Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Americanised Or Singaporeanised

An exchange of thoughts
Speaking with John (hey he is just plain John, not Bush or Reagan), the big American guy at the swimming pool yesterday, I got to thinking about a few things. One of which I thought was some political maneovuring by leaders of any country.

It does seem so that politicians do fear anyone, be it a scientist or a sportsperson, who because of their international fame and thus political clout, may wrest political control and topple any government of any day. Therefore in their own selfish political interests, many of these upstarts would have to be brow-beaten to obscurity.

It is the same with any song competition, the sort that picks winners who go on to be the next Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake. Any potential Young Turk , who may upsurp the throne of an older incumbent, may similarly be ousted if the judging panel has this older incumbent whose life his music career revolves round.

But in the interest of progress and for the sake of the community, I think there is space for both and that the better idea or person should win, not by any unfair affiliation because of kinship or friendship. This is in the name of good for all.

Otherwise we stand still, stagnate and die.

This is part of what reading (the late) Prof Gould's book is all about too. It has a phalanx of two unlikely team members, a conservative old fart and a brazen non-conformist. But work together they did and look at the kinda astonishing scientific breakthroughs they achieved. The oddballs of the Burgess shale who were shoehorned into existing phlya previously are now recognised to be unique in their own taxonomic groups.

Even Ant Bully has its say on this. How the ants in a colony work as a team to overcome adversity and fight the "invaders", along with the glowworms, the wasps, the gnats and the caterpillars (animals of other species).

What about the boys who eventually turn on the BIG BULLY. They realised they have numbers on their side while the BIG BULLY was just one lousy, low-esteem, manipulative sicko and someone who is still tied to his mother's apron strings.

If you didn't catch the hint here, you never would, people.

What will really complete the full circle of living here
It isn't just the kinda amenities available here that are within walking distance of each other. I just noticed how many schools there are around the area, not least, two premier educational institutions, one a top-notch JC and the other an all-boys secondary school. In fact there is one other same-sex middle high school round the corner as well.

A new community library is slated for opening in September, just one month away and it is a stand-alone multi-storeyed building quite artistically designed.

Gosh, if I can just walk to a school somewhere here, anywhere, and teach. Preferably only boys. I am kinda sick of gals. Had enough trouble with them and I wish them ill most of the time.

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