Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Tuesday Of Blogs

It used to be the army clamping down on enrolees with tattoos as these are signs of gangsterism. I am not sure how much of that remains but nowadays, the young don them as badges of a fashion statement and in Indochina, it could be religious, serving as amulets for protection, engraved by non other than the divine representatives in temples.

Taking a person's roof away and how it feels
It isn't a very nice feeling. As I told Muiz, your home is the one place you retreat into for refuge and comfort. I have no choice but to forego this for the moment and I am not even sure if I can own my next one. And my woes are all wimps and bimbs-related. Starting with schools.

A long walk all the way home
I am stepping up my room find very intensively this week. As this main tenant of the place comes home only late at night, I found myself leaving the place way past midnight. The supermarket was still open. It is on 24 hours. But the bus service isn't.

The feeder service took me all the way to Yio Chu Kang and ended there. I had to walk all my way home after that.

Lynard - the school's "gangsta"
I ran into him at the void deck. When I asked if the locked up TV set they had at the resident's corner could not be opened up (I was thinking Singapore Idol on Wednesdays and Thursdays), I was drawn into his world of alpha male dominance fights in schools. It was more like "gangsta" rather than "gangster". I found it highly amusing when he related all his stories.

And he was pretty cute too. Since I was looking for a room, I had thoughts of bunking in with him. He looked like he needed it. He needed the protection. And I want to protect.

Corporal punishment for some, not all
While exchanging thoughts with Lynard, I suggested that a cane could change the life of a recalcitrant, sometimes. But for most, it won't. It would probably breed resentment, immunity to the whacks and even elicit rebelliousness and retaliation.

Lynard did get one thing right though - pick the fight you are involved in, not others.

Why I turned really rebellious myself
All my life I had been conforming. Even if I do not agree with you on many issues, I keep silent, though deep in my heart, I know something is amiss.

For conformity, it seems, at work, doesn't work. The skunks get away in most cases. It does not pay to be goody-two-shoes. This may be inculcated in schools but it doesn't work at the workplace. All the hoodlums and skullduggerers at work get off, scott free.

They wanna accuse you of attitude, but please look at theirs. Daniel's and Psycho's and a host of others. Daniel is loud, insistent and always wanting things his own way. Psycho is naggy and unreasonable.

Someone picked a fight with moi today at the community library
When this tall dude strode into the reading room and picked a seat right next to moi, when so many other empty seats were available, with his face showing what it showed (a tinge of not being mentally well and he was probably drawn to my earrings, was he gay even?), I instinctively sensed something.

He then picked a fight with moi over the two copies of newspapers I had on me, which I deliberately took away with me. All the while a familiar Indian lady face was sitting nearby. Truth of the matter is, I have spotted another the other day and I recognised them instantly to be who they are.

He admonished moi for being an ugly Singaporean and even mouthed invectives. There are worse cases of ugly Singaporeanism or whoever at work here and he hasn't even seen it yet. I replied in various ways and moved away. But when he got personal about my earring, I asked him to shut his mouth up.

If he had asked for sex, I might have agreed. But oh well, he wanted to focus on a fight, so a fight it was. I admit I just picked up the other copy of the papers as a reflex reaction.

I will only buy the newspapers when I need to read (more for ideas, language content or some worthy analyses) or for the classifieds page. Anyway most of it is really highly repetitious news like the Israel-Lebanon conflict or terrorism.

But between buying a copy of the newspapers or travelling to read it at the communit library, it makes no real difference.

And a fire drill
The alarm rang. A voice urged everyone to remain calm while an investigation is underway. The next thing I know, a library staff marched everyone out of the reading room , ushered us through the fire exit and down the stairways.

Five minutes later, we were back in.

Smokers do not have any space left for their nicotine-high
I can't smoke at home ( I did it one time and it was the FORBIDDEN MORTAL SIN of Christ's time). There are few tables reserved for smoking at public dining areas. I am not even sure if I can smoke at the park or at open-air public spaces.

I can begin to understand how smokers must feel . A fag is like a relief. Kinda like a need to pee. Or a suck or two on some dudes' dicks. It is probably the last vestige of sanctity anyone can have to think, ponder and relieve onself from a variety of situations like stress and the need for personal private space.

I am reconciled with Muiz
I couldn't bear the thought of leaving a cute dude like Muiz. He is a kid too so I have to learn to be gentler and kinder and more forgiving. I told him hurting him isn't the way to building a relationship. It is time-out for now till we are both more settled to start on our relationship, what with my constant moving and his upcoming exams.

Foreign talent
I am most welcoming if it is exotic talent that we cannot find here locally. Like a foreign dude who can bend his dick twice over. And by doing so, he builds a whole cottage industry around it. Like the need for lubricants to oil his machinery which help fuel the lube industry.

But what are the industries our foreign talents going into? Food, malls , real estate and the professions. How can locals not fill these openings?

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