Saturday, March 31, 2007

We Are Family

They Took Away Everything From Us And Even Make Us Pay For Our Basic Needs, On Top Of Not Legislating For Gay Rights And Marriages/Partnerships
This morning, I decided to have a look-see at that very popular gay haunt.

What do you know! Its perimeter got fenced up and there were wired barbs, making us look like caged animals, only able to look in. Even that thicket of foliage that camouflages what would have been a private affair has now been stripped naked.

There were a few stragglers but that was about it.

At the other end of the road, things were no better. A steel bridge which looks like the work of our combat engineers now ferry people across to the other side of the divider, which will be the future KPE and Marina Coastal Way.

No action here either.

Further down the road at the park, there were again a few stragglers hanging out but THAT WAS IT.

BIG BRUDDER, you have done it again! You have, seemingly, kept Singapore "squeaky clean", whatever that means. I hope you clean up the soles of your shoes as clean as you clean up almost everything here.

Just remember, we are all sexual beings made of flesh and blood. Not stray felines you can easily pick up from the streets, cage and spay at will.

Top Marks And No Marks For Two Contrasting Gay Services And Yes, They Are Here
Let me clarify a little. That gay fashion shop gets top marks save for a little "misrepresentation". But I was referring to the outcall massage service. It was double Bangkok's rate and I am not even sure if it offers the same kinda service.

Let me also clarify that I have nothing against any group of people, like what I mentioned I saw among me here in this housing estate.

Just that not many look to be in good shape. An old lady collecting drink cans, the charwoman sitting by, perhaps waiting for moi to tip her or something, the groups of kids hanging about hurling abuses and vulgarities, the oldies, the restless and aimless, the bengs and lians, etc.

I just feel sorry but I can't do a thing for them. My hands are tied.

Do You Need Further Proof?
I knew it. This rowdy dude whom I knew from one of the cybercafes actually hung out at a gay stamping ground with his "gang". You now have full proof of what I think I knew all along.

This guy must be revolting against society, against his family, against his identity and against his sexuality.

I hope all those callous DMs (of either gender) can see better than the four eyes some already come equipped with. Not to mention the "system".

He is ONE OF US.

Why Has Cost Spiralled While Wages Are Kept Low And Even Quality And Standard Of Living Are Questionable For The Prices We Pay
Is this the strong Singapore dollar's doing? If so, why are we keeping it strong? To mitigate fluctuations and buy-ins and thus eliminate vulnerabilities?

A Different En-Bloc
I can understand how pockets of small and cheap flats are necessary for needy people, maybe even as living quarters for foreigners.

Since it is an industrial park, this is certainly possible but what of the largely residential character all round. Kinda strange - shouldn't industrial quarters be sited in more fringe areas and further away?

Perhaps here at my new old place, they could still en-bloc but wth a difference.

Those who choose to, can. Those who don't, can remain.

Nothing is gonna beat that kinda layout this apartment block offers. Total privacy and 88 sqm of space, save for the automotive industry in its surroundings.

Just Chatting With Auntie Tan
Galen's mom that is. While speaking, I learnt how they moved because of some spat with their neighbors.

So living isn't just about a nice environ but also who your neighbors are, right?

Their habits for example. Holding buffet parties outside the common area, massive joss burning and candling during the Hungry Ghost Month. Spraying insecticide outside their garden while you, whose windows face the passageway, bear the full brunt of that unbearable smell.

Who needs neighbors like that?

Friday, March 30, 2007


No Marks For Gay Service Culture
I dropped by this well-known gay fashion shop.

They had this nice but really tight and thick tanks with a sling. I wondered what it is for. I was told it was for slinging it across your bod when you take your tank off. It looks more like the rein for riding a horse.

I browsed the racks for a running short. There was one without an inner lining which looked more like a boxer. The staff kept insisting it was. But I thought otherwise.

Even the gay joint running a massage service sounded much like the gay beng at the gay bathhouse. Rude, loud and bengish. Absolutely no service. I was trying to compare the kinda gay service culture here as opposed to Bangkok.

See, even this was SHIT.

Isolation And Happy In A Certain Way
I did say "hideouts and hideaways", didn't I? Well we never fitted into society anyway. If moi suffers from that Japanese social phenomenon of "kinky-more-please", it is only because we are under threat from society - GAY BASHING that is and being hemmed in.

We don't have any privacy nor the privilege of a sanctuary for ourselves BECAUSE OF SOCIETY NORMS (all those NUTS in those rented places or "mental asylums" were normal?).

Here at the beaches, it was one vast place to roam and BE YOURSELF, where else? I am not gonna be near anyone, GALLS, WIMPS, BITCHES , FUDDY DUDDIES OR THE PAP, and suck up to them. Those gays who do, are ONE BIG MASQUERADE PARTY! They will unmask one fine day for sure.

I remember those few secluded rought terrain that lead into the beaches. Winding and at times, you need to cross water that are knee or thigh deep when it is high tide or after a rain. Muddy, full of thorny grass that cling onto you or scratches you.

But the beautiful sunset and that shimmering water is a scene you can never forget. Plus those REALLY HOT dudes.

At the parks and out on the streets, our men in blue were constantly on patrol, despite knowing that these were gay/bi stomping grounds. This is really a sore point with the gay community, if not, at least for moi.

They have swept everything indoors and commercialise gay sex. This what we are all about.

A Refund Or An Exchange
If a refund cannot be had, then an exchange would be nice.

My Eyes Welled Up With Uncontrollable Tears

Blind Sight
Uncle Teo was a civil servant working for one of the government agencies.

He related to me how some of his colleagues got poached for the private sector. I told him start-ups like us would be fertile ground for new business plans and ideas that these poachees could take away.

In fact, years ago, I approach one, seeing how the health and fitness business would bloom. They didn't but it really took off - Calif, Planet, First and True are prime examples.

More recently when I approach them for another new business idea, it didn't materialise either but they did buy into a running commercial outfit.

Several Refunds In A Row - Let There Be Refunds For Genuine Cases
Yes I got a refund for my laptop, no questions asked. When I chucked away my receipt and there were freebies to claim, they promptly retrieved the transaction record too, no questions asked.

I bought that bleaching detergent but decided it wasn't worth my colored clothes' risk to try and see if the color will run. So I swopped for my usual brand and topped up the difference.

I had the same luck when I discovered I rebought the same March issue of "August Man" and decided to exchange for one MH and H&D, again topping up the margin. This was an exception they made , they chided moi, managing to make me look as guilty as Doray.

Seriously I think refunds should be made when there are pressing genuine reasons, no questions asked.

A Good Plot For Development
The more I looked at my own imaginary proposed site for the replacement flats should ma new old home be en-bloc, the more convinced I am how this place will really fly.

The surrounds is a little like HV to begin with. All it needs is more. There is already a MRT track and station scheduled for completion soon.

The three private apartments need not be torn down after all. The "imaginary proposed housing development" could be built adjacent to them. In a nice arc or V-shape which will offer SUPERB VIEW of the reserve (water and greens) and in fact this will bring it closer to the reserve, almost at its borders.

Can someone take this a step further?

I Need Time-Out
I have really sunk into a deep depression this time. My eyes are red and I know my brain is kinda numb and frozen. I can't seem to control some of my emotions, my thinking and my standpoint of looking at things.

And a wardrobe change (which is high time after so many years actually) was never on my MUST-DO list if you care to remember one of my early blogs. I had only wanted to take up various sports, travel the world and so on.

I guess it is just a case of too many things happening, too many anxieties, a loveless life and if the people around are unhappy, can you be happy too?

Can We Do It Thru Mobile?
My IB device is unsynchronised for the second time and they promised to send me a new one. GOD, why don't they just do this via SMS on our mobile. The other bank does and carrying another gizmo isn't exactly helping things - what with misplacement, hard knocks and so on.

Contributions To Their Wealth And Power It Seems
It is funny how that much hated DM in my former secondary school, for all his "handling" or mishandling of those "discipline problem" kids (meaning scolding or whacking) actually gets to live on landed residences.

In fact I have known a few who do insurance on the side and that is how they can afford this. They think they make such a BIG DIFFERENCE. Look at what kinda inventions, enterprises and creations we have thus far.

All those F&B and commercial schools (just to name a few examples), with all their poor offerings, actually see the owners striking it rich. Stinting on ingredients and cutting corners, that is what one foreign student once remarked to moi.

Those singles still hiding behind their mothers' skirts, MAMA OR PAPA's boys or girls.

These are 'contributions'? FUCK YOU!

Just don't play GOD and be HOLIER than any of us. We all aint. One family's affairs are its private affairs, not for you to judge or interfere. It doesn't concern you anyway.

We all can listen, offer advice but we can't take sides.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Green Diamond Awards

SomeOne Is Living My Dream
Did you read today's edition of "The Straights Times"?

Treetops@Punggol is exactly what I envision for EnBlocMyHome@TheNatureReserve.

Unfortunately Punggol is at the remote end of Singapore and going places is a bit of a hassle. I can imagine the loft with its uber high ceiling and that open terrace.

But has it got the interior design and layout that match what I have seen at ma new old place. It has a nice corridor balcony shared only by two home dwellers. Very exclusive.

Should this place be en-bloc to the site I envisage, it will have more going for it. A park lined with trees will buffer those flats from the busy thoroughfare. In fact the flats will be built away from the road. To ensure everyone has a view of the reserve, they can build the flats above ground like at Cairnhill.

With McDonalds@TheNatureReserve and TheLibrary@TheNatureReserve , the whole living concept just got better.

Let it be the second showcase of "green living" except that this borders on a nature reserve so green, it can't go any greener. And be prepared for the Green Diamonds Award.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Look At What The Future Holds For This Place If Only It Can Materialise

Even More Visionary 21st Century Living
Don't forget that green balcony, people. No apartment living fringing on a reserve is complete without a balcony to take in the fresh air, water, greenery and view.

This whole place has so much space, they can build a primary and secondary school here. Maybe a shopping mall that features Internet cafes.

Bangkok has this mall whose interior linkway is ONE BIG CYBER HUB, with gamers and surfers being served refreshments.

The Thais have this philosophy of life - that is the pursuit of happyness.

Contrast this with the kinda life we have here.

Yes they have shanties, which I didn't even see in China, but look at the areas they have going for them.

A Long Wait
Waiting for a swell and worthwhile teaching job to come my way, most likely at an international school. Waiting for my property investment to HIT THE JACKPOT. Waiting for either to buy a place here or there. Waiting for an en-bloc if I buy there. Waiting for this BIG trading position to realise and explode. Waiting to start an enterprise if a job doesn't happen. Waiting to buy up my cubbyhole in Bangkok. Waiting for my beau and/or kid.

Wait, wait, wait.

Gays Are Shit
Yeah. This needs repeating. They think they are so smart, jump to conclusions and make many wrong assumptions. Too clever for their own good.

No wonder China's history of eunuchs have left the country in perpetual turmoil and chaos.

Don'ty forget the galls - the concubines in history who played their part.

A Little Of My Past

More Gay Hideouts
When I checked out the street directory tonight, I could see how so many of the gay beach hideouts have been wiped out.

There used to be two aquatic centres that feature water slides along this stretch of beach. One of which has variously been a pool , a music lounge cum bar and a seafood restaurant. The other, a lagoon, is now a cable ski centre of some sort.

The very popular one which I had mentioned in my previous blog, has the KPE cutting into it which then meanders into some marina coastal way.

A golf club which was at Marina South back in the old days, has not shifted into place here.

The other beach is still around but I think there is now a huge mass of reclaimed land around it while another part of it leads to a yachting facility. This one offers total seclusion as the trees line the entire stretch and you either drive in or go on Skanks's pony.

I remember the hot sexual dates I had by the sandy beach in the moonlight. Or skinny dipping in the sea.

I am a naturalist and a naturist and only secluded beaches like these afford me the kinda sexual privacy.

This is ALL SO SAD everything is now gone!

A World Of Contrasts
The kopitiams usually attract the uncles and aunties. The bengs and the lians. Once in a while, there are a few cute dudes.

But when you have 24-hour McDonalds and the cafes, the crowd are usually the young and trendy, but not necessarily well-mannered.

More Visionary Living
I recced what I thought would be my final dwelling place a 3rd time today.

This thoroughfare connecting the main road to the estate is truly bustling and hustling with traffic. It is almost like a highway. It is so only because there is a mandatory licensing need for vehicles to be certified safe to be on the roads after X number of years.

When moi was house-hunting 1 year ago, moi was shown flats in Teban Gardens and this one was right in front of the AYE and the Cycle And Carriage factory, overlooking the country club to the other end.

It was as noisy as the ECP moi chanced upon when moi thought he wanted to rent a room at Bayshore.

Moi's classmate has mentioned how a new residential project is launching and this happens to be at the other end of the ECP too. Unlike moi's property investment, which has a good view of the sea but sheltered from the highway two roads away.

While reccing the new old place, I found an apartment block that affords just the kinda "SHUT THE DOOR" privacy I wanted. It was unblocked and had a good view of low-rise landed residences and breezy.

But one end of the block faces this thoroughfare while the other faces the industrial park which I heard some really irritating electrical grinding sound.

Other than that, the place seems quite ok albeit really old.

I just hope they en-bloc this and do what I suggested in my previous blog.

Oh yeah, dont forget to put in the Taman Serasi outdoor dining like at the Singapore Botanical Gardens.

In fact the whole place can do with a bit of GREAT F&B and shopping outfits.

More Thai Way Of Life
The Thais wear an orange wristband that proclaims "LONG LIVE THE KING". Their loyalty spills over to the "His Excellency" brand of yellow polos they wear which they dedicate to their royal monarch.

And just before a movie starts, everyone stands to attention as a sign of respect for the King when the national anthem is played.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I actually picked up a package leaflet on Cialis. That means someone was using it in my cubbyhole back in Bangkok.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Living Vision And Gay Hideaways

Red Hot Sizzling Gay Scene Two Decades Ago
When I survey the gay scene today, it is a far cry from that of days gone by.

As is characteristic of what Big Brudder has done to Chinatown (it has actually cleaned up and sanitized the whole place to the point that tourists no longer find it authentic), they have clamped down on so many outdoor cruising spots and swept them indoors.

The open beach was one such hot cruising ground.

The thicket of foliage and undergrowth provided natural camouflage and shelter to what laid behind a hotbed of RED HOT nude tanning where voyeurs and exhibitionists alike aggregate in one place to engage in surreptitious sexual activities.

Not to mention the casual passers-by like the joggers (there were no skaters then) and competitive runners and cyclists all joining hands in the foray.

At the other end of the beach, a more secluded and less accessible terminal, the never ceasing hot activites just got bolder and naughtier.

Mind you, this is only in the daytime.

When night falls, it is at the roundabout that all the homosexuals gather, sizing each other up in the dark shadows of the trees and bushes, leading one another into deeper and more desolated tracks for their hot action.

And this happens almost every day.

Cruising spots were not only confined to the beach, some of the parks were also thriving. The fringe areas around one stadium attracted such crowds, police patrols were always on the look-out to clamp down on gay cruising.

I remember clambering over the walls of one swimming complex with one dude where we "did each other in" inside the changing rooms.

Other popular spots included busy streets in the financial and business districts which turn into dark alleys for quickies when the office crowd has gone.

I am not sure if the scene is still as HOT but it has died down so much when I last visited the places.

But I can't be sure.

All the natural wildness has gone. It is so tame now.

In its place, we now have the clubs with only private cubicles and dark mazes lined with mirrors and the saunas and steam baths afford no such privacy for select groups who wanna indulge in sex exclusively among themselves.

Living Vision For The 21st Century
Forget about "Green Buildings".

I think I have heard that same line long ago.

If we truly want "Green Buildings", we should build them near rivers, lakes and reserves.

Like this plot of land I was talking about in an earlier blog.

Tear down those few stinking old apartment blocks and resite them to this place and showcase it as Singapore's first and only public living quarters amidst nature.

One view of the building faces the quiet nature reserves while the other turns towards the city - shops and eateries dotting the entire length of the road.

Around the fringe area (and there is plenty of that), we can build a community library much like the one at the Singapore Botanical Gardens. Some outdoor space for reading too.

In addition to the usual library resources, there would be special collections of nature material on plants and animals.

Nearby we can have another McDonalds modelled after the same one we already have elsewhere, set against a backdrop of natural surroundings.

Guess who some beneficiaries would be besides residents?

The renowned family of schools just across the highway.

How much greener can living get than this?

Wandering Star

Another Mental Asylum?
I have only been at Galen's for 11 days now. Apart from some of the housing woes I mentioned, the place is generally quite ok.

This estate is pretty old, but no where as old as the one moi has viewed.

It is almost like those years I spent during my primary and secondary school days in Toa Payoh. 13 years in all.

They still have that kinda old shophouses and the barbers.

There are all kinds of people living here too. Many foreigners. The poor, the sickos, the weirdoes, the psychos, the old, families, the subnormals, the bengs, the gangsta (unlike bishan which seems more like a middle-class kinda neighborhood) but in terms of environs, much better than the place I viewed, I reckoned.

At least there are the young because there are two secondary schools nearby (which does not include the one school for autistic kids). Shops, eateries and transport are all well catered for.

I need to mentally adjust myself here, to deal with the kinda people I see.

I Am A Bad Boy - I Am Hanging Out Late Into The Night
Add one more vice to my ever-growing list of deadly SINS : venturing off in the middle of the night to surf wireless at McDonalds.

Ok ok. So I committed a few semantic errors.

So what if I really meant non-teetotalling? You mean you NEVER spotted glaring mistakes in the "Straights Times" before. Like they never agree the verb with a singular noun?

Just so you don't know, "for sale" means selling while "on sale" means going for sale at a discount.

Yeah, sure, two late night wanderings did pop my eyes a little. But what does that spell for my sleeping future? Dopey, of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs fame, is on dope, you dope.

MyHands, Even My Legs, Are Tied.
I am just paraphrasing what the deputy principal of the international school refrained when she couldn't do a siingle darn thing about my teaching application.

I guess we both can duel in a bout of bondage fun, crossing our hands and legs, tying them up and weighting them to sink to the bottom of the deep blue sea.

I can't do a thing now. I can just wait, wait and wait. For things to happen. I have done all I can do.

What's holding me back is JUST FUNDS......lots and lots of funds. That space in the sky in Bangkok is still beckoning to me.

If this old/new estate isn't gonna be en-bloced, I am never buying it. That means more funds to look for another place.

Truth of the matter is, I can't place an order entry for a tradng position. The queue runs into the millions and like everyone else I MUST WAIT.

High Noon Gymming
This reporter is absolutely right.

Gymming at Calif, especially at the GAY GAY one, I can feel the kinda crowd who hangs out here. Very uneasy feeling.

There are those soft, sissy types who indulge in gossip and those beefed-up and aloof ones.

Most are body beautiful but so unreachable and untalkable.

Yes, I left my locker locked for two nights and on the last day, my padlock had been picked and wiped out.

Isn't this kinda scary and tells you a bit of what kind of place THIS IS?

I think I am auctioning off my membership. Any takers?

Superman Has Been Lying Low If You Must Know But Calif And HP Bears Ain't
I am as VULNERABLE as anyone else. I have never claimed to be SUPERMAn, nor have I laid claim to being a TUA TOWKAY (like that old maidy bitch "educator" of my alma mater so sarcastically put across).


In place of Superman, I have my big Calif Bear babysitting small brown HP bear.

Such a lovely duo and O so cutesy!

Psycho-Socio & Economic BULLSHIT

I think I understated it when I mentioned "all those nuts living about the rented places".

Those were not "rented places". They were mental asylums.

Moi's life is IN A COMPLETE WHIRL. I have not only got addicted to chain-smoking, I have just taken to, YOU GUESS IT, teetotalling.

It started with just two cans which filled two mugs of TIGER BEER, at one of Bishan's many, many, many round-the-clock kopi-tiams.

In fact if I had kept count correctly, my drinking BINGE had already got rolling when moi took on a pint of Heineken at the escort service and at the go-g0 bar back in Bangkok.

I am sure the government and the community are O so happy now.

Just as proof of how ACADEMIC STUDIES of the psycho-socio economic world can be so off the mark from REALITY, they actually did a survey on why people pick up smoking and got hooked for life!

Do all those old, bengish and seemingly not-so-educated (read: no paper credentials but who may, if given A FIGHTING CHANCE, ACTUALLY PERFORM), even the young, who hang out at the coffee-shops and the community libraries ALL THE TIME say anything at all?

Does anyone WHO IS UNGAINFULLY EMPLOYED and now mendicating out on the streets care for SIGMUND FREUD's BIG PHALLUS-ANAL-RETENTIVE BIG NAME but small on workability THEORIES?

Do all the yakkers UP THERE even begin to understand that with ALL YOUR HOT-AIR debates and with each passing minute, each passing day and each passing week someone is shivering in the street cold, hungry and forsaken?

If Oliver Twist dies from a SNOWSTORM, it is gonna be on your conscience.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Time Out

Planning Long Term ALL FOR HIM
67 sqm seems like a living space JUST RIGHT FOR MOI and his beau.

But what if a kid comes along? And I don't mean either one of us gets impregnated and goes into a 9-month gestation period.

He grows and he grows up. He needs his space and privacy. 82sqm then would be sufficient?

Is This Home Yet?
I went down to take a second look at what I thought is FINALLY GONNA BE SOME PLACE I can call "home".

My heart sank deeper and deeper as I recce the place.

In fact, for the entire week, I have been A TOTAL NERVOUS WRECK!

You would too if you keep moving ! 7 times in one short year.

And just waiting for a job, for your property investment to bear fruit , for LOVE to come your way, hoping for a kid, dealing with all the NUTS in the rented places AND with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on your side.

I mean this whole estate has nothing going for it. It is really depressing.

All I see is one big industrial park with all these BIG VEHICLES bulldozing past. The same people in their work overalls throng the coffee-shops downstairs. But that one stall I patronised served up quite GOOD wanton noodles.

The stallholder mentioned how few apartment blocks there are here! And one block (the 1 roomers) actually housed outpatients of IMH!!!!

I could distinctly hear all the panel beating going on all round the estate.

And with neighbors so close by and windows that face the corridor, IF MOI GOT FUCKED (which moi did, for the 2nd time in his entire life, screaming and hollering), all the neighbors could hear moi!

WHAT WOULD THEY think? Certainly not the throes of ectacsy but MURDER MOST FOUL!

If the darn place doesn't get rebuilt, it probably will EARN THE REPUTATION AS AN IMH outpatient covalescent estate!

I am torn between here and the estate where I am now! CHRIST, if 20 odd year-old estates are being redeveloped,why ain't 30 odd ones being done so earlier?

Some Housing Woes
Yes. The overhead sewage pipes leak . My room door doesn't lock. I got my newly-washed clothes bombed by the Japanese pigeons hovering about. And the washer is coughing up some unexplained specks of dirt. AGAIN?

But my notebook screen out in the open isnt that bad anymore once I turn up the brightness tone.

Really some consolation!

Red Hot Sauna Bath
It was RED-HOT! A sweltering 250 degrees Fahrenheit. That is a whopping 121 degree Celsius!

My ear-holes burn with the steel of my ear-loop and the planks covering the walls and floor are as hot as the coal the Thaipusam devotees thread on!

Unbelievably HOT!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hey Look! Your Brain Is Up In The Sky, Along With The Birds

I See MaSelf In Every One Of Them
I am very afraid to live among people, people who lived a life I knew. I am now living among the 3-roomers. I just saw this China kid whose arm has many light blue-black marks.

The kinda window I am rooming in is the kind I lived with for 10 years at Serangoon. Stuffy and closed up. Not to mention that one-room flat in MacPherson where our whole family is squeezed into, a room with only one wooden-louvred window (I still see this in Marine Parade)

That dude, whom I blogged about once, just passed me by. He looks happier and fashionably dressed too. He is that same kid who sat and looked at that pair of shoes at the Nike store for a very long time.

It is just easy to ask a kid to take up a CCA like tennis. He does need to buy a pair of tennis shoes and tennis racquet and tennis attire. All that costs money.

I can tell where his eyes are looking everytime at the library. He was just looking at all those other kids behaving the way they do. Some nicely dressed, some with their beaus. I wonder what he thinks? Is he gay even?

TAF And Tough
We are scrapping the TAF Club? I suppose we should make it an elective, not a compulsory. Let the kids know there is this option if they should decide THEY WANNA LOSE WEIGHT, not you. You don't decide for them.

IF they are happy the way they are, SO BE IT! If they want to, they join.

I remembered how as a fat kid, I got picked on. I didn't bother. Only when I got to be in Secondary school that I became self-conscious and all that mags and media play up looking hunky and slim and fit. So I exercised and also became anorexic and bulimic.

And lost plenty of weight.

Because I wanted to, NOBODY FORCED ME! If there was a TAF Club, I would perhaps be advised properly on dieting and exercise and be warned of the dangers of those slimming, starvation and vomitting episodes.

I hope we all get this right.

By SpeedPost
I got up real early this morning. I had to get to the Post Office before 8.30am so I can drop off the parcel for that International School. It is going by speedpost and costs me SGD4.20. I queued for 15 minutes before opening time and after.

I had looked up the postal code but just wanted to be sure. When the counter staff handed me the postal code listing (SGD8 for sale) it was the 2005/2006 edition and the International School wasn't listed.

What Happened?
Funny how my paragraphing all went askew yesterday. Despite repeated attempts to align them, the corrections never got uploaded and it still ended up looking like that messy mass of info online.

What is wrong here?

You Aint So Hubby Anymore, If You Have The Hubris To Think You Are The Bestest Of The Best And Refuses To Change
Can you imagine how if Bangkok has developed in so many ways, what more other Pan Asian-ASEAN countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Taipei, South Korea, Hongkong , maybe even Cambodia and Laos.

It seems to me that we badger almost every other country in our press, making them look like some war-torn, crime-loaded, dirty and polluted, undeveloped backwaters.

My experience in Bangkok shows otherwise.

Housing Woes Of The Homeless
When I spoke with Uncle Teo, the housing agent now looking for a home for me, I told him how having lived in "First World" conditions, it would be MANY STEPS BACKWARD, to live in old housing estates without all the modern conveniences, layout and design.

Surprisingly, this 34 year-old estate has (like utilities meter reading outside the unit and piped-in gas) but the layout just isn't it.

Coz we would want windows to open out to a view, light and wind, not to some passageway. You can do whatever at whatever noise level but as long as that door is shut closed, which is the only thing that opens out to the five-foot way, NOBODY HEARS OR SEES YOU!

Nobody wants redevelopment where you get compensated at market value for your current flat and then take on an equivalent or bigger new replacement flat and incur extra liability.

All those brand-new affordable 2 and 3-room flat, which is at present kept out of reach of singles like moi, would be just right, in terms of price and living space.

It seems like we only have that few condo-design flats here while in Bangkok, almost all developments are condo-designed. And prices are comparable.

One Year Volunteerism In Cambodia
I am looking to volunteer for a year to teach in Cambodia. Maybe I can pick up a kid or a beau or both even.

I just hope return airfare, accommodation, food and travelling expenses are covered. Plus a token allowance every month for sight-seeing the place?

The minimum for volunteering?

Our Elites - Are They There Yet?
Let me write about what I observe in some of the kids here, especially at the elite schools. I have bumped into some HCI and RI/RJC dudes.

They struck me as being too encumbered up there (meaning their intellect and brains) with academic stuff. Seriously they need a physical outlet for all that brain energy to go somewhere, apart from having SEX of course.

I can see they ARE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS, toeing all the safe academic lines and very afraid to veer away from the straight and narrow. Very safe, very cloistered, very rigid, very KIASI and very STRAIGHT-LACED.

I feel very sorry for them. No independent thinking , experimentation or self-discovery.

So so sorry.

How My Property Investment Measures Up
Sometimes I also wonder what kind of eye lens they are viewing the world with. Seriously, rose-tinted or SO UNREAL.

I mean I can see how my property investment beats the Marina and Sentosa development on several counts.

In any case, there is a possible future link by train from Marina to ma investment property. So any comparative advantages are prolly negated anyway.

When measured up against Marina, it offers a sea front versus a bay front and people who are not so city-city, they would like the quieter environs, nearer the sea. Even then it has always been that traditionally hankered after district 15, not 16, which is further away from the sea.

And close to amenities like shopping malls, eateries, shops, markets, transport and everything.

Sentosa is so remote. It is a touristy place with touristy attractions, none of the necessary conveniences and Vivocity is so far away. The trains only take you to the beach, not to Sentosa Cove.

You need to drive.

Me Eyes
I hope my eyes are not giving way. Because I squint and close an eye now whenever I read up close. Small print stuff anyway. Like the street directory or a music CD packing.

Please GOD! I can't afford LASIK yet (exercise like gym and the SAUNA, going from air-conditioned places to the outdoors have all proved to be anti-SPECS, even my contacts are not comfortable and blurry when reading or seeing at times).

BUT I can't go blind now. not yet at least. I havent got round to seeing ALL the GORGEOUS dudes naked. So please...............

Monday, March 19, 2007

What Am I Ever Gonna Do With You?

Dumbest Dumb Dummy
At one of the meetings with the Holy Trinity last week (mind you, I went down a total of 3 times)I signed for a texbook (the IGCSE English syllabus one).
Now they are chasing moi for the copy. I have to look up the postal code and mail it to them as I am not passing by that area anytime soon, tied-up as I am with my current trading position.
I used to have tonnes of these English resources that are of the Oxbridge (which I sold off when I moved out) kind and can you imagine, these clowns are coming after me for JUST ONE BOOK.
I refused to change my hair color, argueing that it would be cut away with time. I don't even know what is wrong with jeans and what they deem "proper" attire. Picking on something as personal as one's appearance just invokes hostility and all round rebelliousness.
Like one's sexuality and individuality.
What is education anyway? Has appearance and attire anything to do with it unless it impinges on decency and propriety? Think of the ultra mini-skirt the DM (Mistress) at Yishun Secon dary wore?
They don't clam down on that, do they?
Optical Physics Needs Applying Here
I walked over to this dude seated by the side of the open-air cafe and realised that the glare and reflection are just happening on my screen and mine alone.
Oo. I just have to find a seat in a darker corner or area where the glare and reflection won't be so bad. But wait, the HP staff told moi it could be the TFT screen thingy.
I hope there is a resolution to this coz it is not helping me in reading all that onscreen print.

And someone forgot that an in-built webcam should tilt up or down.

What's Up With A 52-week Listing?
What is the BIG DEAL about a 52-week listing?
Plenty. For one, I do not have its historical record of transacted prices. That means I have not information on its issue price, its debut price upon public listing, its lowest and its highest price ever transacted.

And yes, the time period over which its price changes, so I can gauge its possibilities. They all play a BIG ROLE in helping moi make an informed decision.

Big Volume, Big Bet
it seems like this one alphabetical listing has the S-L-O-W-E-S-T connection when volume hits a BIG HIGH, especially if you are at Mcdonalds. Because it is the MOST PUNTED one.

It is pretty amazing price volatility has swung between SGD1 to SGD3. I am hoping for the same kinda price movement for my ONE BIG BET!
This Ain't No Authentic Thai Food And Singapore Food
There is this restaurant which can be found at a mall here going by the same name as the one in Bangkok, minus the moniker "Siam". In fact, the foodhall of old has gone and in its place, there is this string of restaurants.
It claims to serve authentic Thai food but its dishes are no where near it.
Good service generally but not all attended to by locals and really pricey. Its lemon-grass drink comes with tea (which I asked to be removed and in the end, it just tasted like water, added with sweet syrup) but in Bangkok, it is just pure lemongrass taste and SWEET.
The prawn omelette rice didn't see any chunky whole prawns and the fried vermicelli just didn't have the kinda flavor Bangkok serves up. Much like our "zhi char' where the fried noodles are invariably salty or chillied, only because there IS NO FLAVOR in the first place.
I remember where we used to get our flavorful, home-made reciped wanton noodles and mee-pok. The famous ones used to be sited along Upper Serangoon Road at the old hawker centre.
Over at the complex where it is a mini-Thailand, foodfare is better, but only just. Just can't match that in Bangkok, somehow.
Oh yes, have I mentioned the many fruity, creamy, frothy and juicy concoctions that are readily available in Bangkok?
One consolation though, there is this one lady on the morning shift at Bishan North Mall who serves up real teh tarik, just the right mix of condensed milk, evaporated milk and tea. The rest serves only "longkang" or diluted drinks.
What's New Or Old Here
The next door neighbor burns joss and I guess if I leave open my windows, the smell would filter in. All the units are so close together, someone's yanking could prolly be heard. And that upper floor people are really loud and the clogs the women wear!
How am I ever gonna listen to music or watch a home movie on sensurround if walls have ears?
One thing I learnt is this: living under one roof, maybe even as neighbors, it is always best to be non-religious, have no rituals and no taboos.
Otherwise there would be many, many flare-ups and unintended encroachment.
Keeping An Eye Out And Hopeful For Re-Development
I just hope ma "new/old" (wateva) place will be re-developed.
And for building the replacement units, there is this nice plot of land bordering on the reserves. They could en-bloc the few apartment blocks obstructing it, and rebuilt them into low-rise landed residences.
That way they can try out moi's concept of "cascading" apartment living that would let in breeze, light and view.
And that lovely shimmering water ! If only dreams can come true?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Nutty Bloglets

Watch List
If we still think we are THE BEST and stagnate, we are gonna be pretty sorry. If Third Worlders and "developing countries" have developed in so many areas of their economy and country, we better know what is happening and "progress" right along with them, in the spirit of competition for investments.

Ma "New" And "Old" Places
Where I am now, the whole place is stuffy and hot as a baking oven. That is because it is blocked from view and wind on its front and behind by other apartment blocks. The air-cponditioner is dusty but I can't reach up to clean it as my bed is in the way.

I AM NOT moving it and risk soiling the bedsheet .

It doesn't help that the sliding windows of its hallway and my bedroom open out to the corridor. When moi showers, sleeps or for security and privacy reasons, I have to keep them shut.

No matter how you try opening them, there will always be that one or two panels which will keep moving air from ever coming in.

Contrast this with the casement type.

But you can't have this here, unless you wanna slam the windows open in the face of some passers-by or cause an obstruction especially if the passageway is straight and narrow.

Like this 34 year-old twin adjoining blocks. The corridors are so narrow, a 150 kg FAT BOY or MAN cannot even squeeze through. Let alone a GRAND PIANO.

But that single stand-alone curved block at the other far end had wider passageways. It is also unblocked and had such strong winds billowing, my short tousled hair is tossed about in a frenzy.

I just hope there won't be too much smoke or smog from the industrial park or temples, especially during festive prayer occassions.

Register/Sign Up, Connect And Log In (And Not Necessarily In That Order)
For all the WiFi Wireless outdoor surfing thingy, you certainly have to get the holy trinity above right.

It goes something like this: register/sign up for Wireless first, which you probably have to do at another PC terminal with INTERNET CONNECTION. If you are not even connected yet, how are you ever gonna fill up an online application form right?

Has anyone up there thought about this?

Then when you are at a hotspot, you are automatically connected (sometimes you have to find the network and manually connect) and you need to log in. EVERY TIME!

But over at McDonalds, you will have to connect to their global network, then sign up and log in.

I found myself getting into a webby which has some "INTERNET SECURITY CERTIFICATE" prompt and which if I chose "continue with this website anyway" which ISNT RECOMMENDED (as advised by the Mcdonalds' staff), I can sign up and log in.


Glare And Reflection In Open Areas

I have blogged about the kinda "hotspots" that have put moi in "hot soup".

McDonalds, with its enclosed kitchen within an air-cond environs, frying french fries, beef patties and hash browns in hot oil, can only mean the whole place reeks of greasy grime and fumes.

Just as the hostel where I stayed in Bangkok or the guesthouse in Tokyo. And connection is V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W.

Now Spinelli and Starbucks with their open areas are faster with their connection speed. But the sun glare renders my notebook screen blurry or invisible and even in darker areas, I can see my reflection in the screen and that makes for poor reading light.

Some smart optical physics bloke better fix this.

Real Time Info Please
Now that I have an electronic trading position, I have to keep tabs on my account which operates from 9am till 5pm.

I usually examine its high and its low and decide if it is near its low and thus a safer buy and wait bet.

Unfortunately the listing is a 52 week one. But is this a 52 week listing from January till December of every year or is it a 52 week listing from one date of a month in a year to the same date of the same month in another year?

I don't think what I see on screen is a real-time reflection of prices. Otherwise I will see the digits flicker and change every now and then, like the arrival and departure boards at our airports.

I have to refresh the screen every now and then.

Can we have real-time information so we can really really act FAST when it really really gets moving and going?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

What A Day!

Hurray For Good Syllabi Changes
It has been quite a while since I last checked on what was going on in our education system. But since I think I am gonna teach again (after a lapse of a year and getting rusty), I decided to take a good look at what is going on.

And BOY AM I really excited. There are many changes and the international schools/IP schools are variously adopting different routes of academic advancement.

That means different kinds of syllabi (in a sorta way). Like the IB, for one.

The GCE 'O' level has remained largely the same except that some of the pure science subjects now come with SPA and History has a World Affairs component that stretches from Europe and the Americas to Africa and the Middle East.

Too bad they dont have a Business Studies module and it is still POA.

But the biggest changes yet must be at the JC level. I am impressed that they have a "Knowledge And Inquiry" module which is like the "Thinking Skills" one offered at Advanced level in the UK. Proteomics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry . Really profound!

But I think the Economics module has seen so much more revamp than during my time. It seems less micro , more relevant, more practicable and thus, less theoretical modelly stuff. Most subjects are offered to three varying degrees of difficulty, H1, H2 and H3.

Don't Just Follow Law, Or Did You Just Make Up Your Own Law
While I am excited by the curriculum, I am not at all excited by bureaucracy. It seems that it is the international school policy that I need to be registered as a teacher first, a must which even MOE doesn't insist on except for their substitute teachers in the government schools.

That would mean that the aforesaid international school has full discretion to recruit their teachers which this school isn't.

As you know, the last Chinese New Year when I did my spring cleaning and also because I sold me place, I had inadvertently trashed the brown envelope holding all my certificates.

Like I thrashed my mistakenly pawn ticket and got myself into a fix, having to pay for a Commisioner Of Oath's declaration and certification.

All I could proffer was this: if the school could hire me based on how I perform over a period (and that means allowing time for settling down, getting oriented and used to the routine and school environs) rather than on paper credentials.

They could dismiss moi or moi could dismiss himself. I mean I have a conscience too. And I do suppose the "evaluation" goes both ways. The school me and me the school. Either one not up to par and I go.

Surfing Wireless Splitting Headaches At Cold And Noise Spots
At this community library, they have held enough events to disrupt all the work I wanna get down to doing.

Just as I arrived and was settling down to me work, wiring up my notebook to the powerpoint and all, I was promptly told to vacate the premises as they have an upcoming event .

Right after I got my cuppa ice-blended with an ice-cream scoop.

I don't bring along an extension cord (enough stuff to lug along already) and the power point is too far away from moi (my battery is perpetually flat and I do have a spare but even that is not enough - read: very short battery usage time because of voluminous myriad stuff done on me notebook).

They offered me a lounge seat at the library area rather than the cafe area but I can't consume drinks there and me ice-cream is still in one big lop.

Not to mention the glare at some of the al-fresco cafe spots that render me screens virtually invisible and if I happen to be in the vicinity of another "hotspot", fine. But if not, OH WELL!

These are eating establishments , not work stations, where there are so MANY people (especially McDonalds and some of the cafes), and they move around a lot, the staff move around a lot (clearing thrash , cleaning and so on) and the noise from yakking to music.

Ma New Home For The 7th Time
I have bade Doray goodbye (on the sly and in my heart of course) and move on. I hope you have too, Doray! I ain't paying you the half month rent. As I said Nora, the agent and your friend, was duty bound to find the next room for moi minus HER COMMISSION CHARGES.

Where I am now, it is the kinda place I would do my house up in the exact same tasteful decor. And that queen bed.........Simply heavenly slumber and good night's rest.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Mitigate The Sleaze
We already have most of the sleaze here. It isn't gonna get any better with the opening of the casino. In fact on my return flight from Bangkok, it was dominated by many China passengers. They were laughing at how we think we are excellent in so many fields.

One group ridiculed a family for playing cards which was like taboo and forbidden in many places like homes and schools, especially if money is involved. But they pointed out how ironical we are gonna have the IR with the casino thrown in.

I suggest we mitigate this by liberalising the Women's Charter allowing same-sex marriages or domestic partnerships.

Was I Blogging About You?
I have been blogging about various people. Galls, wimps, gays, bis, idiots, wateva. But if that is NOT YOU I am talking about and YOU DON'T FIT the traits I am saying, why should you take offence.

There are galls and there are galls. There are gays and there are gays. But if you are not that kinda gall or gay, THEN IT ISN'T YOU RIGHT?

He-Ape, You Will Die A Tragic Death One Day
For all the behind-the-scenes maneovures you made and making me sign the papers before my exit, accusing me of all the things I didn't do. You are an instigator and conniver and you will come to no good end. God (isn't that what you purport to believe in?) will punish you for all the EVIL you did.

You will be cursed in Hell if you pretend you are such a Holy and devout but hypocritical Christian.

You Can Pay, Can't You?
They are leasing out premises to private operators of pre-school education. I suppose they can. I can only hope for that 1 year bonus to supplement a livable income. And for my investment to work out

Let The People Have Their Own Private Means Of Augmenting Their Financial Independence Without Any National Interference - Like Their Investment
This is one thing we should do. Let the people have means and ways to augment their income like their investments. Then they don't have to go to you and ask for handouts if they find that they can't live out their financial independence one day.

Wouldn't that make them self-supporting in many ways? Who wanna go and see you and see your fuckface every day anyway?

I have listed at least seven favourable factors why I think my property investment stand head and shoulders above all others. I hope my classmate catch on and the rest of the investors too.

I Like Living Here In Bishan
I can get anywhere (all within walking distance and I don't spent on transport) and I like the Bishan library where I can do my free WIFI surfing where it is more likely I can connect. And all those amenities nearby like the park, shopping mall, mrt, stadium and swimming pool and so on . Most of all I like that coffee-shop on a high plain where it is really breezy.

What Contribution? You Mean Politicking And Being A Tripod?
They are still playing up the contribution line to defend who gets what. RUBBISH! Let us just look around us and see how their "contributions" have gotten us anywhere? You mean contributing to their own self-serving interests? Their power. Their wealth.

What have we got to even call our VERY OWN INVENTION OR ENTERPRISE! Far and few.

Have we even got First Class well-thought out designs in terms of our education, housing, infrastructure, tourism, food and beverage, etc. Have we even got sound reasoning in most of our policies?

Did they make a difference in our lives or have they just added to our woes?

What is "contribution"? Do we wanna contribute our lives, our health and our sanity in the midst of it all?

Think about that.

Bottoms-up Hubris
I do realise sometimes how it isn't the policy-making at the top that is wrong. It is the executioner who could be more flexible in implementing it or he inteprets it in his own way or even add more fuel to the fire.

BECAUSE he wanna be a control freak just like at the TOP.

You Are As Nutty As NutCases Can Ever Get To Be
You have done a great job ridding Singapore of its gangsters. Now take note that the gangsta (especially the younger set) are a different lot. They are not gangsters in every sense of the word and need to be "handled" differently.

You take in many of the Third Worlders who may be gangsters (read: engaged in criminal activities). How do you explain that?

And you school all of us to purportedly First World standards (we still lag in many areas especially in our reasoning and thinking skills) but how do we deal with the Third Worlders in reality and in life.

Do they play by the rules?

Dumbos, geddit?

The Immutables
A person's home, his money due and his feelings and his affections. You don't trifle with any of those or take them away. Just remember this.

There was this mynah who got trapped at the Calif gym one afternoon. It was flying from post to post and from one window to another. But it couldn't get out because the windows were all closed.

I hope it finds a way out soon. Dont we all?

Yes I Wanna Get To Know Jack, Jason And Andrew Plus Many Others At The Gym

Estate Churning And Conniving In Reverse
Of course estate churning can also go the other way, this time the agents workking in cahoots with the tenants to swindle the owners.

To think I actually paid all those FUCKING AGENTS to bring in those FUCING TENANTS and now pay THOSE SAME FUCKING AGENTS AGAIN to rent THOSE FUCKING places.

Like that Malaysian ex-Finance Director who set up a mini-golf course in his room in my house.

Singaporeans (And That Means Me Too) And Galls/Gays/Bis (Wateva) Are Shit
This piece of writing was found on the walls of a public location in Bangkok. I mean the part about "Gays being shit". Not the rest though.

Well I have to agree because I meet some gays and they mouth the exact same mindless things the machine mill instructs them to say (without any meaningful thought or reason or with regard to the peculiarities of the situation).

That means context. Experience counts. But every situation is unique in its own way and experience may or may not help. We have to get this very right.

Sometimes gays and galls (or bis or wateva) think or say far worse things. They have many assumptions about things and people and they think that is what you are thinking or why you are behaving. To humour others and themselves and TO GET ALONG and BE ONE OF THE GUYS, they do this.

Like this Beng at the sauna. He must be the STUPIDEST GAY on this planet called EARTH. He co-owns the place as I understand it. They issue two padlocks for one locker. Each tangled to the other by loops and their respective keys.

I know my previous old luggage had two . That was because one wasn't working anymore and I can't insert the key because of a tear along the side of the smaller padlock. A really small one.

Singaporeans have been hit left, right and centre with SO MANY STUPID AND INSANE THINGS, I am shocked and awed they can still be unflustered.

Good for you, SINGAPORE! You deserve this. Not moi though.

Doray, It Was Certainly A Slip Of The Slippery Kind
When I visited the home-based massage parlour, I almost slipped on its frontyard where I suppose they throw away oil, cream, soap or whatever.

Water doesn't do that as much unless it is really really soaking wet and filled with water like a rainy day or a washed floor.

A slip of this kind is when your foot goes forward up in the air and if it is dangerously slippery enough, you slip and fall. But if it isn't, you just slip. And live.

What Went On With My Laptops And I Ain't Touch Anything Ok
Now if you think I was jinxed with the Acer And Toshiba laptops I bought the other time, let me tell you I did nothing to them. The sales staff were the ones testing and handling them all the time RIGHT THERE ON THE SPOT.

And that was the way I wanted it. I touch nothing and no blame can be pinned on moi.

The first one I brought home couldn't read my CDs. I called its technical support centre and the support staff told me to uninstall the driver. How insane was that but I followed nevertheless. Look, he is the TECHNICAL SUPPORT EXPERT, ain't he?

The second one couldn't burn any discs as its "BURN" tab wasn't highlighted. That means it ain't working. On the third day, the sales staff had replaced it with another but it couldn't work and so I switched to a Toshiba which also didn't work.

By then he had checked the first one and it was up and running and I finally took that first one back home but by now my confidence in the product was so shaken, I decided to swop for the HP Pavilion when it became available, instead.

How I Trouble-Shot My Norton Anti-Virus 2007 Program
The 2007 version doesn't work with Vista. I was referred to its support webby where I tried downloading its updates. Midway through, there was a prompt for a communications error where I couldn't download anymore. I resumed downloading and it stopped again.

Something to do with the server.

As my batteries ran flat and the connection wasn't connecting, I had to try again over the next couple of days. One Indian tehnician (GOSH, the accent.......) referred me to another support webby where the updates took many, many hours and I couldn't finish with it as it was closing time at that public location.

I finally got down to finishing with it despite disruptions due to a talk held at the community library. It was only possible after I deleted some redudant files which that one long download website had installed.

Other Nutty Going-ons
I spray washed the stand-fan and got water into its electrical parts which caused a circuit trip at Doray's when I plugged the fan in and tried turning it on. That was because I couldn't find the usual pry-open metal bars that would open up its cover. Ok ok I wasn't thinking right and I couldn't take all that dirt and grime sticking to its grills.

Fact is I was stressed enough already and stress doesn't make one think very well sometimes.

I also couldn't remember how it was that the previous optometrist at a shop could issue me my LINKPOINTS. So I didn't claim it for my new pair at the same shop at a different location. I only realised today it was my PASSION card when I saw the display sign a few shops away.

But the Filipina and Malaysian opticians working here hould know better, shouldn't they?

Doray's one power point has melted two of my plug-in three-pin adapters. I am not sure if it is (a) the adapters themselves - read: defective (b) the one power-point which caused overloading with so many of my electrical appliances plugging in at the same time or (c) the flat is 20 years old and possibly some wear and tear in the wiring and maybe even insufficient power loading all round

I know Doray's place is windy. But the windows aren't full length, so if you sit or sleep, you don't get the full wind. Unless you stand. And if the furniture are placed further away from the windows.

Only French windows - read: full length - and unclustered housing concepts with support grilles (versus closed up windows which will again obstruct wind) up to a metre in height at the base serving as protective and safety barriers can afford that.

Some Downside to Living In Bangkok
The cabbies, once they know you are a foreign visitor, would take a circuitous route. I know one cabby who drove on part of the highway because he knows that was congested . Then he exited and went on to other congested roads.

Another drove round the whole Chinatown and I was familiar with the area because I have trudged that part on my one visit before.

The really honest ones were the cabbies who drove me home to the airport and that young chap who short-cut many congested roads and sped all the way. He even played English pop music which showed how "open" he must be.

Then of course most bars close at 1 or 2 am and even their Mcdonalds close at around 10 or 11 or 12. At least we do have our 24-hour coffee-shops and Mcdonalds and our bars at 4am or so.

Am I Anti-Social, Certainly Not
It is a non-talking and non-communicative culture we have fostered here. Beginning with schools.

Sometimes I don't blame anyone.

The kinda communication anyway is usually when we try to get some benefits from someone right? Or we are rapt in our thoughts and mired in our problems and we just wanna work away our blues and the last thing we want is MORE PROBLEMS chatting with someone especially if he is A PROBLEM in itself, right?

Even if I try to strike up a conversation, the other person may not take to it. Especially at the libraries because it is expected to be a quiet and non-talking environment. And the patrons are engrossed in their reading and research or work.

Or the gyms where the dudes only talk among their friends and are caught up in their work-outs to get THAT AWESOMELY SCULPTED BEAUTIFUL BODY .

By the way this RJC fencing dude at the library is so leggy, he looks fabulous in shorts! My libido runs wild...........I found myself chatting to him in person in between talking to him on MSN right there sitting across each other at the same table, using our laptop/notebook.

Real nutty! But isn't Singapore?

Get This Right, Mother Fuckers

Your Home Is Where You Heal Away Your Day's Cares And Woes, Isn't That So?
If Bangkok can offer brand new apartments with condo design and facilities with prices that rival our HDB's, why can't the housing authority do the same?

For poor singles like us, we have to jostle for one, along with the low-incomers, the elderly and the PR family nuclei unit, with pricey tags (when compared to brand new units strictly reserved for the "family nuclei") in slum areas on the resale market.

These units come with many design headaches in terms of layouts and inconveniences like being on a low-rise (delivery companies actually charge more if they have to cart goods up and down the staircases when there are no elevators), needing to submit electrical and water meter readings and no pipe-in gas (that means needing gas cylinders delivery and fix-up and we all know how INCONVENIENT that is)

And yes, I am planning this right down to the last detail. Because I only want to bequeath it to my beau or son. He stood by me, loved me and supported me all the time. It is only right he DESERVES this.

A dwelling place is a NEST we all retire to at the end of a day and we want it to be as comfortable as it can be.

No hassles, no louts to break the peace and harmony of a home (that means you, NOISY NEIGHBORS who party all the time), no nonsense and no women. Just you, your beau and your child.

Isn't that so?

Estate Churning And Conniving
I hate to say this. But it does seem like the few estate owners in Bishan are working in cahoots with the property agents. That means they churn the few properties they hold to create a high turnover in tenancy which means a rental commission each time for the agents.

And possibly they split this with the owners .

Now that Doray wants to lease out his whole flat upon his father's death, moi has to look for another place. Nora, the agent (Doray's friend), transacted the deal for me. She also transacted the same deal bringing in the new lessees.

What does that speak of her? And it is her job to find me another place minus her commission charges.

That is how wrong the whole property market has gone!

Are You My One And Only Personal Trainer And Beau Too
I have been thinking of going on gym training with a personal trainer. So I have been, more or less, keeping my eyes peeled for one as I do my rounds at the various Calif gyms. There are a couple I have spotted who seem worth working out with.

As I wasn't properly oriented to the environs and people yet (what with more problems now that I have to look for another place so I am kinda stressed) there were one or two dudes whom I have largely ignored or just casually chatted up. People like Jason and Jack.

Give me time and I will get round to it. Speaking up and getting to know them.

I have approached one personal trainer dude and I am still mulling over it. But he has a GF and I think I am giving him up. I am looking elsewhere for someone who is still single and available and gay of course. And there are plenty of them around. But One will be the one and only.

And girls who reveal their cleavage and butt or whatever, however sweet, pretty and petite you are, JUST DROP DEAD. I am NOT INTERESTED.

Gay And Singapore Culture
When you visit the gay cruising grounds (whoever you are - gay or bi), one culture prevails. That of INSTANT sexual gratification. Nobody talks or converses. And this repeats itself over and over again! Same people, same places.

This is insane.

All Singaporeans are like that. For some reason, nobody speaks. They always keep mum. They never speak the truth and what is really TRUE anyway.

Can you ever hope to hold a decent or honest conversation?

Gay Is Shit
Yeah I met loads of the shit everywhere I go. I have one personal theory to explain this. How gays/bis (wateva) can be worse than the average person.

Because they are ambivalent in their sexuality and have to mask it, they pretend to be ONE OF THE GUYS. To get along and to be ONE OF THE GUYS, they have to stand out even more, more pliant, more chummy, more macho, even MORE MAN.

You ARE SHIT after all.

Pangang Queen Of Bishan

CNY Visit To Auntie Chan Moi
It has been long overdue. But moi was tied up, what with my trip to Bangkok. I paid Auntie Chan Moi her CNY respects just one day short of Yuan Xiao Jie, the Chinese equivalent of Valentine's Day. And only because I wanted to.

There were no more Mandarin oranges on sale but I suppose a tin of Danish butter cookies would be more lavish than a pair of bright orangey oranges that need peeling , right?

And boy do I realise something. Auntie Chan Moi must be BISHAN's undisputed PANGANG SATAY AND TALK COCK QUEEN. But of course she has her many ILLUMINATING MOMENTS too.

Moments like when she recounted the officialdom of the inspectors who prey and pounce on wholesalers who encroach on public territory. Just think of those SLY inspectors hiding behind corners near bus bays or at illegal drop-off points or the CISCO dudes who tail drivers trying to pick up arriving passengers at the airports.

Above all, she mentioned how studio apartments for the elderly will be "confiscated" by the authorities in the event of the deaths of the owners, without a cent going to any of their descendants or beneficiaries.

Something which I can't verify on their official webby (read: INCOMPLETE INFORMATION, nothing that says what happens in the event of the deaths of the owners)

And with a stipulation that one owner must be at least 55 years and a lease of 30 years, isn't that a high probabibility.

I do know for a fact that they can't be sold on the open market and the owners can only return the flat to the housing authority if they decide not to stay in it anymore, with the housing authority having SOLE DISRETION AND AUTHORITY to pay back whatever residual value of the flat (how bloody fucking pompous is that?)

God knows what else is GONNA HAPPEN SHOULD the owners outlive the 30-year lease.

The Things I Have To Give Up For The Sake of My Passion
What a Scrooge! I knew they couldn't pay as well (or could they?). Guess I really have to look to my investments to keep me from begging in the streets or hustling ! And they wanna change moi's attire and appearance!

I have to give up my left earring, my jeans? tuck in my shirt, put on "proper" trousers and I have to give up my GOLDEN TIGER STRIPED mane! The last I managed to negotiate as I just had my haircut and this SECOND job-clincher interview didn't come before that.

If you-didn't-tell-me-in-the-first-place, how I know wor.

Besides an interview is only an interview. It isn't as if I KNOW I WILL GET THE JOB RIGHT? So you mean my HAIR GOES ON HOLD and I wait TEN THOUSAND YEARS for you to tell me I GOT THE JOB?

Boys, you better prove you are better-looking than the Thai dudes I have the GREATEST SEXUAL PLEASURE of meeting! Otherwise I am just wasting my BLOODY PRECIOUS TIME ok!

And I know some are gonna break my heart like the rest of them : He Jian, Huai Bao, Zhu Ping, Muiz and many many others.

WA MAI REGISTER LEI (written in dialectical form)
Now I have to solve the BIG PROBLEM of "registering as a teacher". Funny how I have been registered so many times already in the past. Registration which entitles me teaching rights for a year and that is for substitute teaching only.

I thought if you are registered once, that would be enough and only because you are new. If there are changes, you simply re-register to update.

But if there ain't, why would you wanna keep re-registering? Do you shit and pee at the exact same spot everytime you plonk your butts down on the toilet seat? No right.