Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ideal Location But Lousy Abode

Thank God For Blogging, I Have Kept Sane
If not for blogging, I would have gone bonkers. If not for the plenty of sunshine and exercises I have been having lately, I would have gone raving mad. If I hadn't blogged, I wouldn't have been able to glean important life lessons from every experience I encounter, either big or small.

Blogging has allowed me the freedom to express myself in very creative ways which would have been frowned upon by establishments like schools and the media. If I had been a student all over again, I would have been chastised and blacklisted. Thank God for blogs.

Other Life Experiences That Educators Or You Even May Not Have Faced Or Even Heard About
Add these to the list of life experiences that educators or even you may only have nightmares about - wanting to die, attempting to die and being hypnopompoic.

I guess it is just some of us who would have the "privilege and privy" to such down in the dumps life experiences. I have always admired those kids whose lives somehow are always smooth sailing, only winning and succeeding throughout all their waking moments - sporting glory, a happy homelife, academic excellence, material wealth , looking beautiful, born straight , being popular and well-liked.

They are spared the kind of pain , suffering, discrimination and persecution like moi has to face.

If You Behave Well, I May Give You A Little Glimpse Into My Cloud-Cuckoo Land
Well yes. I will narrate to you what went on in my little La-La-Land when I was half awake and half asleep. You would never have guessed or imagined, I'll bet.

My New Flat Mates
Yesterday, I walked the whole way from my new place in Bishan to Ang Mo Kio. I took a shortcut through the park and cut across the AMK swimming complex before ending up at the Ang Mo Kio community library.

When I finally made my way home, night has descended and Paul, the chief tenant, confronted me with the financial computations for bunking down in part in the hallway and in part in the bedroom when Patrick vacates the premises.

At first I was stung by the mercenary nature of it all, the calculating exact science we have all come to associate with the economy. $60 a week for sleeping in the hallway (a figure I am not sure how he arrived at ) and a $400 monthly rent for the bedroom.

But I have to hand it to him for his amiable demeanour and very smooth handling of the whole affair. To me, it was quite a fair deal on a pro-rated daily basis. I have no reasons to argue back or haggle, at the moment.

These are all very young chaps who are quick on the draw and I suppose they were a little like me once, trying to make some money for whatever reasons. Paul, whom I suspect, works for some government agency and groomed for leadership, does some moonlighting in tuition on the side.

All their underpants are some sexy branded stuff and the stylo mylo knickers which are usually the hallmarks of gayness. They can be broadly divided into two groups with three on one side and the Filipino on the other. Nobody walks out the flat for work minutes apart like they do. Maybe one of them is even driving.

One is the mastermind and I have to find out who he is. He who works closely with the flat owner (who doesn't reside here by the way).

Why I Couldn't Sleep Last Night
By the time I bathed , it was well past midnight. My ciggy lighter isn't working anymore and I badly needed a smoke. Nonetheless I went downstairs and whoever midnighters I ran into, I asked for help for a light-up.

All the windows are closed and there isn't a whiff of wind streaming into the hallway. As the windows are facing out to the common corridors and my stuff are laid out next to it, there was no way I could allow light and breeze to come in.

The whole place is really stuffy . Wait till you see the toilet. Shower, cistern and sink crammed into a teeny space and in disrepair.

I guess I will really need to step out very often for a breath of fresh air, literally.

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