Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dwayne, You Look Really Cute In Person!

Living out of a suitcase
Patrick isn't gonna move out. That means I will be out in the living room for another month. What it really means is that I am subjecting myself to being a goldfish in a glass bowl for all to see. Isn't this perverted?

As it is, I am making the PVC sofa and the TV sideboard my racks for laying out my toiletries and clothes. Most of my stuff ain't unpacked yet , so I am living out of a suitcase, literally.

The only consolation is the location. It is minutes away from everything and I can stroll anywhere and it is really convenient. Like the gym, the garden , the park connector and the hawker centre which offers cut-prices for all its yummy food.

I was sitting right near Dwayne (the famous blogger) at Bishan Food Junction
I walked into the food court, ordered my nasi padang and turned around. There was just this one empty seat at a table. I signalled to the people sitting there munching their lunches if the seat was taken.

When the green light was given, I sat down and tucked into my food. When I tilted my head a little to my left, I began to notice a couple of what I thought were very familiar faces (they were the faces DWAYNE, the famous blogger, had pasted all over his blog and they were his friends from school). I craned my neck a bit more and there he was - DWAYNE, two seats away from me. I couldn't believe my eyes. The chicken drumstick almost fell out of my mouth.

Not that it mattered. I could have Dwayne's thigh or something for supper. That would have been much more sumptuous and I would have been really sedated outta my mind.

I didn't dare greet the group at all. This was all too unexpected. I won't know what to say. I couldn't possibly do an intro like this, can I?

"Hi, Dwayne, I am your stalker on the other side of the blog. You may not remember me but I am the one who had wanted to meet you at Bishan gym and do all those things I said I wanna do to you in my anagramic code. Remember? You look marvellous. Shall we go home to my place now? It is just 5 minutes away and we could make out en-route to my abode too "

Alternatively, I was thinking of making a GRAND EXIT just by walking past Dwayne and pretending to knock into him and mutter a : "Sorry Dwayne" and just walk out. This would leave him in cryo suspension, not knowing what hit him and who the hell I was, as he watch mouth agape , at moi stalking out of the cafe as fast as moi can .

But, none of the above happened and I just kept quiet throughout my lunch, straining to listen and catch snatches of conversation between Dwayne and his friends. WOW! He speaks well too in that deep throaty voice of his.

This was a surreal kinda encounter like you read "Little Red Riding Hood"the folktale and the next thing you know, she appears right before your eyes in Bishan Town Park, red hood and all. Isn't this kinda scary too?

What a nincompoop I had been! Obviously I had not taken heed of my penance.

I am through with FAGS
I was into my third pack and this one I got dirt cheap at just $8.30. Some brand called "LIMOS" (made in the States though, mind you) and it had its price tag prominently displayed on the shop window but the vendor didn't know it existed. Can you imagine that? Selling something you don't even know you have. But I can't blame her, for the shop must sell a 1001 stuff.

This pack proved to be my last. I am really through with ciggies. I cannot understand why addicted chain-smokers cannot seem to kick the tobacco habit. Moi can just stop, at the mere drop of a hat. Imagine all the nicotine patches and smoke-therapy they have to undergo! They should learn a thing or two from me.

I really enjoy Muiz's company
Muiz has proved to be real good company. We can talk about anything under the sun and he is real smart and serious-minded in many ways. He doesn't sound like any shallow or superficial smarty pants. I would love to go stroll in the park with him hand in hand and smooch.

When I conjured up this word, I realised that many of us do undergo hypnopompoism to some extent. Like booking out of army and catching up on sleep over the weekend. Or just sleeping in on weekends when we aint working. It is just a coping mechanism for us to recharge our batteries, dream and do a bit of escapism from the harsh realities of everyday life.

So maybe we shouldn't be so awe-stricken by this phenomenon. It really aint that new.

Sneaks - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Yes, my next blog could possibly centre on my LA-LA-LAND escapade. I am sure you are dying to read about that right? Well cross your fingers that I will be up to writing this piece then.

You won't be disappointed.

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