Thursday, August 10, 2006

How I Celebrated National Day And The Day After

I sprained me ankle at the park and found this
There are markings on the jogging paths and if moi ran 3 rounds, it would be just 100m short of the 10km circuit I have been punishing my body with. It doesn't matter! I could always do the last bit with a 100m sprint or dash. I would imagine there was this eye-popping hunk ahead of me and I was just trying to catch up.

But there weren't any hunks that morning. Instead, black clouds gathered and a storm was brewing. Finally when the heavens broke all hell loose, I stumbled on some twigs and promptly sprained me ankle. Holy Singapore's 41st birthday! This is so awfully painful! It was like celebrating my own birthday except that there were no candles to blow out.

I hobbled towards the information kiosk to seek refuge. I read all the posters it had tacked onto its notice-board. It was then that I noticed a cafe just up ahead. I crossed over . As the rain didn't seem to want to let up , I ordered a hearty breakfast of toast, eggs and tea, which was cheap when compared to the bottle of 100 Plus.

This mineralised water with its sourised taste costs onlly $2.50. However it ballooned to $2.80 after a 10% service charge (the BOSS just went to the fridge and took it out on my behalf) and a 1% CESS.

CESS is a kinda government tax. It is a variant of the word "SESS" and is a colonial ersatz. CESS also means "luck". So I guess if I was luckless to sprain my ankle, I was lucky to be slapped with CESS. Perhaps it is time for CESS to be in cession because it stinks of a cesspool.

The frisbeers have turned this into a game
Well yeah. They are passing the frisbees about like a netballer would, minus the dribbles, just to score a goal at the goalpost. It can be as strenous a game as any if the runs and leaps are anything to go by.

What dog training sessions?
There are three signboards at the dog-run area. Two read the same except one is an "agility training area" and the third says that at certain times over the weekends, the Singapore Kennel Club conducts dog training sessions.

This could be a sign of how we communicate. We usually do so in dribs and drabs with the inevitability that we never really communicate or the listener or reader is left in kinda of a lurch. It will be good to know what kinda dog training sessions are we talking about here - agility, obedience or what?

I left poor (the late ) Prof Stephen Jay Gould's book behind and thought I lost it
I had to retrace my steps the moment I realised that I have left the book behind somewhere. My first stop was of course on the bus. The next was at the MRT control station. Then the public restroom and finally the foodcourt.

I left a note with the bus people but nobody had reported any findings. The MRT control station also turned up a blank. As I had a verbal exchange with the control people earlier, I casually asked if they had seen me holding a bag with the book in it. One remarked he didn't see me with any bag.

I remember dropping by the john for a pee on my 3rd stop and sandwiching the bag between my thighs as I pissed into the urinals. For sure, I must still have the bag with me then. Therefore the bag must have been left behind at the foodcourt.

True enough, when I asked the attendant at the foodcourt , she replied an affirmative, leading me to the cabinet where dear Prof Stephen Jay Gould sits in a small plastic carrier.

It wasn't about paying the fine but the thought of missing out on books of gems like this that had me agitated and determined to find my lost treasure.

Maybe being a Luddite isn't so bad after all
The verbal exchange I had with the MRT control station was when I tapped my wallet on the touch-pad and it read "CARD FAILED! Multiple cards detected".

This was the second time it happened. It only happened when my cashcard couldn't work at the Multimedia stations of the community library one fine day. Believing that it had "expired" (the ATM had shown me that it was expiring in 80 odd days on a previous occasion), I bought a new one from a vendor at the corner of the library.

I have a chip phonecard in my wallet. This new cashcard has the same chip. It has a five-year life span as well. I can't believe one more chip card could render my wallet impervious to the scanning decoder.

Maybe the scanning technology hasn't caught up with the chip cards.

My old bracie has rusted and I got meself a necklace and two other bracies.
The necklace is charcoal grey metallic beaded with a dolphin pendant at its end. The white and blue glassy beaded bracie and the charcoal grey metallic beaded bracie each costs $2. I am chucking away my old rusted metallic bracie for good.

I bought these items from a shop tucked away behind the neighborhood food centre and wet market.

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