Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Pot

All-New Format And Layout Of Moi's Blogs
How do you like the all-new format of my blogs? Snazzier and colored environmentally green exuding a pleasing cool effect that is easy on the eyes.

I thought it could do with a video bar and a slide-show side panel to liven up the layout but please ignore the "LASIK" ad, it somehow came with the add-ons for changing the format.

Fair And Square?
Yes the opposition has to be kept on its toes too.

Thinking back, if the opposition should win an election, that probably is the easy part.

The harder and more difficult part would be to tackle the awesome political machinery on the ground from its town council to its grassroots. Not to speak of a lack of manpower resources and funding. Look at how opposition wards are neglected in upgrading works.

And what's more, our opposition is only entrenched in two single-member wards, not GRCs.

So that is fair I suppose?

Last Insult On Top Of Injury
First our jobs, then our homes and now, our bodily organs and possibly body parts!

Foreigners take them all, don't they?

And What A Life It Is!
Yes we are all given a life, apparently under the kind hospitality of the"manna from heaven" banner of the state and what a life it is!

I mean look at all the work-life balance talk that is going on recently! What does that show?

And when we reach the end of our lives, don't they get taken away by HOTA?

That is life?

Drafts And Not Final Copies
Look, I have said it before and I will say it again. Most of my blogs here are draft copies.

Moi hasn't got the benefit of an editor (namely himself) because he just has too many things to say.

When moi does re-read some of his blogs after sleeping on them, he knows instinctively that language and grammar can be improved, choice of words, new ideas and the phrasing of certain sentences.

So read if you want to and leave it alone if you don't.

Wei Zhao And I Are Native Singaporean Chinese
Wei Zhao and I will probably be similar on most counts based on the kinda background we hail from.

We are the next generation after all and I hope he won't feel the disconnect as much as I do with the kinda Western influences here and the kinda education and "assimilated hotch potch of culture" we have here.

I hope he knows who he really is at the end of it all because I am still trying to figure myself out.

"Nothing Is Perfect" - A No Brainer "Perfect" Excuse For Imperfections
To put a final end to this cliche that has been tossed up as the "perfect" excuse for absolving lamers who commit glaring public mistakes that have resounding repercussions on many (compare that with private mistakes that moi makes that only impacts himself and no one else), I wanna say this:

Why then is there perfect SAT scores or sterling straight "A"s demanded for academic results?

Would you gulp down a bottled drink laced with 0.1% cyanide which is after all not a "perfect" drink?

0.1% is lethal enough and it kills, no?

Heaven forbids, cyanide is actually the kinda toxic ingredient in some fumigation and rat poisons and its dissolution effects in water and intoxication are well known.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Foreign "Talents" Indeed And Other Issues

Native (As In Those Who Are Schooled Well) Versus Naturalised Singaporeans
If there should be any foreign power conspiracy, I think it boils down to this.

We all know it first started with our foreign talents from across the causeway who caused a stir with what the womenfolk were doing.

Now it seems that the Chinese are accused of similar offences except that they were of a more heinous nature?

I think if we do a tally, all the foreign women and gay sluts are not absolved.

First I have written about the appallingly low standards of audit and accounting in many of the one-man and even the partnership outfits. They were employing many, many, many of our neigboring foreign talents who can't speak a word of good English and we know how 'audit' as the word is seriously meant to mean is a mere lip service for piles of paper work.

And yes some are neighboring foreign talent owned too.

Then I spotted our neighboring foreign talented women dolls with faces painted like witches "working" in the re-insurance firm moi was working in.

I see more of them as home-makers when moi was home-tutoring and guess what, one of their daughters was a BIG TIME trouble-maker both in school and outside. The way this home-maker conducted herself at moi's home (hanging her feet up on a coffee table) was no better than a Chinese home-maker who did the same.

Fatbloke's place saw our neighboring foreign talent instigating Chinese tenant Peng to commit atrocities in the home like washing his shoes in the washer (maybe that explains how it broke down) and using up the washing detergent.

I won't be surprised that my ex-tenant who is a Chinese and whose classmate is a Malaysian was similarly instigated.

By the way, Fatbloke (maybe he is a Malaysian naturalised citizen or just a Geylang born, country bumpkin Singaporean poker ) was the only rude fatass who would dare walk into moi's room right up to the window to peer out while the rest would just take a peek outside the thrown wide-open doors while moi was still sitting inside.

What about all those loud Filipina and Indonesian maids?

And look at all the small companies like seamstressing. Usually our neighboring foreign talent who employs another foreigner like a Chinese or Indonesian. Or of foreign-operated cinemas who employ foreign ushers?

What employment opportunities for native Singaporeans? How many native Singaporeans helming schools, commerce (opti shops, food, hair and beauty, just to name a few) , the medical corps (nurses and doctors) , our media , our security services (auxillary policing and Prison) and our top local corporations (shipping and air to name just two)?

Do they measure up? Are they of quality? Look at how our media is going. The kinda blogs being promoted. Who are the people writing the pro-Estab and totally mindless analyses?

To the Chinese credit (you can fault them for being brutish, crude, loud, etc, etc) but they are serious-minded, have the smarts and are very diligent. Not dwelling on frivolity like the way we have become - Hollywood style.

We are doomed, my native Singaporean counrtymen. We are in grave danger!

The True Blue Singaporeans
Let me define native Singaporeans as those who have been schooled well (meaning not necessarily to a higher education but who have been instilled some basic sense of right and wrong, good and bad) and home-schooled well (meaning the kinda upbringing at home)

Stranger Than Strange
Let me relate to you the strange coincidences after my eye op. I had wanted to pick a Tuesday for a review but was told that that was an extremely busy day. So moi picked another day.

Much later because of the lasering after-effects of my skin, I had to reschedule that back to a Tuesday.

The doc I picked for my op wasn't the doc I wanted in the first place. I had no choice but to pick his lieutenant. Guess what, that was the same day my first-choice doc was consulting and that was how I met those rich Third Worlders coming here for their cornea transplants!

And that was how all those pieces of jigsaw puzzles clicked into place!

X Files-The Movie Bears Out Other Scenarios If Human Organs Trading Is Legalised
Holy Tornado shit! I wasn't expecting this movie to be filming about human organs transplant, not after what has happened to moi and with the wider considerations to extend HOTA here in Singapore.

What was missing in the movie was just that eerie music that characterises the movie! It just wasn't playing long and loud enough!

This movie was more than human organs transplant! It was about body snatching while the victims are still alive, butchering them and grafting their body parts on another sickly but live recipient. Far-fetched now but maybe not so in the near future?

More Questions To Ask Ourselves About HOTA Or Human Organs Trading
But does that not throw up scenarios of abduction or killing of live victims just to steal and sell their body parts or organs, let alone dead ones?

If minimally invasive technology is now already here, perhaps keyhole surgical after-marks are not so discernible even if larger organs like the kidney, heart or liver is stolen?

While we are at it, you mean even our bodily organs are willed to the state? We don't even have a say or control over our body anymore? How can we be sure should the Act in future encompass older than 60 cadaveric organs that it will also not cast the net wider for those under 21?

If this is not already happening and if those listed organs are the only ones coveted? I am sure spinal or lumbar parts are just as prized for stem cell research or experiment?

The Book Of Revelation - Three Sex-Starved Women On The Prowl
I have only seen the poster with a naked dude mauled by three "hoodlums" (hooded personae). Thinking that it was a biblical armaggedon kinda movie with three male angels carrying away a virgin man to heaven, I went to watch it.

Whoa! Was I ever sorry!

As it turned out, the hoodlums were sadistic oversexed women who tortured this young virgin man for 12 days and then released him.

It was a sick show especially when he was deemed a lucky guy by the police when he tried to file a police report. So much for equality of the sexes again! When that happens to a woman and she files a report, it is considered "rape".

So what if the guy doesn't dig women like that or women for that matter and feels this has defiled him?

As it is, it left him psychologically scarred and his sexual attitude changed towards women! Sexual violence that is!

When he thought he had tracked down one of his female sex-act perpetrators and was tearing her clothes up just to glimpse that tattoo on her breast for identification, this was considered sexual violence against a woman!

Utter hypocrisy and discrimintion is all I can say!

Slipping Straight Acts Into Gay Porn Or Literature
And it is utterly insiduous too that straight acts have been slipped into gay porn. I watched only because it was integral to the whole gay porn act and the guys were hot!

Just as I noticed some men's magazines are not really men's magazines anymore! There are just one too many women inside the glossy pages and I think the newsstand has enough of girly magazines with so many nude and almost nude photos of women!

So I have stopped reading them save for one!

A Replay Of Hot Jap Porn And I Know What You Are Up To
And I know I was in exactly the kinda public bus scenario as in the Jap porn (ok so it was chartered and the commuteres were really their staff but this bus really went round public places and on the roads too) when two dudes were beside me.

And more strange coincidences! The father in a family to view this place being sold turn out to be the cab driver moi flagged down the next day on moi's way for a room hunt and he lived just round the corner!

More than coincidental? You bet!

O Women, Please! Equality Just Isn't Equality Is It?
And let me explain what I meant by sex-starved older women the last time.

I have seen a couple of women at least into their 50s and 60s showing so much cleavage and navel, it is disgusting enough with the younger ones doing the same! And young boys were staring mesmeried.

Sometimes these attract the foreign workers, not the locals. So good luck to you if you do not invite some kinda sexual assault sooner than later!

I even spotted one old woman wearing a hat and her breasts were all exposed in a robe roaming the grounds in the morning and whom the neighborhood nick-name "Fong Fei Fei". And many foreign Chinese workers were boarding there!

And those laser-skin patients were exactly that kinda age! I would not have bothered, would not do the cruising rounds at clubs or anywhere and would have killed myself at that age!

Not to mention a woman actually removed her bra-strap and expose her breast while sun tanning at the swim pool.

If the guys did it, it would have been indecent exposure!

Will Someone Lead Asia To Be Truly Asian In Our Ways And Protocols?
When I called for Asian Chinese to unite, I include the Koreans and the Japanese too! They should think of us as being more like them.

Look at how all Asians are Westernised? I think we grew up learning the piano and guitar more than we do the chinese musical instruments like the er-hu?

What's more our dressing right?

I don't even identify with Chinese opera at all but I can still enjoy Chinese musical instruments, dances, dramas, music (both Chinese pop and traditional) and yes acrobatic acts and pugilistic displays. Yes those period dramas!

That is all that is left of Chinese culture!

Everything else is Western inspired themes or influences!

I mean I value Western kinda communication, open-ness, politeness, civility and so on. So these are traits we can pick up?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We Have Changed, The World Has Changed

The Dark Knight
Oh whopee scary mungo sungo! I have never been on the edge of my seat so much during an almost 3-hour epic movie. It was fast-paced, action was furious and the plot was excellent. There were so many, many, many dark moments especially with the psychotic Joker!

All it took was just a simple pen-knife to instill so much fear among the audience (I could see all the cringing and hands to faces kinda look of horror)! And yes awesome explosive blow-ups! So traditional yet so....mind-blowing?

For sure there were many takes of hilarity.

In one scene as the dastardly Joker was pushed off the building and when he spiralled downwards and dangled onto the end of the rope, he looked like doing a bungee jump.

In another, you could detect a faint smile on Harvey Dent's better half of his face as he lay dead on the road. I suppose a rotting half of a face when compared to a handsome half reflects the dual sides to humanity - both evil and good?

All that story about good (the incorruptible Harvey Dent), about justice (oh god, the poor woman judge got blown up in her car), about power and greed, about money laundering and of heroes (Batman!) were just what the audience wanted.

Oh yes, a tribute to Singapore actor Chin Han who "made good" in the movie....in a baddie's role that is.

Hellboy2 has so many parallels to our modern day living that even though our superheroes don't exactly look like us (which bucks the trend for the need to be beautiful or suave looking), we can all almost embrace the characters.

There is that dirty old troll disguising herself as an old cat-loving woman (she actually eats them) whom we can immediately identify as some of our older sex-starved women. Or the forest goddess being the last of her species here on earth which alludes to our natural environment being destroyed. And yes right down to putting on contact lenses!

The desecration of antique relics to a priced collectible auctioned off at museums is another issue and how characters that are different from us are marginalised in society even though they mean no harm.

And funny one-liner spewed by a tumour not a baby-in-arms.

Really good movie with a myriad of strange-looking creatures!

Star Wars (Animation Version) Is Coming!
Star Wars is coming but this time it is an animation. Now another version like an animation is most certainly welcome but somehow we wanna see real human characters playing these roles.

Otherwise that extra oomph and reality is missing!

I guess we are just used to its former flesh and blood characters like Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil who truly fleshed out their roles so superbly, aided only by special effects.

Legalising Human Organ Trading
Sounds like it has already been going on surreptitiously in a black market kinda operation and now is probably the time to finally put up a legitimate front to all that racketeering. If so, do the same for Penal Code 377A.

Among many laughauble laughs were calls to not avoid controversial and radical ideas. What about Penal Code 377A then? And as an afterthought or maybe struck by a little conscience astirring inside, there is now talk of compensation.

The last laugh of course must be deciding to "distance donors and recipients" and for that, to appoint a middleman and that function goes to of all people, charities and religious groups (whose roles are increasingly being called into question these days in light of recent controversies).

Doesn't look too transparent to me and donors can't even assess properly the "legitimate" needs of the recipients or even the true value of their compensation and the kinda 'compensation" the middleman gets.

More Than Just Security Lapses
I think we take issue not only with security lapses but of wider concerns over how our Home Team chooses to do its patrols.

We hear now of particularly bad neighborhoods whose flats haven been broken into and littered with one too many foreign guest workers boarding there.

They live in these estates and loiter around the town centres. In big groups too. Patrols seem to be only at nights while crimes or assemblies in broad daylight isn't unheard of.

Then there is the issue of the kinda immigrants or aliens we seem to be attracting. First we had "study mamas" (whose marital status and relationship with their "wards" have to be qualified) and illegal workers are not exactly extinct yet.

What about the quality control of issuing permanent residency or even work passes to one and all? We do seem to get all sorts here - shady and bad character sorts plus really low low low down sorts.

Episodic individual failure sounds a lot like "isolated" incidents. Maybe it should just be renamed "epidemic collective bungle"?

We, The Born And Bred Sons Of Singapore, Do Swear By To Do Good For The Sake Of Our Country
To let you know how bad the situation had been, let me tell you my personal experience in the world of accounting and audit work.

In those one-man and even the bigger partnership outfits are not exempted, almost anyone can do the job.

So I have Malaysian women for colleagues with practically the lowest of the lowest accounting certified skills but whose mouths are wide enough to probably win her the job. They were not at all collegial colleagues and tend to beat down the born and bred Singaporeans here by virtue of their seniority,

I fear for us if they are the likes who will eventually gain a residency foothold here and finally make here her home as I am sure she will.

Others are just conniving scumbags and this one case I know has surfaced as a financial scandal and fraud in the courts.

Good luck Singapore, you now have a foreign (or eventually naturalised) team who are financially self-interested (we are a commercial and financial hub no?), commercially greedy and who will not do good or right.

We all suffer for it in the wake of rampant profiteering and harmful and bad products and services thrust down our throats.

Shit Thrashes Everywhere
I have worked in enough foreign-owned and local companies to know the kinda environs we are operating in.

And opened my doors to enough foreign tenants to know what they are made of.

Even my foreign and local gay 'brethen" are no exception.

Put me here longer and I am gonna blog more about the EVIL and shitasses here.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shuddering Shudders Of Murdering Murders

Shuddering Thoughts Of An Even Greater Eye-Sore
As I think back even more and even harder, I get even more and greater shudders. *Shudders*

Leaving football imprints is probably considered an eye-sore? But think what all those outwardly pointing nails do for aesthethics? Total zilch and an even greater eye-sore!

Don't forget how dangerous they are to one and all especially if someone gets "driven up the wall", get it? They look like nails for nailimg someone to the wall and crucifying him or something.

There are other more amicable and less vile ways of discouraging soccer playing in void decks, no? Despite the adamant recalcitrants?

Murdering murderers!!!!!

Flowering Shrubs That Reach Eye-Level - Danger Zone?
All those flowering shrubs lined along the common corridors shared by residents of a block. Some have reached eye level and at one point I was actually worried for my cyborgic eye right immediately after my op.

Not to mention some have thorny main stems like the hooks in the void decks. And because they were lined up the way they are along the common corridor, some passageway is obstructed and we walk too close to them for comfort.

Shuddering shudders .

Furnitury And Electronic Throwaways
Cupboards, wardrobes, washers and fridges. We have seen these old and disused thingies doubling up as storages outside a flat or simply kept for memory.

Fire hazards, obstruction, collecting dust and dirt and certainly unsightly. Maybe even harboring unsavories like pests for instance.

When will we all learn to be more First World?

Mirror Mirror On The Wall - Playing Hide And Seek With The Sun
Nowadays moi carries a hand-held mirror wherever he goes.

Because of the lasered skin on my face (I still stick by my prognosis that there is vast improvement) and my uber-sensitive cyborgic eye now, moi plays it really really safe.

Moi has been playing hide and seek with the sun. As much as moi tries, moi is out before sunrise and after the sun sets. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Count Dracula?

You should see how moi shifts from the left to the right or back again in the cab wherever the sun chooses to shine its glorious rays onto the seat.

As soon as it rains or it is dark and cloudy, moi manages to get out of the house and breathe a little fresh air and "sunshine" (oops, that is not such a good idea anymore).

No more outdoor sunshine for moi. No more outdoor running and tanning in the blazing sun. Just indoor gymming and indoor shopping for moi from now on.

To check that my skin and my hair is in place, I look into this mirror just to be triply sure.

Vainpot? Not at all.

ABCDEFG.... Now I Learn My ABC......."S" Is For "Slog" And "W" Is For "Work"
By the way, did I mention that two fumigators are carrying out fumigation works? God knows what the other guy does.

And for trimming trees or bagging thrashes along our streets, there are like four or more in a team. One doubles up as the driver (yes, foreigners have taken over our Singapore wheels, what next? life sciences?) while the rest do their tree-cutting and pruning works.

I know the S-pass may just not sound like a work pass right? Sleep or siesta? You bet your life in a million years it certainly is not.

S is for "slog", so "slog" S-passers!

Trading Places - Will A Blow Torcher Do As Well At Medical Laser Works?
Have you thought about how academic smarts is probably just one part of being on the way to becoming a good surgeon?

I mean surgery needs fantastic motor skills in any surgical procedures right?

Like the car mechanic or the blow-torcher (shaping glasses or cutting and welding) and that steel of nerve and steady hands in passing a ring round loops from start to finish at a fun fair?

Well....think about it...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Great Singapore Organs Sale

Two women poring over a publication titled "Singapore Organs".

"Hey, look! There is a heart advertised here going for only $999.99 and it belongs to a young 22 year old who keeled over his sailboat just last week!!" exclaimed Miss Norway as she excitedly pointed out the bargain to her friend, Miss Spain.

Both were finalists in the recent Miss Universe pageant.

"You know what that means don't you?" Miss Norway's eyes lit up with excitement. "That means a young, fresh, pumping heart for a transplant!Better than ever chance for acceptance with less rejection. But I suppose immuno-suppressants are still needed?"

"I know. I heard how that place is teeming with very young myopic people. People as young as 7 or 8 years old going almost blind in the eyes with myopia. Jesus! What's their education systenm doing to them?"

"Look on the bright side! A limitless and endless pool of candidates for future corneal "donation" and transplant for the world. Not to mention their optical industry must be thriving like a horny dude's CK undies being fingered and caressed!"

"Yes I know and with the Human Organ Transplant Act in place and a new Act coming into effect real soon, we will soon have even more bargains to fish for! WHOA! Isn't that exciting? I mean where else in the world do you get to shop for human organs? Libya? Or Mynmar?

"Look! A kidney is going for $1599.99 and what's more, it has been GST discounted ! What a bargain! And a liver at $499.99! Wait........59 year old....died mysteriously....hmmmmm....kinda old, ain't it? And there's this photograph of a liver belonging to a 3o year old. No scarring, in the red of health, perfect transplant organ!"

"Shopping paradise indeed! Better than 5th Avenue I must say!!!"

"Let's fly there this weekend, what do you say?" Miss Norway begged Miss Spain.

"Which flight? SQ?" asked Miss Spain.

"But of course. They only serve the best cuisine and offer the best inflight services.Hopefully nothing happens on this flight, otherwise we become candidates for organ transplant or trading ourselves!" Miss Norway laughed hilariously, almost like a mad woman whose pussy's hairs caught fire, thinking back on how Miss USA fell on the steps during a fashion parade.

"Right. This weekend it is. My father has a pacemaker inside him which isn't functioning too well now! And my bro needs a cornea! And there is one here going for only 2999.99! It belongs to a living 43 year old!"

"Let's get that fucking dude's cornea! I read he has some of the best bio-data which look's like a who is who list of the best human organs available! And with that kinda sharp visual acuity he had all his life, my bro is gonna be able to SEE again! Awwww, I feel so sorry for him! He may just suffer lower than sharper vision for life! Tough luck but let's go!"

Both women got up and prepared to book a flight here for the Great Singapore Organ Sale!

But wait..as they turned to go, their shadows on the floor didn't exactly look human! They looked a lot like those bald vultures feeding off animal carcasses. Oh poor, poor, poor us humans!

Friday, July 18, 2008

More Thoughts For Today

Nails Not Hooks
When I examined the "hooks" closer, those "hooks" hung on the upper walls below my void deck, I found them not to be "hooks" but nails. Spiky, pointed, sharp nails!!

Heaven forbid! The extent we go to just to discourage soccer in our void decks!

In light of promoting ourselves as a Sports Hub, this is TOTALLY anti-Sports Excellence!

Illusional Delusion, Only Naive Singaporeans Can Fall For It
Speaking of which, I took a peek at upcoming infrastructural developments like our two IRs , one scheduled for opening next year and another in 2010 and our Sports Hub in 2011, and was completely bowled over by the designs and concepts.

Question is how is that gonna benefit Singaporeans (especially indigenous ones, not naturalised citizens). In terms of employment and talent.

We have seen foreign talents foraging into our sports scene and winning at regional events with limited success. And providing comparatively cheaper sources of labour in all levels of industry from services to manufacturing. I am sure the coffee-shops are foreign or naturalised-owned too.

Not necessarily better, more efficient or trained employment but just cheaper. This is borne out by the kinda bad communication, bad services and bad attitude displayed I witnessed at some retail stores.

This just spells badder than bad sales record, not because of a small domestic economy but because of just plain bad sales people.

Sad to say, like the men's club, the patronage is largely locals. Locals consuming and patronising foreign or naturalised owned enterprises and employing foreigner workers. Triple whammies for us all.

Singapore has to be vigilant that despite all the hype and fury drummed up over exciting F1 events (foreign-owned and even one champion racer isn't local), IRs and the Sports Hub that we are ULTIMATELY the winners and beneficiaries in this illusional game.

We Slog And Die And Our Bodies Get Butchered And Organs Distributed (Maybe For A Fee Even) Or Body Snatching While We Are Still Alive
Now that there is talk of legalising human organ trading, moi can only get even more suspicious.

It could mean that all the while there was buying and selling of human organs but it is just surreptitious. Meaning our body parts get stolen without our knowledge or that there is already a black market between willing and transacting parties.

The talk now to legalise these operations, is just one step up above theft or black marketing.

To cast the net wider among our Moslem brethen and older people (aged above 60) just means that we are sadly beginning to look and read like old faithful Boxer, that dedicated and hardworking horse in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" who was sent to the abbatoir when he was of old age and outlived his productivity.

Think how our lives parallel his.

We Are All Similar On These Counts
Gays are not just gays per se. We are like other ordinary citizens who are not only affected by just anti-gay laws but a whole host of other laws prohibiting ownership of new public flats for singles and cost of living issues. Maybe we just got more issues than usual, that is all, like Penal Code 377A.

So the pro-opposition stance that got gays at loggerheads with the state does not necessarily start with Penal Code 377A. In fact, that proves that gays are just like the rest of Singapore that identifies themselves with almost similar issues.

I just wanna show that we are all the same.

Penal Code 377A Has To Go
It doesn't even need to be a public shame for a private act.

As it is, if the act happens under any one of those conditions I mentioned, Penal Code 377A swiftly ensures private acts like these are prosecuted. You don't need to be a public figure. Even a private person is not exempt from the Act.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Do You Exactly Know What "Evolution" Means? And How Gayism UnWittingly Got Entangled With Politics (Thank You Statutes 217/218 and 377A)

Both Natural And Man-Made Evolutions Need Natural Or Human Engineering
Of course, you wouldn't expect a Doctor Of laws to be deft at a Doctor Of Medical Science affairs now, would you?

Don't even speak of "evolution", a term that had been bandied about when Penal Code 377A was put up for a repeal and most recently when Singapore's political system, namely a Westminster parliamentary democracy (you mean it isn't even liberal, participatory or even representative ? Oo and I thought we were way ahead of our time), was called into question (that would be Parliamentary Acts 217/218).

Being the educator that I think I am (Oo even that is now called into question?), I thought it falls squarely upon my shoulders to at least try and point out to all who care to read what this term actually means. So brace yourself as I ramble on.

First we have to draw parallels between natural and artificial evolution.

Natural evolution just does NOT evolve on its own just like that. This is contrary to popular folklore and old wives' tales perpetuated by the media and some parliamentarians.

It is like hoping an 85 year old can erect on seeing a cute young of-age naked boy changing at the changing room of, let's say a condominium's swim pool? This 85 year old (thank god, he gets to have his human organs totally intact when he dies) probably needs pornography.

You know, a portable Sony playstation, a couple of hot Japanese pornography discs and he is on his way. His way to hell and death because at that age and with all that excitement upon both watching the of-age naked boy and the porn on his player, he would most likely suffer a massive congestive heart failure that needs a triple bypass plus angioplasty (no silly, not those Mac balloons they hand out to kids on festive occasions)

That means natural evolution needs a trigger. A catalyst. Sort of like an invisible hand.

To the religious, that would be GOD.To evolutionists, that would be some catalytic triggers like the climate or maybe even the presence of predators for the preys to "evolve" their defence mechanisms.

Remember how animals got thick furs on their skin? When it was the cold climatic conditions of their habitats that triggered the evolution of those hairs, ain't it?

Or how some got spikes on their backs? Or how some started climbing trees to escape their predators on land?

Oh whoa! Moi has digressed far too far off the point now, hasn't moi?

Ok ok ok. Cutting a long grandfather's tale short, the same parallel goes for what's more an artificial or man-made evolution. In the very first place, some statutes aren't even natural right as in the "natural" sense of the word as we know it.

It is drawn by man, no? Arbitrarily, upon their whims and fancies and upon conditions prevailing at that time.

In fact for it to ever hope to artificially "evolve" (and look at those two Acts of ours, haven't they "evolved" suficiently thus far), humans tamper and tinker with them. Rewrite and redraw the boundaries. In other words, human engineering.

Therefore, humans are needed to "evolve" artificial "evolution".

That means conditions have to change. Gay humans have to be elected to parliament, more opposition, more of the proposition speaking up and parliament becomes truly participatory, representative and liberal right?

HereIn Lies The Conudrum Where Gays UnWittingly Got Entangled With Politics
Note my last paragraph in the above section. This is very important.

Gays became anti-state (gays like me anyway) because the state's laws like Penal Code 377A are anti-gays.

To change the laws, they have to side with the opposition. Any opposition. So gays become even more anti-state because Parliamentary Acts 217/218 are anti-opposition.

Oh GOD! Look how far gays have spiralled downwards! From anti Penal Code 377A to anti Parliamentary Acts 217/218. What next? Anti Constitution? Yea that must just be the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

To change the prevailing conditions, gays and their gayism have to be more visible mainstream. Gay fashion, magazines (nude men mags like in Taiwan are allowed), organisations, lifestyles (holding hands, occasional kissing, marriages) parades (another Act for public assembly) and education (respect for gays like in Taiwan, Hongkong and Japan).

Are these allowed to flourish here? No.

To confound the conumdrum further, to ever hope for conditions to change and to humanly engineer that change in parliament, we need gay or at least gay-friendly parliamentarians.

Gay parliamentarians and gay-friendly parliamentarians may be granted all the privileges and immunities of speaking and debating on gay laws within the precinct of parliament, but what if the Penal Code kicks in within what is termed the privacy of 'consenting' adults (later that guy snitches or he is bisexual or straight or he isn't the definition of an adult - 18 years or older) outside Parliament.

A public shame for a private act. Will gays or gay-friendly personae (here meaning bisexuals) wanna be voted into Parliament? Sounds like an Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case!

But where are all the gay friendly parliamentarians (meaning all the rest)? Are they speaking up for us and changing the rules for us? No.

Some public assembly acts have to change, then the Constitution (granting equality and non-discrimination) and finally Penal Code 377A.

The rest will follow like marriages, partnerships and so on. But given the pro-birth and marriage stance here, these are unlikely. If the elites are really elites as they claim (I laugh derisively here), short of allowing polygamy and incest they can reproduce all the numbers we need though this is unhealthy for genetic variety.

Imagine far too many clones of one kinda "elite" running around Singapore! Enough is enough!

I hate girls too much and I know I can't live with them, their character, their sex organs and I am sure so do the rest but they are just masking it. And to mask a sexuality is just cowardly and deceitful. You just breed more mistrust and I won't ever vote for the likes of FatBloke into any organisational hierarchy, would you?

Another downward spiral again! Parliamentary Acts 217/218 have to "evolve"

The answer lies in giving space to gays and all your other pro-birth and pro-marriage stances can carry on without being affected. Good immigration is the next best answer, not the kind we are seeing now.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fuming Fumigators, Oakleys On The Faces Of Staffed Porn Actors, Scary Tit-For-Tat Vile Acts, Hollywood Comes To Singapore And Who Gets What

Erectus Erratum
Oh my God!

This is like the third time I am uttering this! Fact is when I looked back to my blog, I actually said to "stuff the fumigator" into the refuse chute.

Gosh! I mean this fumigator to be an "object" noun. I was referring to the fumigaing tool, not the person.

But chewing on it more, it is pehaps not too bad an idea?

The fumigator ("person" noun) can crawl into the chute, shut it after him, fumigate as long and as much as possible, close off the fumigator ("object" noun) completely, crawl back out, shut the chute and.........

I note the look of total disbelief and disgust at this suggestion?

Safety and health concerns on the part of the fumigator ("person" noun)?

Can he don a space suit then? The kind our astronauts put on, covered from head to toe and masked?


Moi digresses...........

My Word! You Wear Oakleys Too?
In between blogging and recuperating these days, moi also gets to feast his eyes on hot dudes out on the field kicking a soccer ball or going about their physical education lessons that range from frisbee to rugby.

Oh yea!

Hot jap porn! And you know what, I really hate the "Scout Caravan" kind. Really boring, utterly solo and one too many long interviews.

But I like the rest with a daring change of scenarios from public transport to open outfields to public lavatories and almost all the staffed porn actors wear Oakleys!

Hot, hot, hot! Well......most are!

Whoa! You Can't Take Criticisms Very Well, Can You? Attitudinal?
You know what, I am beginning to think some of our leadership has problems coping with constructive or legitimate critiscisms and they show this by being vindictive.

Just a few examples.

Someone complains it is too hot and they turn up the air-conditioner way too cold and then vice versa for complaints about it being too cold. In other words, they swing between extremes when something lukewarm between hot and cold would be just nice.

Another example. Complaints against (usually) kids kicking soccerballs in void decks. Yes they do pose dangers to passers-by and the prints they leave on the walls are not the best of artistic murals?

So what do they do? They hang up numerous hooks on the upper walls, so many, they look like hooks for sado-macho acts, you know the kind featured on Jap porns where the masochist is hung spread eagle on a wall and despicable but hot sexy sex acts are performed on him?

Seemingly this is in the hope that footballers would puncture their soccer balls that way?

Whoa! Absolutely scary and vindictive!

I suppose the next time anyone complains about the quality of public service and they start up an ombudsman?

Hollywood Movies Come To Town - Now Showing At A Hospital Near You
Remember those tomb raiders scouring cemeteries and even royal burial grounds like in Egypt? Remember that Hollywood movie "Body Snatchers"? And you thought it happens only in Hollywood movies right?

Really scary now, isn't it that it may actually be happening at a hospital near you and while you are still ALIVE!

Pray that while you lie subconsciously or unconsciously on the operating theatre table that you don't wake up with a slit scar down your hip or a slash across your left pectorals!

Your kidney or heart may just have gone missing! But if it is your cornea, there just isn't a single trail for you to know if it is missing!

Need I say more?

Who Are The Priority Candidates Or Just Who Get To Get Our Organs Upon Death And Who Gets What
That brings me to conclude my blog for today by asking: "We all wanna know what kinda priority is accorded to who in awarding our prized (priced?) human organs to a donor recipient.

Is priority based on wealth? Connection? Status? Needs? What?

In all fairness since everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, no one religious group should be exempted even on religious ground.

I can't be donating mine to one when he can't donate his to me or to another!

I think we wanna have a say in who gets our organs and who benefits from what upon death. I would rather they be preserved for my kinship or something and not to a total stranger or worse enriching someone else in a organ-for-sale transaction at my expense.

And certainly for a living donor, consent (I can't pay for an op and on top of that, I get a body part stolen for cash ) and absolute assurance that he doesn't get maimed in the process or be less than perfect that he usually is.

We really have to look into this!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So Many Checks But Yielding So Little Efficacy (Updated)

Body Snatchers?
Oh my God!

A parliamentarian in a group representation constituency has passed away. The first thought that struck moi was: Oh my God (again?)! He is just a year or two shy of being above 60, so what is gonna happen to his body parts?

The same thought struck moi over the sailor who keeled over on his sailboat. What needless tragedy to repeat itself again right after the dragonboat drowning episode!

All those body parts! I hope nobody is stealing them or at least the families aren't too grievous to know what they should rightfully be knowing !

I correct myself : I will only die at age 60 years and 1 second after midnight past the day of my 60th birthday, nothing lesser.

And I will repeat this again: By virtue of my singlehood means I have no dependants (seemingly so), while those who do, can surely at least hope to depend on their dependants should they turn dependant.

That means I have to ensure I am in good health, in totality and not be a liability to others and myself so I can depend on myself in future.

The day I become dependant is the day I kill myself, get it?

A By-Election Is A Foregone (Meaning You Can Forget About It) Option
According to the Parliamentary Elections Act, it seems that the President doesn't have to serve a writ for election, which in this case is for a vacancy arising from the death of a Member since this is a group representation unless all other members in this GRC vacate their seats.

This is just too bad for us isn't it? A by-election now will be a litmus test for our people and for both opposition and proposition parties alike. See what results past by-elections have yielded.

This ward has seen a walk-over the last GE. With current sentiments, this may have changed.

Sounds like another barrier akin to redrawing electoral divisional boundaries to keep out the opposition or at least a chance for them to prove or show themselves.

What with fulfilment of ethnic quotas in a GRC ward and a specified number (which reads like a numbers game), it seems highly unlikely any opposition party can turn up candidates like that.

At least do not deny the populace the chance of a by-election? That is fair I suppose?

Sighs and shudders - a dominant party in perpetuity?

Wait - there is still hope.

There are at least 8 single-member wards available and if the incumbents decide to vacate their seats (please do!!!!), there is still chance for a by-election and if the opposition can still muster and fill the ethnic and number quotas, there is a fighting chance for all of us.

Cross our fingers, people!

Oo, This Can Only Mean One Thing - The Dissolution Of All Others And The Appointment Of A Supreme Council Or OmbudsMan/Men/Women (Our Version)
Oh yes, don't forget the Government Parliamentary Committees for all the cabinet portfolios have been set up precisely for reasons to serve as additional avenues for checks, investigations and debates with regard to national issues and bills tabled in Parliament right?

Well, what happened?

Remember more questions and debates have to be raised and this is provided for under the freedom of speech and debate and proceedings under the Parliament Act with privileges and immunities granted and exemptions from liabilities in certain cases.

So I am really not sure why our legislature just isn't speaking up?

Must moi do the job for you?

Wait - are you gonna say these are isolated cases or incidents again? Guess what? Put all those isolated cases together and they add up and it isn't isolated anymore!

It is ubiquitous?

Only Two Will Be Evolutionary While All Else Are Human Engineered
Only two things, it seems, are left to evolve on their own.

The political system via Parliamentary Acts 217/218 and the Penal Code 377A.

All else have already been tinkered with and human engineered with past clarion calls like : "Stop At Two" and "Have Three Or More If You Can Afford It"?

That is strange, how did the two acts evolve in the first place if not for human engineering?

The Final Gauntlet
Tell you what!

If the entire Cabinet and legislative assembly (from top down) get off their high pedestals, descend from paradise and live here among us and live like us, moi joins in the fray for parliamentary elections.

How's that?

*Wink wink*

Monday, July 14, 2008

Buzz Off

This Is What My Life Is About
I will repeat this one last time.

I wanna get my own place in an appropriate residential district as soon as possible. I hope to have a beau with me but if not, it is ok. I do not wish to be out here seeing all that is happening. It is no business of mine. I wanna pursue my interests and I have listed them previously.


A World Of Fucktards
My final theory is that I didn't contract cataract because of UV, nor congenitalities, or of straining my eyes over my PC or because of contact lenses.

I got it because I was put out here among the fucking bastards, the chao chee-byes, the workings of the Unholy Trinity and all the rest of the bums and caught their viral infection. The purported godly saints who can do no wrong.

I know that once I open my house to let in all those ex-tenants of mine from the Third World or wherever, and started my home tuition, I didn't get a single good feeling about them or a day of restful peace.

So FUCK OFF and leave me alone!

More Of HOTA (Devil's Advocation?)

So How Is This New Place Going, Dude? Oo, You Mean You Actually Care?
The reason I picked this place here is because I knew I was gonna have that eye op and needed long and good recuperation.

This place offered moi that. It is spacy and cozy and fully air-conditioned which offered much needed respite from the hot and dry summer heat (have you noticed it is no longer so humid here).

At last I could get most of my stuff out of the luggages. They have been hiding inside far too long. Sometimes to the extent that I can't remember if I possess this or that and I buy duplicates or triplicates or quadriplicates even of a same item. Like umbrellas and wallets and three-pin plug keys.

There are just three of us quiet and well-behaved tenants.

Since I had that eye op, I felt there was no more difference if I added on a laser procedure as well. I was hesitating over the latter but hey, what is laser compared to phaco right?

If my windows are opened, I know it is hot and noisy outside. This place faces a busy thoroughfare and with a school right in front and a few bus services plying it, this part of the estate can get congested during peak hours.

At other times it is quiet.

Because We Are Independent With No Dependants, We Have To Depend On Ourselves - Get It?
I just found the most precise and winning argument for the case of singles with apparently no dependants.

That is exactly it. If you have dependants, you can depend on them when you become dependent yourself.

For us, because we have no dependants, we have to depend on ourselves. So we must be in good health and in totality to take good care of ourselves.

So no part of me is going into anyone without making me less independent and self-reliant.

At the end of the day, I have to take care of myself.

More Of The Human Organ Transplant Act
According to the Human Organ Transplant Act, all citizens and permanent residents (except Muslims unless they will it as a gift voluntarily but this looks set to change with MOH relooking this) aged between 21 and 60 will have their organs removed upon death unless he/she registers an objection.

Yes, that means you, you and you dudes, we are all vulnerable under this Act except grandma and grandpa (ok ok sometimes mama and papa)

So all of us are vulnerable to this Act.

The few questions to ask are:

(1) Who gets to get our organs?

I am not gonna will it to the likes of Punk and his gang. They are so undeserving. Look at some of our ethnic friends here in this estate. Mostly well-behaved and non-riotous. They do not disturb the peace of their neighbors in public spaces.

Remember also that foreigners are precluded from having their organs removed upon death, so how can they be getting our organs.

I have met foreigners at this hospital and besides that Malaysian woman, there was this Pakistani woman with her hubby and kids in tow seeking corneal treatment.

She will most likely be a priority candidate for a transplant but can her identity and true marital status and relationship with the kids in tow be established, coming as she does from a thuggish Third World?

And yes my doc is in charge of cornea services, whatever that means, and I can only put two and two together.


Sob, sob, sob, my cornea is missing!!!!!!!!!

Come to think of it, what about LASIK?

Oo so that is but a corneal flap (if I allude that to an envelope and given that emails are so preponderant these days, the kids prolly won't know what it is) but in certain other kinds of LASIK, just the epithelium with regenerative abilities is removed.

That certainly can be transplanted, no? Have you thought of that?

(2) what kinda monetary transactions are involved (if any) and who are the beneficiaries of this money (if any)? if at least my organs are removed, shouldn't my kins (upon death) or myself (as a willing living donor) be the firsts to benefit if there were money involved?

(3) Yes, if I had signed some of those papers on the day of the op and I didn't read them and had unwittingly consented to any living donor organ transplant (fuck you and you are maiming moi now), that would be a fraud, a duress or an undue influence (fuck you again).

Singaporeans (that includes PRs), this involves all of us.

Our precious bodily parts are being willed and we wanna know to who and if there are any monetary transactions going on.

And the much sought after organs are namely the kidney, the heart, the liver and the cornea.So look after these organs well, will you?

Get it?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Human Organ Sale, Some Asides And Our Only Hope Left

Your Bodily Organs Are Now Priced (Oops, I Mean Prized)
Singaporeans have to wake up to the fact that their bodily organs now carry a price tag upon death.

They have to ask who is benefitting from these organs and at what price. And who gets what money.

We should all sincerely hope that there isn't already a black market racket under the cloak of secrecy and dark (what with the recent publicity of a kidney sale) going on but even with a legally operable Human Organ Act in place, that everything is aboveboard and all the above are observed.

Wearing Sun-Shades Indoors And At Night! How Would You Feel?
I seriously regret mentioning I had sun-glare related visual problems when I had cataract especially when I am outdoors. I mean that can easily be rectified with a pair of polarised (or not) sun-shades rather than a pair permanently.

I thought the experts would be wiser but I can be wrong.

Imagine coping with wearing sun-shades indoors and I am not sure if that contributed to the fuzz at night even more.

Supreme Council Of Checks And Balances Or An Omniscient OmniPresent Ombudsman/men (To Investigate Private And Public Corporations And Services)
If the legislature (yes that includes NMPs and both the opposition and proposition parties) has done their work more thoroughly and aimed to be more questioning and representative in the first place, I guess a Supreme Council made up of truly neutral and not pro-estab members, to vet and check further policies and what-nots that get filtered down to the populace may not have been necessary.

As it is, we should then have one.

Because a system of governance based on caveat emptors and disclosures (or non-disclosures) ain't no working no more in a world of corporate greed and commercialisation.

Otherwise we are all in grave danger.

Human Organs For Sale
If I were to play devil's advocate, how can I be sure that there wasn't something going on and that my lens wasn't infected with cataract and that there was a conspiracy for a human organ transplant of my cornea or my eye lens?

The perpetrators could be anybody and we know the kinda links and associations among one organisation to another.

Just playing devil's advocate.

In a world of ours where the Gaddafi Institute is welcomed onboard our shores and our business association with Kazakhstan, a country tagged "Thuggish Capitalism", just to name two, these third worlders are enriched back home with their type of businesses and resources, how do we know?

Once again Singaporeans, our human organs are being transacted for money and the benefit of rich Third Worlders.

Who Knows Who She Is And Up To
The circumstances under which I met this Malaysian woman who is certainly rich are highly suspicious.

She claims to be a mother of two but I know she is a rich tai-tai and had many failed cornea transplants.

All she needs is money and a sob story to win the hearts of her supporters and get a ride on a human organ transplant.

If so, moi's whatever inside her will never fit her. There will be a massive rejection and she will die soon after.

This is my curse to all who try to harm moi. From Doray to FatBloke to Liz and now this woman and all else out there.

Not From A Living Donor, You Don't, Especially If He Does Not Know - That Will Be Theft Or Cheating When He Signed Something He Has Not Read
If organs are from dead donors, it is relatively ok. Even then I am sure we wanna know who benefits from what. Especially the money part.

Living donors, that is another issue altogether.

We cannot purport that just because someone is single and has no dependants that he/she has to give to someone who does. Certainly not from a living donor.

Unless it is a willing donor. Not a living donor who is not in the know. That would be theft.

Everyone is equally entitled to the same kinda living standard and quality of living. You can't save one and maim the other.

Get this fuckingly right, people!

Two Asides
Our Fumigators
Now I have blogged before about how the fumigation works that are being carried out and with the kinda fuming fumes we may just be harming ourselves more than to kill the intended pests.

Having observed how the foreign workers execute their work, I can now understand why. While walking from refuse chute to refuse chute, I notice the fumes are still being let off.

I suggest that they open the chutes, stuff the fumigator inside and fume as long and as much as they can. Then shut it tight, close off the fumigator completely and proceed to the next chute. That way, less fumes escape to the surroundings and attack uintended targets like us humans.

As for drains, spray the liquid into the gutters and not on the drain covers or allow any leak onto the surface floor. That way, no slip-ups for us humans again.

Finally other alternatives like poision pellets or non-slip spray liquids can be explored rather than just the fumy fumes we have now.

Our GrassCutters
So many grass cutters for one small lawn, namely our stadia. Sounds like redundancy.

Does it mean that just because employing them is cheap, we employ as many as we can but the workload actually does not warrant it? Pretty similar to those Chinese Nationals tending to customers at the cafe I ran into. Half the time redundant.

Anyway these same grass cutters leave behind oil and grease wherever they choose to refuel or rest, usually on the stadia's steps (not to mention dirtying the whole place).

I suggest a couple of work stations to refuel, rest spots for them to rest and washing portals to clean and wash up reserved for them to do all of the above and not just anywhere and everywhere.

Plus the cleaners are gonna have a tough time cleaning up after them when they choose to visit the loos and anywhere they choose to leave their imprints. All that mud, soil, grass and grease.

Not to mention possible slip-ups for us humans.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Blood Season - Spring II

How Kind Singaporeans Helped The Spyros Disaster Accident Victims
An old Uncle Cabby told me that was how the community chest was born.

With donations from kind Singaporeans, the victims and their families were helped and compensated and the balance started the community chest.

There You Are! Foreigners Profiteering And We Get Kicked Out Of Our Very Own Public Housing Schemes
I have just found out how a men's club here is being managed and owned by a Malaysian, a Chinese and a Chinese naturalised citizen respectively, none of which holds a farthing residential address based in Singapore.

I know for a fact that many of the foreign language schools are foreign owned too like the above example and they are teaching English which is not their first language to foreign students and employing foreign teachers of their own kind.

I don't see a farthing collaboration with any Singaporean in any respect or benefitting Singaporeans in any way, do you?

A fine example of profiteering from Singapore at the expense of Singaporeans and I am sure there are countless other examples.

Look how stupid the rest of us are. We are born and bred here and none of us gets to become entrepreneurs.

And commerce rules the world. Remember that! Not the tertiary-educated nerdy types who then have to work for some commerce or public services!

Small Domestic Economy? BullShit! Blame The Untrained Sales People
If the businesses are not chalking up enough sales like the Apple reseller I ran into the last time, don't blame it on the small Singapore domestic economy. There are enough of us with the purchasing power and there is an international community based here.

Blame it on the reseller employing foreigners (even locals too) who are not up to par and doing their jobs justly.

Wake up Singapore!

Chew On This - Your Next Generation May Not Endure What You Have Endured
Remember that you the present generation (whoever you are - native or naturalised citizens, PRs, even foreigners) may endure through all that is happening now, maybe even profit from it but your next generation may not.

The ones born and bred here.

Good luck, may none of what I wrote befall you! Be it a cataract or a job.

How A Refined Eye Helps
A refined eye is needed for that refined discernment to win an edge and be several notches above the competition.

Be it in a job or for a country.

Chew on this!

Blood Season - Spring

15-Year Shingles, Not Itch - Is That How Fast Or Slow You Move?
I really hate to have to blog about this. But I think I have to just to show how S-L-O-W things can really get going here in Singapore. So S-L-O-W that by the time we get there, we do not already have a comparative advantage.

I first heard rumblings about why Singapore was not opening a theme park way back in 1995/1996. This was from none other than an ex-tenant of mine who migrated to Australia and then came back here again when he thought that Singapore was "opening up" (that is such an absolute laugh, looking at how this is now nearing the first decade of the 21st century).

I am sure he has migrated elsewhere after he saw all that had happened here or maybe not. Hey do you know when you are gonna get menstrual cramps?

Anyway, from 1995 to 2010 when our first theme park is gonna be opened (a big welcome Universal Studios) that is a devastatingly 15 year wait. Yes we finally got it but at what opportunity cost?

We get shingles after we have our bout of chicken-pox?

A Band Of Low-Down, Incompetent And Scummy Bandits
I will like to think that our few founders and co-founders were truly and sincerely working for Singapore. From fighting the colonialists to building up Singapore.

However, things must have changed along the way and once power is decentralised, there come a time when pockets of ego-flatterers, "allies", chummy suck-ups but complete goofers and incompetents got to divide and conquer Singapore.

They are working for themselves not for Singapore.

Worse, they are not rising to the challenge of international threats and bringing us up to par. Far too many other equally crucial developments are not being initiated but suppressed for whatever self-interested reasons known only to themselves.

They are here among us, people. Working amongst the community. Citizens and non-citizens alike. At all tiers of the totem pole.

I suggest we sniff them out and hang them. Castrate and castigate some of them.

Another Henchie Kept In Power Because Of A Master Puppeteer?
One Uncle Cabby highlighted how a certain parliamentarian was voted out twice in the opposition-held ward but could still retain his ministerial post.

When you scrutinised his past and present portfolios, you notice he has held Transport (the ERPs, CBDs) and National Development positions.

Right now moi is residing in his ward where it was a walk-over at the last GE.

When moi arrived, I noticed how some of the bus-stops were still pasted with out-dated posters of past parliamentarians. One notice was dated 2006 (that has since been torn down) and the colors have all but faded to a faint blue.

What do you think people?

Whoa! By Then, Wouldn't Some Of Us Have Already Kicked The Bucket?
Anyway, you would have noticed how all our long-term vision is now centred on a 10 to 15 year kinda tenure, no longer the 5-year, more visible, more immediate kind that WE CAN ALL HOPE TO SEE.

Some examples, the 10 to 15 year vision for our dear, dear Jurong Lake district development. In fact for all kinda waterfront living vision.

It is like trumpeting bio-medical sciences but cautioning how it takes many, many, many long years before it bears fruit.

In the meantime, some of us won't live to see it but we continue voting for the promisor to power. And us, the promisees, just keep waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and...... (you get the picture now, don't you?)

Did you just put your finger to your nose while speaking? I saw that!!!!! Let Papa's boy speak for himself, dude!

Levies And Minimum Occupation Periods Are Already Sufficient SafeGuards Against "Profiteering", So Why Are Singles Kept Out From Owning New Flats?
Oh yes if "punishment" hasn't been meted out sufficiently, there is already a hefty levy imposed for owners of new flats buying another equally new flat on top of a minimum occupation period.

So where is the "profiteering" agenda that Singaporeans are being chided for?

What Is Happening With My Cyborgic Eye? (A Computer Scan Actually Read An Error At One Opti Outlet)
When I close one eye and open the other, there is always that sharper focus in my good eye but not in the other. When they merge, vision is good but depth perception isn't.

Like how some optis and optos put it, a raised ground kinda feeling. A fish bowl vision. An imbalance.

This is attributed to one "perfect eye" (which was once cataracted and we know how a perfect visual 6/6 is attained just by looking at some black lettered and numbered charts against a lighted backdrop which is like pure classroom teaching without the out-there-in-the-world kinda contact) and one high-powered myopic eye.

Yes I ran into a 65 year old uncle cabby who must have 6/6 perfect vision but I was half the time clinging on to my seat because he was driving zig zaggedly with many near hits and misses and at one time he drove onto a lane and a bus was flashing his lights behind him.

It seems like I have to either Lasik or wait for the other eye to falter both of which I do not sincerely hope for.

What if Lasik produces halos and what if both options bring my "good powerful" eye now to that kinda less sharp vision I am having in my op-eye?

If the opthamologists question if I need perfect vision, I say I had "perfect vision" all the while so YES I DO!

I am not some 50, 60, 70 or 80 year-old who is retired, sedentary and a home-maker who can cope with less than perfect vision.

Get that thickheads!

Refined Eye Acuity Means Discernment
Some opti told me I probably have sensitive eyes, if you wanna call it that.

My old opto prescribed a pair of contacts that was 25 degree off that prescribed by a centre and I could discern the difference. I went with her because I felt most comfortable with her and my vision was certainly sharper with her prescription.

Maybe those evaluators at those evaluation rooms should take a cue from her. Perhaps my opto should even work there.

I cannot fault the surgical method but all else I probably could from the surgical markings and positioning to the optometric measurements.

And I can't discredit laser or ultrasound technologies either. It is just the evolution of these technologies and remember that new or revolutionary does not necessarily mean better or more advanced.

Yes that is how refined my eye is, not sensitive. I can detect that multiples of 25 degree acuity.

Right now I am told I have a 50 degree astig in my op eye.

You Run Your Own Life, I Run Mine
All my ordeals are just attributed to some FUCKING BASTARDS who wanna drive me out of my previous home (based on the CHAO CHEE BYE jealousy that I was occupying 104sqm of sometimes tenanted space and that I need company - FUCK YOU) and put me out here to see all their shortcomings!

What about the current owner where moi is now living? He is owning 108sqm of space and he is a joint owner (the other does not live here - purportedly his father) and he is tenanting out the other rooms and he has even partitioned another room. Four bedrooms in all.

I am not even sure if he is a local or a PR or under one of those PR siblings scheme. There you see, others are benefitting.

First because of all those human disturbances (oh yea punk, I spotted you and would have hit you if I could) and constant moving and lack of an internet connection, I wasn't able to research as thoroughly as I could my eye condition or the best treatment options or treatment places I could go to.

FUCK YOU Bastards!

Get This Right, You MotherFuckers!
I am not holing up in some nursing homes with old farts (and you know how differently we think) or in nursing home-like housing estates like Tiong Bahru or Kallang in the smaller flats especially.

We have nothing in common except maybe a spit or two.

Nor am I gonna be holed up in such close proximity with some foreign workers or some low-income families with a brood of children who are constantly beating up their kids because they have more than a handful to cope with.

I will not be anyone's leader or speak for anyone anymore.

When we were poor, we did the same thing. We minded our business, didn't ask for money or borrow from others or created problems for other people.

Look at the vast majority of Singaporeans (native or otherwise) and the foreign residents here.

They are all enjoying themselves, driving their big cars, living in their big houses and shutting up their mouths and voting for the incumbents as always without a whimper and now their vehicular problems become my room rental hikes.

Get this absolutely right, MOTHER FUCKERS!

This Is Where A Child Learns Like For Like (I Have Seen This At Child-Care Services, At My Home Among My Sisters And Among The Third World Way Of Bringing Up Their Kids Among Parents And The Maids)
I have blogged about how physical discipline and verbal screams and threats when a child misbehaves must be the lastest of the lastest resort in any kinda parenting.

With Wei Zhao who is about 2 years old or so, I have seen how he responds very well to firm talking to and reasoning.

I have seen how my sisters love screaming and verbally abusing my nephews and nieces especially during sit downs to school work and look at how some of them turn out.

And that physical discipline is gonna elicit some kinda retailatory moves later on in life or on some other people.

Take good note, people. Like for like, remember!

A Two Year HeadFirst Start And You Call That Talent?
All those foreign talent in our local schools have a two year advantage in terms of physical and intellectual capacity.

Does that explain how they top sporting and academic achievements?

And they are taking our places in admission exercises and that explains why moi isn't able to get a place at any of our three local universities and have to turn to a foreign one.

35% Replacement But With Who And What
I am all for good foreign talent replacement of our local populace.

The likes of Psycho, BullDog, FatBloke and Punk can all be exported overseas to Third World countries.

But why are we getting the likes of those I met?

Utilities Based On Usage Or Size Of The Dwelling?
The latest I got wind of was that the utilities are pegged to the size of the flat and not on usage. I have got incident reports from cabbies who vouched that they were out of town but the bill still remained unchanged.

And how billing is about the same per month depending on the size of the dwelling and does not fluctuate despite drastic usage changes .

Never Anti-Enterprise But Pro-Good And Beneficial Enterprise
That is my stance.

Enterprise that has no harmful side-effects or does more harm than good to a person - his eyes, his skin and his health.

Enterprise that make a difference to improve lives and elevate standards of living.

Commercial greed or profit cannot over-ride the safety and efficacy of any enterprise.

Nurture And Grow Our Local Talent Faster Than You Can Get In The Foreign Ones
I spent a short stint at a hall of residence, a hall of residence for medical students during my lst year university studies.

I didn't like the ragging and regimentation. Enough is enough during National Service. And I wasn't gonna be any cutie boy for some of the senior girls.

But I do know the aspiring Malaysian Indian doctors wannabe were mocking at us (particularly our defence capabilities) and I am not sure if some of them are working at our top echleon of the medical corp services today.

In fact I just got wind how many of them are occupying top corporate and public service positions.

Around my estate, I have spotted supermarket employees and shoppers holding blue ICs (meaning PR status) and even that provision shop owner was once a Malaysian.

Their kids will probably be like me, born and bred here but I can't be too sure if they have familial ties still back in their homeland and what if "searching for their roots" run amok and they decide they should be aligned with their motherland?

Good for Singapore then if they should be hiding some hidden agenda.

I still think the Chinese hold the key. Not those here working in the retail or technical or the food and beverage or sex trades certainly. But the genuine student-type and those in true professions.

That is why there is jealousy in many quarters (I know who you are but I am not saying) especially of those Chinese born and bred here who have the smarts.

I Wanna Call It A Day
I think I have enough raking up the past and blogging.

While all the other "Singaporeans" (whoever they are, young and old, poor or moneyed) are living in their own shell and shutting their mouths up, poor moi has to be at the receiving end of judgement, morality, policies and placed under a microscope and speak for these "in-hiding and behind the curtain" clever farts.

Fuck You!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Don't Think I Don't Know

Intrigue, Lies And Shady Workings Right Here Among The Gay/Bisexual Community
There is more intrigue where moi is holing up here.

First, our little hot masseur of an owner (yes, he has many clients coming in and out of his house of all ages and walks of life, I will NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM except strictly as a tenant) is seling his house.

I am not sure if this is a show as he claims he is engaging a real estate agent who is a relative and going by the kinda "buyers" who turn up, I am not sure if they are just friends of the agent's or friends of his.

Now agents are not favorites of mine and I know there are a couple whom I have engaged before who must be pretty jealous of moi's ownership of my previous place. Envious because they know that place commands a good price.

They must be in together with this circle of the gay community who is staging a show. To purposely drive moi out of this place. A pretence of selling the place because I spilled the beans on Mr FatBloke and BullDog and one agent contracted didn't get to sell my place the last time.

Strangely fat bloke Raymond is among the people who came down to view the place.

And since our hot little massuer of an owner is a masseur, I know he must be actively moving around the gay circle and community (while I don't) and fat bloke Raymond is probably a former and present client as well.

By the way fat bloke Raymond wanna moralise about going to saunas while here he is, married, unhappy and at one time filing for a divorce, indulging in gay sex on the side. Oh, he did mention he was born in Geylang, home to prostitutes and drug smugglers.

I won't be surprised that he is in fact the brother of Daniel, Mr BullDog and they are running a sauna which is ONE I have shunned and will shun forever. Because his cheque has an address which is in the vicinity of the area.

After all, they share the same surname and do bear some resemblance.

And BullDog has mentioned time and again the last time about massages and his sauna, promoting and selling it to all potential customers and guess what, they are probably courting customers like Chinese student Peng and Malaysian hotel employee Ken. Maybe they are part-timing or working at the sauna for them, not a student or an employee here as they both claim to be.

Probably the Myanmese is too. It is too much of a coincidence that Peninsula Plaza is so near the location of the men's clubs for Kyaw not to be privy to gay clubs in the area. He doesn't look too straight if you ask me. Maybe Mr FatBloke is corrupting him and making him spend his money at his club.

And maybe all three purported tenants and ex-tenant are really employees being housed at Raymond's and they are sponsored and brought in by Mr Fat Bloke and BullDog, joint owners of the gay sauna. Plus a couple of other owners. Yes FatBloke's wife, M/s ChinaDoll is probably in on this, doing agency work, bringing in all these foreign guest workers for the sex industry.

They are all inter-connected I am sure. Fat Bloke's neighbors may be friends of his and co-owners of the gay joint. Who knows?

Nothing can be so coincidental. Nothing is so simple.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Blood Season - Winter

Think About This, PokerAss
Moi has been dragged along for far too long a time. It has been a whole two and a half years since I last sold my place and that place has since skyrocketed in price, leaving moi looking like a fool to have sold it far too early.

Rental has gone up and I really hate paying that kinda price for a room! Needless to say the least.

My sympathies go to newly-weds or couples who wanna tie the knot and buy a flat. Yes, they prbably can't afford it. But the good news is they can still buy a new flat which is cheaper when compared to a resale and they are still young. They still have that health and energy to weather the wait.

Moi has had cataract eaten into him. I am not at that kinda age to be dragged on further. If I were to die today, I wanna die in the peace and sanctity of my own home. Not someone else's. Not Raymond's. Not here.

The administration owes the people one thing: that public housing should be made affordable. Singles or married, we are still citizens of this country. Forget about private property. That isn't what the administration should be looking at or shaking their heads over.

If singles are to be barred from profiteering (when everyone else is already - citizens or non-citizens) from Singapore, they can always have that same time bar of 5 years (or lesser) imposed as is the case with the minimum occupation period for new flats.

As it is, there are already time bars of a year to two and a half for resale flats depending on the kinda loans or no-loans that you have taken up. That kinda time period can make or break in uncertain markets for most people. Imagine you watching prices soar but you can't sell and when you can, prices fall.

Someone wrote about how even new flats are pegged to prices of transacted resale flats and the administration calls that difference a subsidy when construction cost is much lower.

How ridiculous is that?

Let singles buy up new flats, bring down the cost of new flats and resale flats and if profiteering is deemed an "evil" (fuck you if you think that) then impose a reasonable time frame for debarring a resale.

I Will Repeat This Again : Look At How Skewed Public Housing Prices Have Gone
You can scour the resale data for 3-room flats and see for yourselves how ridiculous that a smaller areaed flat in far-flung Bukit Batok can actually fetch the same price as one in a central location like Ang Mo Kio.

If it is just one maybe it is a fluke but not when average prices are almost all like that.

Some thing must be wrong with the whole system of classifying and valuing properties. A 5-minute look-see and a checklist that the valuer normally brings along must be seriously and terribly skewed.

Throw Another One More UnHoly Trinity My Way And I Will Kill You
If someone thinks that trifling with and blurring my vision is gonna make me dependant on another half (a beau or the UnHoly Trinity), he has to be terribly mistaken.

My previous pronouncement still stand.

I ran into a bimb the other day and she was rattling on about a friend visiting prostitutes in Geylang, clubbing, gambling and how a young handsome China dude wanna "tackle" her.

I am not sure of what relevance it was to our conversation but I do know I really wanna fuck her up. I excused myself once she got on her mobile and left.

Another example of you and the UnHoly Trinity at work.

And I will repeat this again: I deal with you and the UnHoly Trinity at arm's length at best. At worst, I shun you altogether.

Budgeting Course? Boycott Her Classes And We Really Budget, People
After I bloged about bloody stupid shitass statements uttered by some leaders, we actually have someone from the administration coming out to walk her talk.

She champions budgeting and in fact teaches it to the general public. Maybe if we all boycotted her classes, that would really help us to budget and cut down an unnecessary cost.

You should read some of her budgeting plans and the kinda discounts she gets on flights to Bangkok where she "stocks up". It makes you actually wanna roll on the floor and scream : "Fuck you Bitch, we know you are from the administration so please don't do this to the rest of us!"

Cleaning Contractors - Are Your Tools Up To Date And Cleaning Duties Rostered Properly?
Every time I visit the loo at this community complex after a meal, the menservants would saunter in soon after. This happens at the sports complex and the swim pools too. Yes, the void deck below see the foreign workers doing the same.

I am not sure what they are up to. Were they trying to impress upon me that they were working? And do they think I am complaining? All I want to see is a clean loo when I enter not some charpeople barging in to show off their "hard" work.

Hey I have enough experience with Liz, the bloody fucking maid to know when it is showtime to showcase their "hard" work (how would a maid compare to an owner taking charge of his own place? who would clean up cleaner?). At other times, we all know these places reek of shit and urine and litter.

By the way we all know how that wet mop that has been used to clean up urine in the loo is then swept across a mall's floor which leaves the mall stinking of urine more than ever. OMFG!

And the cleaners at this particular mall in Orchard Road pull long faces when they see people entering the loos and they expect the vanity countertops to be dry as a whistle.

Hey, if the loos aren't dirty, maybe you wouldn't even have a job? Think about that.

You Put Me Out Here To See All Your ShortComings? It Is Your Own Doing People
The longer you put me out here, the more the administration and the general public are gonna be embarrassed.

I hardly use the loos or any public places for that matter when I was living at my old place. But now since I have to bathe, shower, defecate and pee in them, hey I expect them to be home standards.

Because I am sharing shit and urine of some other people's and not just mine alone. If it were just mine, I don't mind.

God knows what all those other people are doing in the public lavatories!

Get It? Work Passes? Not Holiday Passes
I sat down with a foreign gay fella some time ago and he was admonishing moi how I should suffer right along with him. He is in the food and beverage sector and as far as I can see, he loves drinking beer.

Now I am not counting on any of my fella gay brethen (or sisters) for any kinda support (I don't expect it and I know I won't get it). They can be as shitty as everyone else out there. Sometimes far worse.

But please, dude, you are here on a work pass (work permits or employment passes). So if you are on a holiday pass, let me know.

Negative? Let Us Trade Places Then
Someone again admonished moi for being negative with all that has happened.

Hey, why don't we trade places then. See how long more she can remain positive.

And I know she is probably from the town council or something. Ensconed on a throne in a high and mighty position, dispensing punishment and indulgences. Admonishing, moralising and so on.

Enough is enough, pokerasses!

You Can't Speak Up For Yourself, Can You?
Everytime we poke at someone, it seems like it is always someone else who speaks up on behalf for this someone.

That someone is very much harder to discredit while that other someone should be showing us all his episodes of "resilience".

Born with a silver spoon, born privileged into an old moneyed family, attendinging top overseas universities, with not a single worry about finances and well-connected, what has he got to say for himself except that he is A BRAT?

No Subsidy, Full Paying Rate
To prove a point, moi goes for hospitalisation treatment and it is at private rate, not subsidised. And that education is also full-paying rate. Funding is available for the part-time proram but it is gonna take a long time and moi knows he can only concentrate on one big thing at a time, so full-time it is.

In fact moi may even have to shelf education plans because I know I cant sit down and study if I am constantly moving house.

And dealing with shitasses on a daily basis.

You Are Only To Blame, My Dear Singaporean Friends
Look at all the Singaporeans (or whoever they are) driving their big cars around.

Totally unperturbed by increasing fuel prices and other essentials. Not a whimper of protest. Taking things shoved down their throats.

They deserve everything they get!

Hair And Skin Care That Do More Harm Than Good
I am not laying a single dab of cream on my face anymore save for those prescribed by the doctor. Nor am I shampooing or conditioning or hair masking.

I have thrown away all those products and my hair feels greater than it ever was!

Just pure H2O for my hair and face!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Blood Season: Fall (Shouldn't We Be More Like Them)

Asian Chinese - Please Awake And Unite As One And Bring All Of Us Up To Par With One Another (Be It Mannerisms Or Communication)
I lay awoke one weekday morning and just couldn't get to sleep.

I was thinking how very sad it is for Singaporean Chinese being not able to identify with the China Chinese. Especially since most of our ancenstral roots could be traced back there. Well, my mother is China-born and I must admit I can't get along very well with her.

I am pretty sure the same thought goes for the Malaysian Chinese, the Indonesian Chinese and anywhere else the Chinese diaspora has chosen to set up their homes.

While I was in Beijing, I thought the Chinese guys look super hot. From the dudes working out at Calif to the chaffeur for our GREAT WALL climb and even the RED GUARDS.

Back here in Singapore where they can be found in the retail and food and beverage sectors and yes the STUDENTS, some of them ARE NOT only SUPER HOT, they have FLAWLESS, SPOTLESS and PURE MILK WHITE complexion that make them look like they were male versions of SNOW WHITE, only prettier and masculiner.

Does that explain the jealousy in some quarters?

Of course we all know the reasons why we are so different. The developing and developed status between our two nations. The primarily dominant English language-based and Western-influenced education we teach here and the pervasive influence of the Hollywood media.

I mean how many Chinese variety shows or movies do we screen here except for those coming from Korea, Hongkong and Taiwan? Even then, what kinda themes do they revolve around? Very Western-influenced ones, no?

So how can we hate the Chinese? I mean the hot Chinese boys and men.

And guess who we should thank for all this?

Singapore Is A "Rich" Country So We Must Let The "Poor" Countries Benefit From Us
It does seem like our second-hand goods and throwaways are benefitting Third Worlders.

It is ironic that there are usually no free goodies for our own people. Some of us take up some kinda loan or credit just to buy that PC for our kids. And to keep up with technology, we do change our PCs ever so often, don't we? Like we do our mobiles?

Ironic that our "second-hand" (if it may even be called that) goods and throwaways are then usually spruced up, shipped out and recycled for use in some Third World countries.

Sometimes as a gift of charity. Other times resold at a profit for the trader but at still a competitive price to the consumer (certainly at a cheaper price than ours, I am sure).

We are not the winners here for sure!

Think: Liz (maid of fat bloke Raymond) probably owns a piece of land back home in Bali where she hails from. Here we are living on leasehold and for the majority of us, you can forget about owning landed property.

While some of Singapore are feeding off our land, enriching themselves and burping (money that will last them a few generations), the rest of us can only wonder if the little windfall we have will even last us this lifetime.