Thursday, August 31, 2006

It Is Pouring Like A MadHouse And I Am Caught In It

Yesterday before the job interview, I was profiled. I do not exactly know what the questionaire was trying to get at but I do know many of the choices do not exactly fit me. I had to put down an answer just so to complete the test.

I was told this was drawn up by a psychologist and therefore proven. I say BULLSHIT! There must be variants to one's behaviour and we do change over time, with our belief systems and priorities.

If Pluto could be gone at just one scientific congress because of a change in the criterion of classification or if planemos (which is basically cosmic bodies revolving around each other) could upset the concept of a heliocentred universe, what more a psychological profiling test.

This is so wrong
I don't think I was trying to show off my prowess or my superb IT skills when I do Microsoft Point slides. I think I do it because some learners are more visual and graphics do help paint a thousand words. More importantly, I do it because the slides act as a cue prompts for what I should say and therefore teach. I can't just remember a whole chunk of information and I want my teaching to be comprehensive so students get everything they are supposed to know.

Yes I have served my NSF liability for 2.5 years. After that, it doesn't mean that I am automatically a SAFRA member. I have to apply for membership at a fee. Come to think of it, this is kind of strange isn't it? Shouldn't having served National Service naturally qualify me to be a SAFRA member? Why am I paying for this?

No budget and infrastructural head-bangers
The common refrain in schools I hear when I make my rounds to market my enrichment programs was "no budget. They don't have budget for software/heartware but they do for hardware. So we have waterfalling bio-filtrated koi ponds and mega forts of a school.

In Punggol, the flats are built real nice like condominiums. Not sure if the interior design had been so well-planned and laid out though. The precinct has landscaped gardens and even tall stone walls. What is the use of stone walls except for perhaps a Zidane head-butt?

Contracted brain tissues
Not only do I think some muscled dudes have taken leave of their senses and sensitivity, they may also have contracted brain tissues. All that iron pumping (which I understand sorta contract muscles) has gone to their heads and they just wanna bull-doze and have their way , whether it is to be first to work on the gym's machines or strewing weight plates and dumb-bells all over the gym floor.

More about me
She-Ape was most likely threatened at work. She was after all, NIE-trained and I shudder at the kinda teaching she does. But I have never mouthed a bad word about her. Unfortunately, she takes this as a sign of meekness and keeps coming at me, trying to belittle and berate me all the time.

I am so simple, there is no need to "handle" me. I do my work, you do yours. But if you keep bugging me and the bugs are unreasonable, downright stupid and causing me to get into trouble in return, I will retaliate.

The money-collector that is He-Ape and family
What really irks me is that He-Ape and family will not intervene in any staff dispute or unhappiness. They want staff to sort out the problems themselves. They are hardly at the centre where I work. Which is why I say each centre should have a manager to supervise.

It does seem like they just wanna collect profits, re-invest (likely to be property), make more profits but do not wanna actively manage the centre and all its attendant problems.

Cause and effect
I am not going to pay for anyone's mistakes , stupidity or bad judgement.

Going without a towel at the gym because the washer conked out got me into trouble. I had to buy another from the Sports Council. My red bath towel running its colors and ruining my 50 bucks white Nike shorts. In fact I should have separated the colors from the whites but as the washer was utilised the whole week (there are 5 of us in the flat), I just had to lump all in one wash.

Before I turn up at my second interview yesterday, I had to head for Tim's flat a 4th time as my work shirt was in the luggage. I wasn't expecting to be called up for a job interview within a day of a telephone call and I had shifted most of my stuff to my new place.

I also forgot about my soft-leather shoes at the new place and had to wear sneakers for the interview. I hope Tim doesn't think I am trying to pull anything.

And as he may be kinda busy, he has told me that he may not be able to get me my pillow. I am out now at Ang Mo Kio and I have seen one. There is Bishan North Shopping Mall near Tim's flat but as I cannot be sure if it sells pillows, I may just have to lug this pillow from Ang Mo Kio back to Bishan.

Today marks my move to my new place
Yes I am finally moving today. I have a laundry basket and two plastic carrier bags loaded with stuff to shift out. Don't forget the pillow too. An extra item is an extra burden to carry and trasnport.

Back at my old place when I sold off all my electrial appliances like the hi-fi system and the DVD-karoake set after selling my flat, I was fuming mad . Most of these stuff were made in Japan or the USA. They were in good working condition and had lasted me for a long time.

Now with all the appliances made in Third World countries, I don't think we get the same kind of quality anymore.

More on the fallen yesterday
The boy who knocked the back of his head on the floor when he fell yesterday, did not only have tears welling up, he was making that exact same sound I made when I broke my back. It was that groany moany hiss of extreme pain. So I knew how he felt.

I have no more work clothes - I am basically a T-shirt and jeans dude
If ever I have the good fortune to start working again, I will probably have to buy some working clothes. Long and short-sleeved shirts and business trousers. All I have now are just casuals like T-shirts and jeans.

I didn't really realise it. But I was a poor needy student. My missionary school was one who actively had fund-raising campaigns. This is to build a new school.

So they had donation draw tickets which meant my dad had to take it to work with him to try to sell them or I had to go door-to-door to sell them. I was even threatened once by a flat owner that I had to apply for a licence to do what I was doing.

Imagine needy students raising money for the school when he does not even have enough money for himself or his family. Shouldn't it be the other way around? What good is a building when the student isn't even fed or helped or made more comfortable? Aren't we focussing on buildings more than on people? Isn't this downright silly?

Why I am what I am today
I have to deal with an unreasonable brother and a not so reasonable mother at home. I have been accused of a thousand and one things that happen at home. When I started work, the same thing happens. Can you blame moi for being what I am today? I have learned to observe very carefully, think through and then to be able to reason and argue.

What I want to teach in schools
I fear for all the kids who, despite being in the right, have been wrongfulled wronged and accused - at home, at school, at work, at whatever. The kids who cannot articulate and fight back. Kids who may on just a few occasions did wrong and assumed to be forever the criminals, the bad-doers and come-what-all. Imagine them growing up like that, the good kids that they are or the mischievous kids that they are, who may just perpetuate another bad cycle themselves.

I think it is my duty to equip them with the right skills to fight for what is correct especially when they are in the right.

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