Saturday, August 12, 2006

I Shuffle Along Especially On Steps And There Is So Much I Wanna Do

The community here is warm, genuine and sincere
I can see it and feel it. The greetings, the deep conversations, the smiles and the hugs. This is what some of the womenfolk are doing here. They strike you as being all of the above. Going by what I hear, they speak gently and even reasonably. I don't think any has had the benefit of higher education.

Compare this with the educational community we have here. The overbearing battle axes, the conniving sly vixen and the wicked witch of Salem. Highly-educated women with tags to their calling cards trumping BA, MBA and PHD higher qualifications (and so this gives them the god-given right to rule over men?). Has education done anything for them?

What about a cross-fertilization of experiences, MOE?
I read wide-eyed, how all our fortunate local scholars will be sent overseas for their college degrees. They all trumpet a host of impressive CCAs and community involvement. Some would eventually become teachers.

It makes me wonder how these elites could even connect with some of our students who may not be as privileged, especially the dysfunctional familial types.

They can prolly share all their lives' interesting , positive and successful experiences. But can they commiserate with some of their other charges' tragic, negative, painful, devasting even, life encounters? Bulimic, anorexic, hynopompoic, pick-pocketed, suicidal, wasp-stung, nomadic and brokeback, just to name a few. How does this list sound to you?

As part of a multi/cross discipline/ fertilization conceptual framework, how about sending the elite teachers to neighborhood schools and the non-elite teachers to elite schools. That way both sides get to understand how each feels about life, get to know the other side of living life up or living life down. Just to walk in someone else's moccasin would foster greater compassion and empathy all round.

It is like transferring that bitch outta my alma mater, the bitch who pinches boys' nipples, to an all-girls' school. Let the girls know how it feels to be nippled.

Belinda's Pancakes - the humble peanut pancake has come a long way
I assume the proprietor of this stall is Belinda. It is on the third row of shops at the Ang Mo Kio hawker centre right opposite Bishan Park. She is cheery and loquacious. We even got round to schmoozing about her family, especially her 16 year-old daughter.

Like our roti pratas, the humble peanut pancakes now come with exotic fillings such as red bean, coconut (which also double up as fillings for our kutu piring and kutu mayam - two other favourite pastry and delicacy) and cheese.

Belinda's crispy thin pancakes are mouth-watering scrumptious. You must try these large cones at a mere dollar apiece.

More Doggy Bytes
I have seen Siberian Huskies, pomperanians and Chow-chows. What I didn't really know was that they are spitz dogs, dogs hailing from the cold North and a thicket of fur. Chow-chows were once imperial dogs and much wanted for their meat and fur. It is amazing they don't swelter and die in our tropical heat.

Pumping Iron II
Further reading on protein supplements had led me to the conclusion that I should just eat up one scoop of protein per day, workout or no. I will concentrate on my carbo-intake and as I am not intensely into HUGE BODY MASS BUILDING, this will suffice for me to just do muscle-definition or as body-building lingo goes, cutting. I will also do more reps on a lighter loading.

Me big mouth and an idiosyncratic lat-pulldown machine
My 6th and 7th attempt at cracking the Suduko puzzles have drawn a blank (the "Moderate" category). I must have spoken too soon.

Today while gymming, I couldn't insert the weight pin all the way into its pinhole. The instructress quietly came up behind the lat-pulldown machine, pulled the cable a little and BINGO, it could.

Remember the loud bitch from the other gym and you could ostensibly sense the far cry she was from this quiet, confident, non-overbearing and helpful instructress who helped put a wrong right.

Why I am making do without a PC for now
Windows Vista will be out in half a year's time and I have already waited six months. I don't wanna be stuck with any white elephant. I am waiting for sufficient funds to buy up a lappy. I may be careless and leave my lappy behind in outdoor places I surf. It isn't convenient to own a lappy as I don't live at any place permanently now.

Doing without a PC and what this engenders
I have to move from place to place just so to do various computing work. I can't print or work on a floppy disk at some places. I can't read Adobe documents on others. The screen blurs and flickers at some kiosks. I can't log in or open up webbies at times. Some parts of the webs mysteriously disappears, like the chatboxes. I have to put up with noise and invectives let off by cybergamers or library users. I hardly instant message anyone. Even if I do, my addressees need not be online at the same time I am. It is more expensive.

Next week's plans
I have two movies on my watchlist. Muiz and I will watch "AntBully" and it will be on me while he will buy us popcorn. I cannot imagine what we will do in the pitch-dark cinema hall.

Can you?

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