Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Soap for a Docu-melodrama
While sitting quietly, gazing at the lush greenery, two jarring sounds wafted down from the apartment blocks above the pavilion where I was.

One was the cadence of a mother's voice chiding her son for not studying, what with exams just round the corner. The other was of a father hammering his daughter. The helpless shrill voice trying to reason with a fierce and angry one that finally lapsed into screams of pain as blows rained upon her.

If these aren't enough evidence of our pre-occupation with exams and grades and the traditional but oh-so-wrong way of disciplining a child, I don't know what is.

Great animation (even though I suspect some characters look very familiar , remnants from "Over The Hedge" , Tiffany and The Terminator for example). It makes ants look so human, you can instantly relate to their world, never mind if it is a mound they live in and their body parts are a segmented head, thorax and abdomen. It also makes us think about how we humans should be so ashamed of ourselves. If different ants can work hand-in-glove together and help each other, how can we not do the same? Aren't we the representative acme of civilisation?

It helps that I have Muiz to watch it with me. He is always great company and we can just enjoy the movie together.

An American swimming at our pool?
This is highly unusual. But what insights he has. Especially on the American system. In particular the swimming kind. Of the Olympics, funding and so on. WHOA! I really wanna hear more from him. This is so intriguing.

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