Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Short Thought Before The Community Library Closes

Well yeah. I read about the case of how some young teen couple had their foetus aborted following an indiscreet and unitended pre-marital "coitus maximus" (according to "My Super Ex-girlfriend").

The laughable part is they celebrate the anniversary of the abortion every year with the "foetus" in abstantia. Think birthday cake with candles, "Happy Birthday" songs and an effigy of a "foetus" sitting on a high stool in a baby's chair. You might as well set the effigy on fire. That would truly be what you have done to it anyway.

Look, are you two teen parmours nuts? You have sex, conceived a "child" together and then decide to abort it and you celebrate its abortion like you do a birthday party. How nutty can this get? Wouldn't a real live baby be more a cause for celebration?

It can't get any nuttier than this, people.

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