Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Saturday Of Blogs

The womenfolk here are strong, sturdy briskwalkers
They cut across the park to get to the wet market and back home. I admire them, doddering along sometimes with bags full of green groceries and groceries. Kudos to women like them, their families at home get fed. And the distance is no mean feat.

Mathilda is out?
There you have it, downright stupidity. She was the one Singapore Idoless wannabe I was raving about some time ago to perhaps clinch the title. But look how outrageously she has been voted out.....That says a lot of our people....those whoever who booted her out.....

Short term gain or long term pain
This does seem to be the myopic view of our decision making at the top level. Please....try seeing long term if you can? Or can't you?

Foreign talent or foreign shit?
They come in droves and they aren't so well-equipped it seems - in the thinking and reasoning department. I entered a public loo today and there were some scribblings on the walls about some China gals. This category of females seems to have gotten into our country very easily and for all the wrong reasons. I don't think they are here other than to amass a fortune for themselves by any means. I am not absolving other foreign women either.

Even their male Chinese counterparts and other nationals seem to be trafficking in some sort of stuff or in some underhand dealings. This is something that the Old Man of Bishan and myself have agreed on. They are like the piranhnas introduced into a peaceful and harmonious ecological pond, causing tsunamis and a whole host of trouble for locals.

The government of the day doesn't have to deal with them on a micro aspect like we do. On the buses, at work, at home, everywhere....

Now they accept foreign law degrees and are increasing the supply of lawyers
To think my appeal to get into the law faculty was turned down by none other than the then-Dean of Law Faculty, NUS himself. But perhaps all these have been for the better. I am not sure. But you can see how damaging wrong policies can impact a citizen's life. Not only mine but all the rest of us too.

Mr Psycho and Daniel are looking for tenants again
There you have it folks, all their tenants are on a short-term basis. The folks must have had it with them. I did too. If both the landlord and tenant had been fair and just in their dealings with each other (and I like to think of myself as one), who wouldn't stay on or ask to stay on for either party?

You got it real wrong
If you think I wrote all those blogs and did some of the stuff I had going on in my head, you are terribly mistaken. There is a huge gap between what I write and think and what I actually do. I rent a room to stay in, not fool around with the tenants or landlord.

I really don't enjoy sleeping in the hallway like this , watching and hearing what goes on. It isn't as if I am paying $250 for nothing. That kinda money gets me a room elsewhere. And I am gonna get my refund for the difference since I was supposed to spend part of the time in Patrick's room and he ain't moving and he is gonna have his mom and cousins come and stay over next month. Well blow-me-down! If this isn't a scam, what is!

If you thought I was bad, wait till you read what this chief tenant does. He has people streaming into his room to bath and for what-not, a few at one go. I am not too sure if they are even here for any tutorial. Gays, especially the bottoms, must be the sluttiest lot I ever know.

I have had previous requests for all manner of sexual acts. S&M like whips, spanks, candle drips, sweat and pubic hair-burns. They enjoy these and more. I think my sexual needs are much simpler than this.

Muiz, it is goodbye!
I have dropped Muiz when I found out that he was probably more into S&M sex than anything else. Goodbye old friend! I had thought you were a sensible and level-headed dude. Your boyish and innocent outlook not withstanding! But it seems that we don't see eye to eye on sexual relationships and I ain't in any mood for wrestling, bruising, hurting and abusing people like that.

I hope you will outgrow this and not kill yourself in the process of trying any exotic S&M stunts. Good luck! That guy you are dying to meet will meet all your needs. And your ex who dumped you (for whatever reasons) and treated you like dirt and scorned you for a month and who now wants to reconcile with you (for whatever reasons), deserve you.

Go get him, Muiz! He is all yours for the taking.

Someone collapsed at Bishan Park
Yesterday was quite eventful. An elderly Indian man apparently had some kinda heart problem and collapsed while walking in the park. When I got to him, he was surrounded by on-lookers (but someone had already called 995). He was all dirty, lying supine on the pavement and his head phone was still ringing out loud and clear.

The big red ants were all over him. I had to squish a few and I tried talking to him to soothe and comfort him. The ambulance came and I must credit the female ambulance attendant for a great job in coaxing him to get to the hospital.

Dwayne, did I meet you a second time again?
Because I don't wanna be in the sitting room, I usually get up early in the morning to go for my exercise and I come home late at night. Uncle Ng whom I met and chatted up the other day can testify to this. So can that old lady downstairs. Thus, yesterday, at about 8pm, I visited the Bishan North Mall to have a quick bite.

That was when I saw Dwayne and his father (I am so sorry, now I know that senior citizen is your Dad - oopsy daisy), sitting down together for a bowl of dessert or something. GOD! Does this mean anything? I don't know but I can't bring myself to acknowledge him as his Dad was with him. What if he thought I was some child molester...?

Was she heeling a dog or her son
A mother was bicycling ahead of her son and she was barking commands. It was comical as she made it seems like she was heeling a dog. But I suppose she had good intentions and was just trying to shape up his son (a tall lanky bespectacled dude) for National Service perhaps...

When I chatted with Martin at the gym, he was taking glucose with a scoop of about 50 odd grams of protein. This pales in comparison with what I had been prescribed by the sales assistant (which probably explains it- her designation I mean).

Anyway I am not gonna take any protein or whatever. I am just gonna work out the natural way with good sensible nutrition. I don't wanna be big or something, just naturally defined or cut.

I have seen some BIG dudes before but who are now shrunken when they stop all their protein or creatine or whatever stuff. They were small to begin with.

Paying tuition fees
Among the stuff we (meaning the old man and I the other day) chatted about was this: how whenever you try to find work, they invariably asks for certification. And so what's with a cert? Does it even guarantee us a job? Does re-training even find us a job? (I once thought of signing up for a short IT course but they couldn't say if that will make me IT-employable)

Imagine attending a teacher-training program. I have to pay for school fees (some of which is "subsidized" or something) and then be bonded for several years. This is so cool. Pay to be tortured. Like renting a room and be tortured by a landlord.

A luohan in the park
The swell-headed luohan is of course a genetic mutant which we humans have transgenated. The one luohan I saw being fished out of the pond wasn't anywhere close to that kinda heady size. Like the big dudes, they started out small but with un-natural creation, they became big, real big.

I bought my 4th pack of ciggies
This time it is "LIONGER", a product of Trust Tobacco Singapore. It is $8.20 when I bought it but at another shop, it went for $8.00. This was a bone of contention today when I openly smoked in the hallway (for one time only) but promptly opened the windows to let the smoke out. Patrick saw it and maybe Mark smelt it (well I can hear loud laughter from their room and that unmistakable ringing tone of a webcam hook-up and the MSN messaging tone) but when Paul came home, he told me off.

Well I suppose I was wrong but I had to contend with loud music coming from his room and I can't even make a call on my mobile phone. And all those guys he brings here, one after another, all at the same time. I wouldn't even split the utilities with them as he seems to be using more of it, what with all his companions coming in to bath like this.

Fags, some of you deserve to die along with some bimbs nd blimps and you will!

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