Saturday, June 30, 2007

You Eat Peanuts, You Are A Monkey (That Says A Lot, Doesn't It?)
Why am I mopping up so much peanuts, you ask?

Seriously I don't know. But I have this incredible munchy for them. Firstly they are crunchy. Secondly it makes for a great snack. And lastly I like the taste.

You can rave about its anti-oxidant effects on free-radicals, how it is a veg variety and thus very,very healthy. But all these are just incidental. I am not even sure if the last holds true especially since I thought it has oil and may be cholesterol-laden.

People who used to see me buying and eating them by the bagfuls think I wash them down with beer. Hence I am a non-tee-totaller. What assumptive idiots!

So does eating peanuts make a monkey outta moi?

You Can't Touch This
An adopted son is an adopted son. A godson is a godson. If you are gay, you are gay. If you are straight, you are straight. If you are bi, you waver and deserve a kick in the groin for you to wake up and carefully pick and choose.

Having been around Galls and knowing how they are, I know where I stand. Perfectly.

It is that simple.

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