Monday, August 14, 2006

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

1 year's worth of blogs
I can't believe that it has been one year of blogging already. I clicked on my first few entries dated July 2005 and I was actually reminiscing on the rain and what-not. I couldn't believe this. The next few were movie reviews on the R21 gay flick "Mysterious Skin".

I guess I have come a long way, if you wanna call it that.

What's on today's menu? Ah......straps and bracies
Today, I bought a pack of tri-colored Nike rubber wrist bands. I also got another charcoal grey beady bracie. My dolphin pendant broke when I let slip my necklace and it crashed to the mosaic floor at home. I am not getting another necklace till I am good and ready. I also got a bright orange carry strap for my camphone.

My Super Ex-girlfriend
This is like the reverse-gender of Superman, with the same sort of thick black rimmed glasses that Clark Kent dons. Except this is G-girl and she is super-humanly flawed.

It is about saving mankind too but this is more an aside than being the main course. The plot is about a love triangle and how falling in and out of love can be disastrous especially if your girlfren is endowed with unhumanly powers.

In the end, we have two superwomen fighting it out over one man. However like the saying goes, "All's well that ends well."

Quite funny and I chuckled half the time. Expect an audience of mostly women and couples and the occasional gays like moi.

Another view to a room
Yesterday I went to view a room not far from where I am now. It will mean that I will be 15 minutes further away from everywhere that I am now. The room is quite nice but a little extortionate. But I do get two single beds and a clean loo.

What else does not owning a PC at home engender and living in different parts of Singapore
I have mostly dwelt on the negatives I suppose. On a positive note, it means that I am living life a bit more fully. I get to be among the community - at Lan shops, the libraries, the internet kiosks and everywhere else I go. I get to observe and occasionally chat with people.

I am not so sequestered as I was when I was surfing and working from home. But home back then was really comfortable.

Moving around Singapore the way I did and do, has opened my eyes to different living conditions and to the different lifesytles of the people I stay with and meet. The neighborhoods are also dissimilar.

So I guess I have more fuel to blog on than if I had been sequestered at home.

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