Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Sunday Of Blogs

These people must be starved of something the whole month
I suppose sleeping in the hallway is inconvenient for all the tenants. Especially with Paul, who has all his "friends" over, spending the night and taking showers, one after another at the same time. I can see he works for a transport agency and given some of the things we have chatted over, I shun to think he will be a leader of the organisation.

Like being afraid of stuff in the living room getting stolen by moi. I think I have a greater legitimate fear, what with my stuff out in the living room like that.

I have a real funny feeling these people sleep around a lot. They are just abstaining this one month.

No wonder.

If I were a landlord all over again
I would have jumped at a tenant like meself. No PC. Therefore no need for broadband and all that hassle. No cooking. Don't need the air-conditioner and ok with a fan system. Out most of the time. Apparently some landlords aren't satisfied with that. Good for you. Daniel, Psycho and the rest of them. You don't deserve me.

I don't watch chinese programs except on the rare occasion
Because I think all that drama serials' themes on puppy love, love triangles, corporate rivalry, revenge and all that junk simply ain't worth it. And some of the foreign variety talkshow programs can be really crude and sex-filled.

Cricket too?
Looks like the Indian community is out in full force at the park to play this sport. It is BIG in India and Britain I suppose as it must have hailed from there.

My ankle is healed and I am running again
Someone must have spotted my slight limp as I walk. This senior citizen approached me with an offer of a traditional Chinese prescriptive ointment for a rub. But after I started on my run, my ankle feels much better. Thus I will dump this visit to the TCM practitioner.

My fingers are typing faster than the Internet connection speed
This is what happens sometimes. I can type real fast with just my few fingers. But the Internet connection speed is so slow, it can't keep up with me. I can't go any slower because time means money.

At other times, while surfing or whatever, the connection is lost and this is really frustrating if you are like doing up some document and it gets lost, forever...

Muiz, I am so disappointed in you
I really like you very much. But you don't seem to want to forget your past relationship and you have expressed your wish to go back to this relationship. I can't stop you but I have stated my intentions. And you wanna meet people for S&M sex. I am so sorry it has to end like this.

Perhaps we should just cool off and see what happens next.

Look at what is being envisaged here
I tip my hat to MM Lee and I don't think anyone should be criticising him in any way, not when he is our founding father. After all, he built this city and I respect him in many ways. But of course the occasional swipes may be inevitable.

Everyone else is fair game though.

But when they envisage only Crazy Horse cabarets and creating all that city buzz ( I am not anti-it as I understand it helps bring in the tourism dollar) but if all else hinges on just this one thingy, I am so sorry it just won't do.

Please start looking at how we operate on every level, policy-wise , in schools, our homes and so on. There are so many issues here that impact our lives, I can't even start to blog on them.

Scanning the advertisement pages reveal dirt-cheap rentals at specified locations. But when I give them a ring, they were located somewhere else and prices were not so cheap. What great discrepancies! I won't be surprised that there are scams going on here. Someone wrote on one, airing his grievance over being cheated.

Besides gender discrimination, in this case bias against the male gender, in the education field (think childcare, studentcare, tuition centres and tags like "All female environment"), even some flat-owners want only females.

Like I told Uncle Ng, it is as if females are the preferred gender these days. They exude all the qualities of gentleness, kindness, compassion, goodness, nurtureful, rationalism, inner beauty etc, etc. Try converting this list into antonyms and see how it turns out.

Can we open our eyes as to who are the real perpetrators of misdeeds here
The few instances of mis-behavior at the train stations I witnessed were mostly perpetrated by foreigners, either as tourists, work-pass holders or permanent residents here. They elbow their way into the trains, speak loudly and just about give no shit to anyone.

Don't forget the foreign employers I have worked for which include Malaysians and Indonesians in the audit/account and medical/pharmaceutical fields. They weren't exactly nice people to deal with. They are just here for the job and business opportunities.

What about the few foreign workers here whom I have co-habitated with the last couple of months. Or when I was leasing my room out. They were not exactly reasonable people. They were demanding , self-centred and jump at every chance to abuse privileges accorded them.

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