Sunday, April 29, 2007

Break With Bad Tradition

One Big Square
As a tangible indicator of how boxed up, how "square" we are, just look at the kinda cabs plying our roads when compared to Bangkok.

The sleek, colorful, curves of theirs and our square, rectangularish kinds in very traditional colors.

What say you, BIG BLUBBER!

Character Development
If schools are always espousing "character development", then aren't their gay students who stick out their sexuality despite the odds stacked against them, only practising what the schools have all along been inculcating in them?

Think about that.

A Different Kinda Hub
A new hub has just opened in this housing estate. A huge megamall which has some of the very seamless and free-flowing kinda human traffic, thanks in part to good design and planning.

And a cruisy hotspot, if I must add. with a huge crowd of the school-going population.

I will make this my second home.

Kicking The Tobacco Habit
I have left behind enough ciggies and ciggy lighters at all kinda joints that that alone should signal to me that I should give up smoking.

I will, right after I am finished with the next pack.

Some Bengs And Singaporeans Are Succeeding While I Think Most Foreigners Are Striking It Rich, Not The Majority Of Us Poor Singaporeans
Don't get me wrong. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with the working class. But it is just that we can't connect on a higher plane that is all.

And all those lower rung operators and business people in the security guard, cleaning and food industries are surely ringing up the cash tills.

Our foreign "talents" are also making a clean sweep of all the good and plum jobs in sight, leaving nothing for the rest of us.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dunk It

Build Lives Around Water And Greens
As I have said it before, and I will say it again: Water is therapeutic. So it ain't quiant we soak ourselves in hotsprings, in a hot-tub at home or at the jacuzzis.

All life begins with water. From the beginnings of ancient civilisations centering around rivers right up to the foetus floating in amniotic fluid in an anamniotic sac.

The moment you have some green areas and water, people congregate around it. They do a spot of sports, fish, swim or soak in it.

So build life around water and greens.

The Mcdonald Kids
I got to know one and I hope to know more - quite a few cuties here (not to mention that hunk - hey where are you? Haven't seen you around for a while - GET SEDUCED when moi stretches his legs in his RED NUM short shorts and BLACK NUM tank-top laced with pink)

I mean of course when I am doing my little work (like checking emails, blogging and e-trading and it can be frustrating connecting to the Internet, or that slow and very long time to connect, finding a power point, battery going flat after at most 2 hours of use, the crowd - which comes in all kinds - and noise ) , I have to distance myself from them.

And profanities aren't a way to start a friendship.

But when I am finished with my "work", and I scrutinise these kids up close and personal, they aren't BAD kids at all.

A little misguided, familial troubles, loneliness, youthful energy, time on their hands, a lack of things to do (in Singapore, this isn't surprising) and so on.

I am also very afraid coz I am gay. And I can be attracted to some of them and want sex with all of them? and they may not reciprocate for a variety of reasons.

What if moi gets beaten up?

So I have to find some means of connecting or distancing, I suppose.

A Little More On Work-Life Balance
I mean nobody slogs the whole day at school or at work like that (of course it doesn't mean being in school uniform or work clothes and you come home late that that signifies you have been slogging the whole day - it could mean you just hung out after that, right?).

Families get neglected - the wife and the kids. They don't pursue other interests. They don't get to see daylight, holed up all the time like that in their offices. Their health suffers, they grow fat gorging on food (which is their only workout and solace really) and they all look bleary and teary-eyed, stupid and hunched over.

Worse of all, they are like little robots toeing the official line, spouting the machine mill's exact same words. No originality of thoughts or analyses.

Singles remain singles. And they find that when they reach their career peaks and have all that money, they have NO ONE to share it with them. All of the above applies to them . And the same set of conditions apply to our students too.

So they try to find love at an old age. Sometimes at a very old age. What is the point? Who notices you at that age even if you are togged out in VERSACE or D&G gear and dressed up to the nines?

Maybe your money - yes but love? No.

Let Me Define "Terrorists" For You

A terrorist (according to Oxford) : Someone who uses violent action to achieve a political aim.

I have ignored the other part of the meaning which is an "or" option.

Doesn't that say it all, people? Think: Schools still on corporal punishment - the cane and the government - well, you tell me.

Junk Relationships
Life is one BIG INSTRUCTION manual. In schools, at home, at work and from the state. Do this, do that.

I think we should be SHARING MORE, rather than issuing instructions, most of which are just your own narrow way of life or view of things in your own small world anyway.

Totall inapplicable in another context.

Get this right.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Spot Check Oo

I Was Almost Nabbed And HandCuffed
I thought this was it. I would be serving time in prison for all my past and current criminal gay acts.

After I had blogged at Mcdonalds, I trudged home and had a puff at my void deck. Before I know it, a police patrol car swung itself into a car parking lot and its headlights went on a blinkering mode.

Two police officers got out and headed straight for moi.

P.S: Colors are in red for our bobbies speaking and pink for moi's, kinda symbolic for seeing red and being gay and all other narrative lines are in green for environmentally correct reasons

Fat Chubby Police Officer A: "Spotcheck!"

Me (thinking aloud): Hello! Spotcheck moi? I am like rigged out in my black NUM sexy tank-top with matching flaming red NUM Lifeguard short shorts, the pair without an inner lining, which if I chose to sit at a coaxial angle would reveal all and sundry to that red-hot hunk at Mcdonalds. Don't forget my environmentally green SGD 189 CRUMPLER slinger and you guys wanna spot check moi?

Fat And UgyChubby Police Officer A (again?): "What you doing here?"

Me (thinking out even louder) : Hello! You mean you can't see moi with a ciggy in between his fingers and puffing away rings of smoke clouds? What does it look like I am doing? Do you see another naked man in front of moi and we are both doing the GAY ROMP? Are you the "khalwat" police squad or what?

Fat Chubby Police Officer A (this guy can seriously grate on your nerves): "So late? You work so late? There have been cases of unlicensed money lenders."

Me(slapping my head and all the while looking at him in total disbelief and disgust): Hey, there are 24-hour joints and we are into a all wired-up WIFI city. So I was out surfing. Is that a crime too? Shouldn't you be checking on all those groupies (and I was alone) who engage in loud conversations filled with profanities all the time. What about those beng-looking ones (apparently foreigners) and those dark-skinned foreign workers gathering together in a drove. Don't they look more like candidates for crime commission? Can't you tell from my impeccable English that moi is a class above crime? And what about curfew time for the kids especially the galls. Hey and you mean the banks are any more licensed and better?

Fat Chubby Officer A : "Have you seen anyone suspicious?"

Me: That is your job buster. Am I supposed to do your job for you? Aren't you paid to do that?

Fat Chubby Officer A: "Can I check your bag?"

Me: Look. I am no terrorist. There ain't no bomb here. We are over-reacting and harping too much on the terrorism threat. In fact with all our harping, we MAY ACTUALLY ATTRACT the terrorists to come here and blow us up. You mean the schools and the government here are not terrorists in their own rights? What about you doing this to moi now? Aren't you subjecting moi to an act of terror, a poor old innocent and law-abiding citizen?

In fact, if the pair had been that HOT sizzling great-looking hunks moi spotted patrolling the area the other time, moi would gladly have asked for a body search.

Me: Oo. Officers, search me. Yeah, here, here, touch me down there. Yeah, I feel great. feels so good. Oo. I am cumming...don't stop now, please don't. Search me. All over again.

Police Officer B asked for my personal particulars and within minutes the whole ordeal is over.

Tell me what you think? Could they have spent that few minutes more usefully with real would-be criminals?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Just HaveTo Have My Little Say Ok

This Ain't No Way To Meet Nice People, Moi Thinks
Of course it can be tiring, sickening and frustrating. Especially if you would like to settle down, not just with anyone certainly (we all have our preferences, don't we?). All those gay haunts are not really meeting places but more cruising grounds.

So the whole carousel and cat-and-mouse game goes on and on. But if you wanna meet people, this is one of the ways.

Not just for sex hopefully. But it does depend on one's mood that day I suppose. Do we wanna chat up people or just cruise for fun.

I do miss this big hunk of a guy at McDonalds. Don't see him anymore and also can't be sure of his sexuality. He has a girl around him.

Sigh. All this kinda thing just adds up to make a gay's life miserable.

First you have to be sure of his sexual identity. Then you have to know how to make an approach. Even after that, it is not enough. Do you click and is the feeling mutual? Will it continue or die a certain death? How to keep it going? And then another man hunt if things don't turn out right.

What can moi do?

Work-Life Balance
Look, I don't mean that career or education is not important. In a certain way it is. I mean you need the education for a career and the money for so many things.

But the way we go about it (in part the employer's fault and the whole culture we have cultivated here about what work should be - work, work, work and work), slogging, neglecting the family and even one's personal pursuits must SURELY BE WRONG.

And if education is the whole day, students will have no free time to explore on their own and discover things. Like reading up on their own and other personal pursuits.

I Took A Walk Down Clarke Quay
It has changed somewhat. The crowd is getting there and so is the whole ambience of dining by the waterfront and the bright city lights. Of course I understand this is the bane for people like us where it used to be dark and cruisy.

Well in the first place if gay relationships had been accepted and out in the open, we don't have to hide in the cloak of darkness now do we? And always do stuff stealthily?

We could just hold hands like anybody else, in the full glare of the public and the occasional short hug and kiss and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.

What If I Have To Abstain From Certain Food Because Of Some Illnesses Or I Am On Dentures In My Old Age? Eat Whatever Now While I Still Can
I am eating quite a bit these days. Sampling some of the other eateries' offers other than food-courts. I mean while I can still eat at my age, I suppose I eat. Not when I can't nor when I need dentures or something.

Food Republic does seem to have some of its stalls going for it.

But perhaps its Hokkien fried mee with its long queue (I only sampled this at Vivo City) is a bit over-rated. Soggy and massively cooked in a HUGE WOK, it doesn't come out quite like the authentic taste in the heydays though it is still served in that leaf-wrap (don't know what it is called in English though).

What Say We Help Our Own First?
Now what I think I am really trying to say is this. Why do I see so many foreign workers here while our very own are scrounging around the bins?

Even Galen's mom looks like she could do with a bit of work sweeping or cleaning as she is doing now somewhere else.

Really so many of the foreigners here.

Bugs Bunny Or PlayBoy
Ok so I bought an ear stud which is a flaming red PlayBoy icon. To me it is just Bugs Bunny but if everyone thinks it is PlayBoy, just too bad for you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ancient Civilisations Bear This Out

Water, Water - The Giver Of Life
It was rivers and waters that were the springboards for most ancient civilisations. A good example is the Nile. So it is no surprise that I am going back to basics when I suggested that all of our waterways serve as the building blocks for our housing projects.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I Can't Sleep, So Hey, I Blog

Yeah I Need A Connection To Blog
It isn't that moi hasn't got time to blog but it is just a matter of getting a connection, the speed and the whole environs conducive for blogging.

All Those MotherFuckers Up There Have It All
It is gonna be people like us who have no connections, no ties, no nothing that are gonna be the ones to suffer.

All those blabbers up there do.

And marrying for political or economic reasons don't square with people like us who look for REAL love.

Who I Have For My Neighbors Here.
An old woman with her two sons. A couple with their one son and an elderly couple with their one daughter.

I can see that they keep to themselves very much and I suspect that only the woman with the son would be the one giving moi the most problems. She was practically giving me the dirty looks for whatever reasons.

And Galen actually had a notice from MDA regarding the need to apply for a TV licence and this morning there was some animal shit in the pot of soil outside his door.

A Different Kinda Foreign Trash
They are the ones with some paper or impressive credentials, from the First World and speak good English (but wait till we read what they write to determine if speaking and writing can be very different balls of the same game).

But like how Yvonne puts it: These are most likely not the first-raters who if they were back home, wouldn't have made it. It is only in SEA and in Asia that they CAN HIT THE BIG TIMES.

I suspect that it is the same with some of the businesses established here too. Brands which would never have made it in their home countries are now BIG HITS here.

Why Galls Are Not For Me
They will goad me on and not for all the GOOD REASONS but for all the BAD ones.

I will be sucked into their world of insensiblities.

Galls are certainly not for me.

These Few Apartment Blocks Are Just Right
Yes I have found a precinct here in Ang Mo Kio with just 5 apartment blocks that offer some exclusivity, privacy and lots of greens.

They are a world apart from where moi is. Slab after slab of blocks laid close together can only add to overcrowdedness and population density.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Junk Governance?

Lagi Manyak Visionary Living
If I dragged myself out of the house tonight just so I can blog about what I am thinking, it shows how very serious I must be about what I think and feel.

Following what I wrote about the kinda public housing concept I had envisaged, I would like to bring my thoughts one step further.

Singapore is an island (read: a land mass surrounded by waters and greens which is a competitive advantage).

Within a self-contained precinct (with the usual amenities of course) of no more than 5 apartment blocks and linked to another neighboring precinct, there would have been a green and watery refuge for residents to retreat to.

In fact this would mitigate the population density and build up community bonding.

Imagine all the waterside activities (picnics, swims, water sports, beachfront dining but PLEASE NOT TOO MUCH COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES THOUGH) that can take place here, not to mention quiet, secluded nature spots (much like the central catchment reserves) for people to walk around and be lost in their thoughts or to be with their loved ones.

Trashy Academic (Read: Self-Absorbed Small World) Hubris
I have no intention of ever joing our local teaching academy.

I don't think it has much going for it and making my rounds of the schools marketing my enrichment programs the last time, NOT A SINGLE 'educator' has proved to me to be any mentor or role model worth modelling myself after.

It gets that bad and maybe even worse.

Foreign Trash
I just realised how much of the foreign trash exists here in this neighborhood especially when I hang out at McDonalds.

I suspect they are leasing rooms here and engaged in technical or construction work, retail and F&B service (look if they are serving up their national and distinctively different foodfare like Vietnamese, Myanmese, Cambodian or Thai, at least that would have brought on "international " variety.)

The cleaners are mostly dark-skinned (Indians, Bangladeshis or whateva). Most are Malaysians I reckon (they speak Cantonese or dialects and don't look local).

Some are the ones spouting profanities and behaving brashly, loudly and aggressively. Childish pranking and horseplaying. Of course there are the locals - students and working young adults engaged in lower rung work. Mostly males but enough females.

With the S pass liberalisation, we can expect more of these characters which do not exactly notch up our First World status any higher.

With education already not reaching down to our very own (it is precisely becasue we are trained in the English language as our lingua fraca that WE CAN'T GEL VERY WELL WITH DIALECT AND ESPECIALY DIALECTICAL OBSCENITIES-OBSSESSED speakers, which sound much worse than the English ones), what more with these foreign trash undermining our Singaporean aspiration to be First Worlders.

Arh...So Why Is Andrew Here In Singapore?
Of course I feel let down by Andrew especially in my time of need.

It doesn't help that he is a PR and that makes him look even more mercenary in my eyes (like Auntie Chan Moi) who is here just for the material trappings of a good life and take it all without giving.

And he does help out at some temples (to me, some business concerns who keeps and takes away more for themselves - gold buildings, statues and possibly personal wealth - remember that priest's case? - first before giving to others).

And yes, that dude with him at the park looks a lot more than a sports buddy, he looks like his bodyguard.

So Andrew, are you that vulnerable?

Think Even Before You Speak
If there was already one round of salary increases in 1997 (I think) and the same reasons were advanced to justify it, so what does that mean for the intervening period between then and now (where the same reasons were propounded)?

That we had a dose of incompetent government?

If we need some foreign talent to level us up (were they really or were they levelling us down?), then what does that speak of our "system"?

That we had a no talent system? That we can't create or invent our own?

Survivor : California Fitness
Just too many gay dudes, too many galls, too many prying eyes, too many handsome hunks. I just get distracted and don't feel comfortable but I do manage to work out pretty well.

But all unreachable (not the galls tho) and unspeakable to. So aloof and distant (at least the ones I am keen on). Self-absorbed and sado-macho.

It is in the next generation that I feel hopeful and confident about. They are communicating and in very polite, genteel and communicative ways. And in the English language.

I saw this at the men's/boys' club and it was heartening.

Another Sissy GayLord
It isn't gonna be easy living with Galen for too long.

I had moved in a day earlier and up until now he has never objected to me paying him every 15th. But come last month (yes he banged on my door several times while I was asleep) when rental was due, he announced that it should have been the 14th.

At first he agreed to repair my bedroom door lock but now he won't.

A constantly shifting position like Doray.

He has also issued more or less an ultimatum that he may wanna do a home-stay program (he has a friend who is an agent - GOD knows all of us have friends in high and low places? ) . But I sniggered at the thought, knowing how this will turn out for him eventually

That means moi has to move out in two months though I have told him I rather move out once I get a place which would have been a 3++ option.

Now, the last time I proposed to a landlord to pay him half a month rent from the 15th to the 1st and subsequently the full month's rent every month as the lst is always easier to remember.

But in Galen's case, I have already footed the full month from the 15th to the next 15th but he had a hair-brained scheme (which was deliberate or not, I can't tell) which would shortchange me half a month's rent when I give up the lease.

Somehow One Gets This Feeling This Is How Our Adminstrators Execute Their Administration
They zoom in (often without deliberate thought or care) on something, do a perfunctory survey and before you can say CCB and CLJ, they dulldoze everything in sight and wala, a massive mess of a blob appear in the skyline with other chaotic developments thrown in all round it.

So Many Happenings, So Little Time To Blog About

Perils Of Low-Rise Living
Living on a low-floor has its many downs. Like when they fumigate the refuse chutes, the smoke screen rises and GOD KNOWS what it does to your health and laundry hanging out to sun.

At Doray's place, moi's room faces a two-storey car parking lot on par. I can hear engines roaring to life, tap water running when vehicle-owners wash their automobils and not to mention they can actually see moi doing wateva in his room.

The many, many, many perils of low-rise living.

Recurring Shopping?
Topman gets my top marks for the wonderfully colorful designs of their polo tees. They are so good, I actually mopped up more than a few of them.

But one running trait of our "shopping paradise" here is this: we have far too many repeats of the same few brands at almost all of the shopping malls.

I can almost memorize them by heart : Rip Curl, Topman/Topshop, Adidas, Nike, Royal Sporting House, World Of Sports, New Urban Male, G2000, Giordano, etc, etc.

Please Don't Begrude Moi His Little Happyness?
When I was young and even when I got older, I hardly spent a cent on anything. Virtually no movie outings, no meals outside home, no new clothes, no new shoes, no nothing. Just the same few wears all the time and the occasional shopping.

So please people, don't begrudge me my THIS ONE TIME BIG SHOPPING TRIP, will you?

As if it is any business of yours.

Arh....Junk Friendship And Relationship
I bumped into Andrew today. He was a huge disappointment the last time. I was counting on him to lease me his room at my asking price. If you remember he didn't and wouldn't. And I don't think he was actually earning peanuts.

In fact I have wrote him off my list, like I did all the other dudes who for one reason or another (remember the various reasons I propounded...oO..I forgot sexuality) didn't respond to moi's communication.

After a few tries, I get the message and left it at that.

I have also bumped into this dude back in Bangkok. To him, I was just a sex-toy. He took me with him to Batam and thought he could have his little fun with moi.

I refused and I could see his face changing.

Too Much Rah-Rah
You would have guessed by now, I didn't turn up for that job interview I blogged about the last time. Firstly it is one of those "motivational" kinda enrichment program with lots of rah-rah.

I am for some rah-rah but rah-rah all the time and all that hype just do not square with me at all.

So I skipped.

An Alternative Standpoint
Maybe if homosexuality remains a crime in our penal code, it will be all the better to test who are the ones who would , despite this, stand up and be counted among the criminals.

And even wanna make a love-nest outta this gay relationship.

Wouldn't that speak volumes for these hardcore, die-hard fans?

No Extraordinary Folks
Do not for one moment think that just because it is a club in town that you get swell, hip and fantastic people working out here.

On the contrary, they are mostly the working-class.

Nothing wrong with that but there are the gays/bis (wateva) who just wanna get their rocks off in the steam baths (of course I am guilty too) and maybe because there haven't been lessons on cultivating love and relationship particularly in this aspect.

Can we even in this hetero? world?

And observing all that good gym etiquette.

But can we even be sure they are locals or even local locals?

Friday, April 20, 2007

I Just Want My Own Space

"Solos" Is Off SFF's Film Offerings?
I called SISTIC to enquire why I couldn't book an online ticket for the SFF's offering of "Solos". Apparently they are awaiting for approval of its category-rating which has been for some time already.

Today I read that it has been taken off SFF's list of film offers.

You did it again, didn't you? Every other single hetero-film could possibly have passed unscathed most of the time but when it comes to this, you HAVE TO BAN IT ALTOGETHER, didn't you?

At McDonalds
Groupies spouting profanities . The Mat delivery servicemen/boys speaking their usual colorful local languagely coarsely. Family outings. Courting couples. Loud and brash students and kids. Slow internet connection that takes hours when it could have been over and done with in double quick time.

I couldn't move away when that couple was in some lewd act because I was stuck to the power point and stuck to my work. There was no escape but to watch on the side!

Unfortunately the few dudes whom I wanna get to know are all so distant and unreachable.

Yes it is all happening, AT MCDONALDS (which was one of their sloganeering at one time)

New World
This underpass isn't new to moi. In my heydays of back-to-back home tutoring, I had to pass through it to go from one student's home in Ang Mo Kio to another in Serangoon Gardens.

Now I am using it to go from one world to another.

This world is just like HV but much tamer. Of course, moi had frequented the place when he was in secondary school. That NIB store leasing out second hand books and most of the mom and pop shops are gone.

In their places are the usual few eateries and shops.

The renovated famous hawker centre doesn't open in the daytime and it is so much smaller with few varieties and the one stall I patronise doesn't exactly serve appetizing food.

However the other hawker centre just near it does.

I think I found my little food corner for now.

We Know The Rich & Famous Dine At Fancy Restaurants And Have Their Own Home Chefs
Soya bean milk, bandung and sugar cane juice served up in cans, packets or glasses that do not have the slightest hint of any soya bean, bandung milk or sugar cane taste, they might as well pass for sugary water.

Nasi lemak (which when translated means: "rice cooked with creamy taste" and in this case, usually coconut milk) which is NOT LEMAK, it might as well be touted as just PLAIN STEAMED rice.

Moi was lucky he found an eatery which lavished its "Malay fried noodles" (mee goreng) with crabsticks, scrambled eggs, fresh big prawns and fish cake. Though it wasn't exactly tasty but at least it didn't stint on its ingredients.

What is the state of our F&B coming to?

Given Singapore On A Blank Slate, How Would I Have Designed Public Infrastructure Differently
Our waterways actually help divide up our small island state into neat parcels to some extent.

Leveraging on this, we could have done up our public housing projects in several waves.

One would be to dot all round the coastlines our ubiquitous HDB flats, buffered by greens, then all the usual amenities, criss-crossed by by-ways, followed by highways and then industries (factories, commercial buildings and so on).

Similarly for all the water arteries trans-nationally.

The final wave would be to start from the core central catchment area and work the same concept from inside out.

That waterfront or greenfront view is sorely wasted if we have to watch it from a highway or in an office building where we hardly have time to relish anyway, right?

So isn't it wiser to optimise it by building residences near them or at least initiating a 50-50 mix or more in favor of residential projects?

What Do We Want Others To Remember Us By?
"Hey isn't that the Singapore which has all these really neat, sensible and good-thinking policies? Shouldn't we be adopting some of them as our own?"

"Ah yes, those trailblazing tourism products too which we don't even have back in our own home countries."

"Yeah, look at the way they plan and design their infrastructure, makes really good sense."

"Don't forget their fashion wear has gone really hip and happening and so marvellously different from what we have."

Aren't these the kind of comments we wanna hear from our overseas guests when they come visiting?

The kinda comments that set us apart as TRULY GROUND-BREAKERS who have made our mark on our very own terms and ingenuity.

Can we or can't we?

I Dress Up To The Nines Now
With half my life gone, I don't think I am gonna wait for me to be an old fogey before I start dressing fashionably.

So eat your hearts out, kiddos.

Try beating moi at fashion street wear anytime AND LOSE BIG TIME.

And I am all but waiting to deck out and savour my "contemporary, modern and minimalist" designed home next.

So eat your hearts out again and again!

Junk Food, Junk Living, Junk Education, Junk Foreign "Talent", Junk Sex And Junk Relationships, What Next?
Among ourselves, it is next to impossible to cultivate any meaningful relationships.

Because there really isn't much conversational topics to go on, apart from whinging (in most cases legitimate ones), money and business deals.

I don't think I am a loner. If I am, there would have been so many others like me out there. I see them everywhere I go.

Even those of us who claim NOT TO BE LONERS, should examine our lives very carefully before labelling others to be one.

For example, after all that chummy chummy collegial work at school or in the office, don't we all retreat to be alone by ourselves, and some don't even connect as much with their families or friends?

I try to strike up conversations especially those I may be a little keener to know (but sometimes I just let slip the opportunities due to a variety of reasons: I wasn't ready, I was blur, etc, etc)and get other people's contacts.

But seriously if they are not responding after that (they only have time when they are free, too busy with careers, school or maybe I just don't figure in their whole scheme of things : read not their type, appearance-wise, age-wise, physiquely or emo-wise or whatever), how are relationships ever gonna kick-start?

The problem must lie NOT WITH ME but with them some of the time right?

I Suggest They Get Exported To The Third World Where They Truly Belong
Remember that hunk who accused moi of filching his MP3 and watch. Well, he walked right into the grassroots club today. What does that say, you may ask?

Grassroot leaders (like that old Scrooge from that international school who sits on its board and that geezer at that old provision shop and even that Principal from that same international school - who couldn't be much older than moi) are usually associated with all those old fuddy duddies.

He has prolly become one of them.

Regimented, rigid in thought and SO TOTALLY HUBROUS, STUPID, OLD AND IDIOTIC.

How are they ever gonna attract the young and talented to join them?

Did You Really Have To?
I still think that golf course could have remained at Marina South.

There is that huge plot going to waste, as usual. Carved into heavy vehicles parking lots and the Chameleon and Cantopop areas of old surely could have made way for it?

Think about that.

All Those Expensive Stuff Do Not Make You Any Better - A Beng You Remain
They think once they got all the material goods to flaunt, that they have made it, that they are rich and powerful that they can get away WITH ECONOMIC IMPERATIVES over-riding human rights (read: rights which are really right) and good reasons.

Working Up A Big Sweat In The Sweltering Heat Of My Room
I am sweltering in heat all the time in my room.

I sweat when I enter my room. I sweat after I bath. This is how bad the state of living is here.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here We Breed Hubrity From Top Down

I Am Not Your DarDar If You Don't Mean It
He only seems intent on phonesex. Early on in our "relationship" he has all these intimate and affectionate terms for moi. Much later, he wanna change his mind and turn "straight" because according to his reckoning, gay relationship is "unhealthy".

I told him I want a real "relationship". He has to decide. Either that or it is NO GO. He sounds a lot like Muiz.

Pure lust and fun on the side but without a commitment.

Guess age, physique and looks are not really on my side too.

I have decided to boycott that hawker centre and all those coffee-shops save a few from now on. For the price I pay and the company I keep plus the service and food that are served up, it is simply not worth my while.

I have found a few eateries in town that do a better job both at their service level and taste of their food at about the same prices.

Tata all you hubrous people.

Bitch-Ass-Whore And A Whole Lot Of Other Mother Fuckers
She sashayed her way into McDonalds along with her boyfriend to settle down to "studying". Though they were cuddling together and there were just the two of them, she had to speak in her BIG loud voice that she hated this and that.

Who cares, fucking bitch what you like or don't like! I can tell that his boyfriend was one spineless wimp who gets poked at now and then and whose main job seems to be waiting on her MAJESTY! What a wimp!

To top it all, she was giggling and enjoying herself in her vulva while being subjected to various forms of molestation right in front of my eyes in full public view.

What a fucking cheap slut!

While this was happening, I had to contend with groupies whose only vocabulary seems to be a string of vulgarities!

Don't forget that OLD FART who took umbrage at my smoking within his shop premises. If he is so AGAINST IT, then why is he selling ciggies?

There is now a new kopi-tiam that just opened next door and smoking is not prohibited. Let us see how he deals with this!

The Gays/Bis (Who Cares) That Are
An incredible hulk stood by this dude and was expecting him to know that he was obstructing his locker. Not even an excuse me!

Well certainly the gays/bis (wateva) here are the MOST STUPID groups of people I have ever come across if ever.

Ben, whom you remember I blogged about as SUPERMAN the last time, has now joined Calif. I acknowledged him once but not anymore. Coz he ain't responding like some of the other dudes I have been contacting.

Even a friendly tap on Ilham warrants what I perceive to be a dirty look.

Hey dudes! Don't worry! I ain't even gonna call on you anymore!

This is just the kinda culture here. Cold stony silence. Narcissists. Pre-occupied muscle-bound dudes.

At its opposite extreme, we have old foggies who are just as stony-faced and silent whose only thing on their mind is A BIG WHAM at the steam baths and then GO!

The SSC gyms with its largely school-going population seems a much friendlier and communicative lot.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Morning Thoughts

Culture And Communism In China?
Remember that leggy RJC fencer moi blogged about the last time?

Well he is taking up China Studies, one H1 module for his A level efforts. He was doing a project on China and at one point, he told me it was gonna be about communism and culture.

I suppose he is taking a historical standpoint in tracing developments up until China's current world status. Because China is already economically reformed. There is not a single trace of communism or even Confucianism , for that matter, left in that country.

As for culture, it is increasingly being homogenised particularly in the aspect of dress sense. We have all but rigged out in the West's most ubiquitous export - jeans and tees.

Personalised Inspirational Story Yes, Not So Much Metaphorical Ones
Today I got invited for an interview where I have to (1) demonstrate a 10 minute clip of my teaching style on any subject and (2) tell an inspirational story based on a metaphor or a quote

It is more (2) I have issues with. Because a metaphor or quote (remember all those wise sayings and proverbs we learnt in school) may not be so relevant today.

In fact, if you ask me, they are so intellectualised and academic, they may not have many practical relevance at all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It Poured, GOD Darn It!

Oo, Our Boyz In Green Wan A Stab At Fun At The Gay Beach
Guess what happened when moi sauntered down to the gay beach today?

It was under further siege.

This time, our signaller boyz in green were at its remote corner, setting up some telecommunication equipment which looked a lot like missiles and a radar dish.

Then of course there are all those camouflaged nettings stuffed with leaves.

I hesitated for a moment. Moi had wanted to strip and tan naked. But if it was an ALL-GUY ensemble, I might. Since it wasn't, I couldn't.

The dark storm clouds that had suddenly gathered sealed moi's NUDE TANNING fate and what would have turned out to be HOT SIZZLING ORGY at the beach today.

Sigh! And you thought there would be "WAR" right?

You are so wrong. "SEX" was more on my mind.

GOD! You are so unkind. Did you really have to send rain my way today when I would have had a better time kissing, smooching, arsing and oralling ALL THOSE HOT, SWEATY, SMELLY DUDES in forest uniforms.

Did you really have to spoil moi's fun?

Did you?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Think About It

Visionary Application Of The Right Rules Of Law
Increasingly, our boyz in blue are called upon to intervene in civil matters such as domestic quarrels or disputes. This is understandable because they are invariably perceived as the first line of contact should the first sign of trouble appears.

Therefore, besides being fighting fit and ready to fight crime, I think they must also have a good knowledge of basic rules of law (know how to apply them and the situational circumstances underpinning each that do not strictly follow the textbook), mediation, counselling, communication and resolution skills.

Yes do have police patrols (which now seems to be under the purview of security patrols now in many other instances) but just remember this: Only spend your time on "criminal" cases.

And gay acts are NOT CRIMES.

Pitiable State
It is already pathetic that gays have been bludgeoned left, right and centre, leaving many without much breathing space. Can't own a place till you are 35, gay acts are crimes and with not many choices left, I guess spaces under the viaducts are now all we have. Plus public restrooms.

That is how far you push us to the brink.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

What Am I Doing "Home" On A Saturday Night

Hubrous People
I think if we ease off a little from the "First World" label, life will be a lot easier.

Some of the eateries do not already serve good food but worse, they have the kinda hubris to think they ARE KINGS.

Like this coffee-shop. The server is a LL (Lou Lan) "ah pek". I only asked if the half-boiled eggs could be cracked open immediately and he had some arrogant reply that that surely could not be, since they were just done. Mind you, they don't even toast the bread.

But at some, we could crack open the eggs at once while at others, we have to wait 5-7 minutes. Even then, the eggs are under-done or overdone.

I can name a few places though who do it just right.

Tourism Mimicry Is No Innovation
I do suppose we should build all those touristy things that other countries have. Yes, while on my beach outing, I have spotted the Singapore Flyer in the distance. But the question is, can we also have some original tourism products of our very own invention?

I guess we have all but run dry on ideas.

Not moi.

Haphazard If You Ask Me
We have all those beautiful rivers and waters and greens in many parts of our island. But we are not integrating them into our public housing projects.

The more I look at it, the more I realise how many industrial parks and car parking lots are fringing them.

The apartment blocks are all facing the wrong way (not facng the waters or greens), clustered and back to back when some could have been more creatively designed to line the scenic beauties or in an arc or curved configuration.

In fact if I have my way, some of the streets (perhaps not major roads, but then again, you never know) should be redrawn to accommodate this.

Yes that line "show me a country which has the best governance" is threadbare.

It is precisely because we are a small and very vulnerable country that we have to play up these comparative advantages (if we plan and design right, that is) if we are to beat the bigger players like China, India, even the truly First Worlders.

So do you think there is sufficient justification for salary increases?

Under The Viaduct Rendezvous
Hot sex and hot dudes. My Friday night out to the park (half of which will be a private residential project already in the works) saw hot sex and hot action going on right under the viaduct.

3somes, 4somes and 5somes and I pitched in at some juncture. Red-hot sizzling non-stop action.

One part of the beach is also totally inaccessible now (laying to waste, in my opinion) while some works go on at the breakwaters.

Housing Choices
Fuck to all those bad housing designs (too small, no privacy, bad design and layout, lousy neighborhood, no view, no air, no nothing), I guess moi can never hope to live by the water with a good view of the greens and the water.

I think I will have to let funds decide which of the three hotspots I have earmarked as my housing choices.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What The Future Holds

But It Is The Hub
Ok so that two "more ideal" apartment blocks don't exactly offer views of the water either but they do seem the best choice for now. Layout sucks unless it is that corner unit. And yes that estate is the air-route to some air bases for our armed forces.

And an ageing estate with very old (both in age and of the people) and poor parts.

They Make Good Sports And X-treme Sports Performers, No?
A groupie of street kids. Prolly not very good academically but they were actually doing many stunts in the canal. Running up and down, agile and athletic bodies that could do many nimble footwork and handowrk.

Someone was in charge of them and directing their energy channels to sports and perhaps X-treme sports.

Very good. This is how we wanna develop different aspects of education and different segments of talent.

What This Boils Down To
Between Dick and Patsy, I choose Patsy for my new hair stylist as she gives a better snip, in my opinion. But that means nothing. I am not even remotely attracted to a girl sexually.

I just had a chat with this dude about how homosexuality may be decriminalised. The whole idea is to make homosexuality more acceptable this way. Societal norms will change over time if guys see a future in gay relationships (possibly with adopted kids thrown in).

Bis and gays are doing it on the sly now only because of the stigma and non-acceptance. They are sticking to a sanctioned relationship because that offers more security, viability and acceptance.

Given time, education , exposure and more liberalisation, it will gain wider acceptance and acknowledgment. Like emails have overtaken snail mails as the preferred channel of communication.

History has borned this out. The history of Greece and Rome for example.

And it is true that all those coining of terms like top/bottom, gays or bis are all misleading. We assume different roles at different times. Let us just be comfortable with that and with that one partner we choose as our "spouse", a guy or a gall.

It isn't as if gall-guy relationships are doing very well either.

That is because sex has degenerated into pure physical lust and fulfilment - no emo, feely, responsibility, faithfulness , holistic communication and relationship thingy.

Cheap Shots
So I have the utmost contempt for bis. They are ambivalent. They probably turned "straight" as they can't rebel the strong and high tide against them if they choose homosexuality. They can't stand up to what they really feel and know in their hearts to be true love.

They are also amibivalent because they can't see a future and it is CRIMINALLY (now morally) wrong to engage in gay sex. They are pragmatic, in other words. But is it their true calling? Would you wanna be a minister somewhere which offers a few million dollars remuneration if you know you are not gonna enjoy it working with mealy-mouths?

It is worse if the guys are married or have girl-friends. I don't think it is fair they have cheap shots with gays (treating them like side-kicks) but not willing to commit to it.

Look, I am single and gay and unattached. So I can afford to cruise until that ONE AND ONLY TRUE BEAU TURNS UP. Maybe even in a gay relationship, if it was just all men , I would turn a blind eye.

But with galls and possibly families involving kids, I draw a line.

This is but one small step to "progress''.

Lost World
There is this whole big generation of older and very old gays who are lost. They are alone and hanging out at places. I really feel sorry for them. If we don't move any faster in our liberalisation moves, many of us are gonna get trapped like them.

This is the generation where there was much homophobism and clamp-downs. Coupled with conservatism, tradition, state and religious strictures, they were bound hands, feet and all by the norms of the time.

Sorry state and sorry sight.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Dayful Of Events

Lugging Work
I never liked the idea of lugging a notebook along with me whenever I go out wherever. It is like lugging work along and your mind is never at rest or at peace.

Off-Color And A Hole In My Pocket
The bright orange color of my watch strap has darkened and my Converse wallet has a hole in the coin pouch. And just after a few months of use.

What the heck?

Galls' Traits
I have shorn off my locks and now sport a GI Joe cut. Not that I have that much locks to begin with.

Patsy, my new hair stylist, and I get on fine and that is just about it. It is more a chat-chat-chat kinda relationship whenever I go for my snip and will remain that way.

She had just handed me her mobile yesterday, though she had turned down my request the last time. I won't be texting or calling her. She will be a sounding board for moi to know what GALLS are like.

In fact she outed a little nugget of truth of being a GALL yesterday. They shop and buy stuff even though they don't need it. And that stuff remains unused because they may not like it and so on.

So why buy it in the first place?

GALLS, here is one more reason WE CAN'T LIVE TOGETHER. YOU are so INSENSIBLE!

Walk The Bloody Talk You Keep Talking Cock About
One reporter in the "Straights Times" commented how he thought that bloggers were just copying or working from materials that originated from the newspapers.

Yes moi admits he does sometimes. But most time, moi writes from personal experience, like this blog.

It is like BIG BLABBER and all those high-and-mighty academicians and what-nots ("teachers", people living in their own small world - meaning within their circle of friends and acquiantances at work or play or in school or in the community - the PAP, etc, etc) living in posh districts amidst the middle-class, the rich and the super-rich.

They love handing out INSTRUCTIONS how the rest of us should live our lives. You must be resilient (and they hold cushy jobs, live life well). You must be rugged (they dont take up sports or hang out at places where the "ghettoes" are). You must take public transport (and they drive). You must be this. You must be that.


Here it is both a poor and bad neighborhood. You see them at the hawker centres, McDonalds and everywhere. It is decidedly a working class neighborhood. Many foreigners.

Just shut your trap!

Hot Pants Down
While cruising at a swimming pool, this hunk of a dude (most prolly a bi on the hunt for a good time) accused moi for filching his watch and MP3 player.

I am not sure if he started this as a pick-up line. Strangely after I offered to let him peep into my notebook carrier and insisted that he apologized should there be nothing, he didn't call in the police IF HE HAD REALLY LOST THOSE ITEMS.

At yet another cruising spot, moi got caught peeping under the toilet cubicle (yes, this is how hornyness, desperation and boredom make you DO STUFF LIKE THIS) of this hunk.

He quizzed moi about it AND it was funny how I replied that I was JUST PEEING, which was really what I was doing after all.

I have a ready excuse should the incident morphed into SOMETHING BIGGER. I dropped a ciggy pack, my wallet or coins which had happened before anyway. They had all rolled to the next cubicle and moi has to retrieve them.

Again, he walked away.

The kinda sexual exploits moi gets himself into!

I Am Really Frustrated With My House-Hunting - I Can't Decide
I cannot decide where to buy my old new home.

I am decidedly torn between two hotspots, both offering water-front living. But here, the really poor and old live but they have such WONDERFUL views of the river. Furthermore, they are very small units, just nice for one or two (what if a kid comes along) and the layout offers no privacy.

Even the two better blocks which offers middle-class dwelling have corridor units that again is not private. So much construction is going on all around that you prolly have to pick the far corner of this particular block where developments are already in place and there is simply no more space for anything else.

And that place, though it is truly a HUB, serves as an air-base of sorts. You can hear the jets zooming past ever so often right above you. And the units don't come cheap.

I really can't decide.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Beach Outing

It Is Still Here But Completely Surrounded
I headed for the gay beach today.

It is, despite all that is going on all around it, still there. Beautiful white sandy beaches, the mangroves and creepers growing on its edges and the deep blue sea.

The golf course is right behind and to one side of it while some other developments are happening to the jetty to the other side. In short, it is besieged.

The gatekeepers, some Indian Nationals, actually directed me to a longer and more dangerous route (the huge trucks were rolling by enroute to more construction work) but I got to see the golf course. Another was really rude in re-directing moi to pass through it gates. FUCK YOU! We employ you to control us.

There were just a few of us beach bums. REALLY SAD!

Why The Young Are Still Good To Teach
Youths are not as contaminated or tainted yet. They still have that freshness about them. That makes it worth teaching and "moulding" them. They are not so set in their ways and are more "open" and porous.

The Kinda Neighborhood It Is Here
It is a BAD neighborhood alright. You can observe the kinda crowd that hangs out here. Many foreign workers and they are the Malaysian Chinese kind, both males and females.

Just the other day a couple got into a fight at Mcdonalds. They looked like foreigners to me and apparently fighting over their kids - methinks they are separated.

Bishan wasn't half as bad as here.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Number 23

At Arm's Length
I decided to lay off my gymming and running for a while and rested really well over the weekend.

On Sunday , I set off for dinner at the nearby hawker centre.

I was under siege.

Patrons were either families or couples (mostly straight save one gay coupling).

In fact I was occupying one seat at a four-seater and this family of three (a foreign mother and her two daughters) were actually eyeing my seat for whatever reasons, hovering about, yakking and pointing.

As it is, I already don't like women, in whatever form or shape or manner. So I gave her a really bad scowl.

I hope all women take a hint - just keep your distance from moi.

Gay Fashion House Didn't Get Its Sums Right
I visited the very popular gay fashion house again today and realised how they had overcharged me $20 for my pair of running shorts the last time. But I didn't let them get away for my new pair today and duly got my $10 back.

In fact that muscled dude, besides misinforming me about the "running shorts", had also misinformed moi about my tanks' cut.

This dude is either seriously mistaken or he is doing this on purpose.

Much Needed Limbering And Perking Up
All the recent visits to those gay haunts really perked me up in some ways.

For one, I got much needed stretch and exercise of a different kind - meaning I kinda sharpen all my five senses in a "predator or prey" role and all that chasing around is seriously good limbering up.

Even showering under a running tap for a long time helped ease my many woes away. Water is therapeutic, much like what swimming does for your body or feasting your eyes on water and greens and HUNKS of course.

What Does That Mean?
I tried hunting down "Men's Folio" at two major bookstores. Both didn't have it. But they used to. So if moi can't find it, it can only mean several things :

(1) they are temporarily out of stock
(2) if (1) then there will be a certain x time in the future, the stocks will arrive again
(3) they are discontinuing carrying it

But the sales assistant couldn't provide a clue as to if it was (1), (2) or (3).

At a third major bookstore I did.

It is the same thing with clothes. For example I wear a XL size for a particular clothes model. The sales staff tells me they "don't have".

What does that mean? It can only mean any of the following:

(1) that item only has sizes from S-L
(2) the XL size is temporarily out of stock
(3) if (2), then at a certain X time in the future, the new stock will arive

Usually the sales staff is clueless.

My hunt for a love-nest has taken me to yet another part of town.

I think this is it.

This place has confirmed development plans that will be completed in 5 years. And once its surrounding development flies, so will it. Too bad it offers NO waterfront living but it is at the confluence and minutes away from every imaginable kinda hub: transportational , sporting , shopping , dining , entertainment, water and greens.

I think I am buying a place here.