
I don't see how as a kid growing up in poverty that my family had received handouts from any charitable pair of hands. Nobody rallied to our aid and we never asked either.

And if the gays thought I owe them because we are "affiliated", think again. You were not there when I needed you and you have been no support or help at all. In fact you could be as scummy and bitchy as anyone out there could be.

Good Enterprises Deserve The Prize Money
I am no ANTI-enterprise freak. I am all for enterprises that improve and build lives.

Certainly not the ones that we are seeing here.

Just as many others here think they are building and enriching our lives when in fact they are screwing and messing up our lives.

Look At Some Of Our Foreign Imports
The girls are unbelievably beautiful. So are some of the guys/gays. One suspects many have gone under the knife. One suspects further this is what have been brought in for procreational and the economy needs, without much thought of the dire consequences of course.

A garage right next to the cafe and those license plates are initialled "J". They are our regular garage workmen. No wonder we find ourselves fleeced at times. Worse this gaggle of dudes were speaking in loud dialectical tongues and expletives

Well Yeah, I Can Do Better At Other More Wistful Pursuits
By now you would have realised that I have mademy nth pilgrimage to this cafe, only to be turned away time and again by Moses with his burning staff.

Yes I do know I have time to "waste". But that does not mean I have to waste away my free time frustrating over a technical glitch in connection for long hours. I rather waste or while it away soaking up a glorious tan or basking in healthy but sweaty workouts and exercises.

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