Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Antiquity In Modern Singapore

Despite Singapore being the modern and high-tech society that we are, there are pockets of antiquity lurking in dark corners of its back streets.

Like this piece of antiquated contraption we call the washer-dryer here at home. It boasts a small circular stainless steel tumbler which only opens up its jaws when a white button is pressed. A looped ring is the pull-key to unlocking and opening its lid. The print fonts on its dials and buttons are all faded away that you can't read what they say anymore.

But it does come flushed with hot water and cleans quite well though it takes a really long time doing this.

I have never seen a washer like it before. When it does break down, it should rightfully be placed alongside other artefacts in the hallowed halls of a Luddite's museum for no-brainers.

I am onto my second Sudoku puzzle
This is rated "EASY" but it still took me a good 20 minutes to finish this. When I flipped to the "MODERATE" category, I had a sense of foreboding as there were more blanks than numbers.

Anything to kill time and keep sane, I suppose.

Pumping iron and Never-never-land has to wait
I consulted a sales assistant on her store's health products. I think I am low on protein and this has caused me the physical and mental exhaustion I think I am beginning to feel. She gave surprisingly informative bits on a whole range of products to boost my flagging physical and mental strength.

Protein supplements, weight gainers, fatty acids and vitamin C. Each promising me eternal youth, vigour, verve and vitality.

My only concern is what if I stop exercising. Will all that muscle built become fat? Will I sag and will I flab? I think I am gonna do a bit more research and snooping around before I commit to anything.

The products will set me back financially by a couple of hundreds bi-weekly. And I am reining in my purse-strings tight. I have only such-and-such a budget to go on and I dont wanna bust it.

La-La-Land will have to wait. It may come up in my next blog. It may not. It depends on what strike me most to have me write a blog on it.

There is one comment on my blog - YIPEE!
Yeah! I noticed it while scrolling up and down my screen. As I am accustomed to not getting any and lulled into thinking that I am writing for myself on this LONELY PLANET, I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

And it was a GAL. She had nothing but good things to say about my blog. A quick check reveals that she is an "accomplished stay-at-homer" and "expiring poet" (according to her blog). She is most definitely Moslem, judging by some of her links, the photo albums and her personal webbie entitled "Fazidah".

Hey I like comments. It makes me wanna write better and know where I am heading. It also tells me what you think of my blogs.

So please, comment all you like, critical or otherwise. I ain't the government who wants only to hear the good stuff.

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