Friday, August 04, 2006

Confessions Of A Catholic Boy

Life's Little Pleasures
Yesterday after I was done with the newspapers and had a quick bite of "soon kway" and a drink of milk tea at a hotel lobby's cafe, I headed for home straightaway.

I had gymmed earlier, after laying off for two whole weeks, and was justly rewarded with beefy dudes in cool school gear chiselling at their body sculptures. Their shirts and trousers were hanging on the clothes hanger in the bathroom, reeking of testosterone and sweat. How sexily magnetic and seductive!

When I stepped into the flat, no one was in sight. I decided to go for a walk and a jog in the park. It was cool and breezy. This park has a kiosk that rents out bicycles and in-line skates. I immediately had thoughts of trying out what I had always dreamt of doing, the other being artificial rock wall climbing.

I was led to a park connector via a stoplight guarding a divided highway. Here it was even breezier and a beefcake and several aspiring male models were running up and down the only jogging path. Awesome!

Life sometimes isn't about the grand dinner you had at a 5 star hotel or the resort villa in the Mediterranean you holidayed at.

Life's Little Incidents
When I got back from my dizzying sojourn in the woods, I hit the showers at once. I was drying myself in the sitting room when someone knocked on the door.

It was a neighbor and he whinged about the trash bag parked outside our door and along the common 5-footway. I had not seen this on my way in and apparently Patrick had thrashed this while I was showering.

I called on Paul, the chief tenant, who spoke to the neighbor but when Patrick came out of his room, a fight ensued (just an argument).

Verdict: (1) The neighbor had thought that it had been left there for perpetuality. He could have waited the next day before asking for it to be removed if it still wasn't. (2) Patrick could have explained the situation better by saying that he had just left it there and had intended to thrash it soon. (3) I distinctly heard footsteps and chatter going all the way back to the neighbor's flat (which made him look like the owner of the flat) and this can only signal that Paul, Patrick and the "neighbor" (who is the owner in disguise) are all in on a scam to stage a frightening drama to scare moi. For whatever reasons.

I am so scared now, my bollards wanna squeeze the juice outta my dick and have sex with all these handsome residents in the flat. How's that for being really scared?

I couldn't resist. It has been some days since I last saw him. I peeled away the plastic bags and lo and behold, SUPERMAN is just as handsome as the day when I bought him. Untainted, pure and really majestic. After checking that he was as pristine as he first was, I put him away.

Confessions of A Catholic Boy

Our Father....
Hallowed Be Thy Name.....

Father, I have sinned against you.....

All My Confessions
Confession No 1: I had harboured lewd but sexy thoughts of all my flatmates.....

Confession No 2: I wanted to creep up to Patrick's door and toss off naked, hoping that he would fling his door open just in time when I was about to ejaculate when he was so awed, he throw all caution to the wind as well

Confession No 3: I wanted to do the same with Paul (but maybe not.....let me think about this)

Confession No 4: I wanted to take a peek at what the "Malaysian cousins" are up to behind closed doors

JUST DO IT , you nincompoop!

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