Sunday, September 03, 2006

This Is Home For Now

What came out of the profiling test
I was curious as I always am. The test results showed that I was task-oriented, a trait I do concede to possess at times. Other things like being a perfectionist did not resonate as well as I have learned to moderate my expectations to a very large extent. Wanting to be my own boss is possibly true as then I can set the directions and vision what I want my kinda education to be. This must surely be true and good education, not some commercialised and examinised kinda education.

My lower back is acting up again
It must have been the few loads I carried on the day of the shift. The next morning and the morning after that, my lower back was achingly painful. To make up for the last one month of stress and hangovers, I slept in for the next few days, venturing out only to take dinner or just to take a walk round the neighborhood. I discovered a whole oasis of more eateries and shops around the town centre and a sprawling bricked community club.

Some house rules this is
At first I couldn't believe my ears when Tim told me that I couldn't hang my underwear, boxer shorts and socks in the service balcony of the kitchen . I have to either hang them in my bedroom or out the kitchen windows. This is utterly preposterous!

More cause and effect
To this end, he handed me a PVC telescopic pole (and whoever invented this must DIE because it is effectively a piece of useless junk) so I could hang all those "unmentionables" in my bedroom. This pole purportedly could take on a 1 kg load.

I added one piece of my clothes and before I knew what happened, the pole came crashing down, knocking off the wall clock which smashed to smithereens on the tiled floor. I had to scout for a replacement clock and Tim reimbursed me for both the clock and the pillow.

I am beginning to warm up to Auntie and Tim
First impressions often do not convey a correct perception of someone. I always believe in giving more time to know a person before I pass judgement (or the death sentence).

I am beginning to warm up to Tim and Auntie (Tim's mother). They do seem like nice folks. It is always comical the way I address her as "Auntie" the way I do, whenever I bump into her in the house. She is a barrel of laughs actually. Even her weekly domestic help was "Auntie" to me.

Hiro - that is what his name is
Then there is that Japanese flatmate who, in Tim's words, looks "spaced out" (which is true - he looks like he is shell-shocked most of the time, perhaps because of stress or something, what with being a foreigner here I guess) . I exchanged contacts with him the evening we were both going out for our respective dinner eatouts.

The New Bishan Community Library
It doesn't exude the kinda space the Ang Mo Kio library does. That is because it is five floors but each floor is a small space. The Ang Mo Kio library is only two storey high but it is spread out over a big space. The round leather cushion seats are enclosed within glass panels but if you can't lean against them, you ain't relaxed. I thought they should have made the lower part of the panel a different kinda leanable material and not glass.

What is gonna happen tomorrow
I am well-rested and I have my own room which means my own privacy and space. I look forward to meeting Muiz tomorrow for the movie "Barnyard" (of which I have a pair of free GV tickets compliments of one of my bank's reward points - it seems every organisation has some kind of rewards system or other nowadays) and for me, a re-re-visit to the new Bishan community library after the movie.

After that, it is job hunting again like always. That means a round of online surfing, oneline application,Microsofting, printing, faxing , emailing, licking envelopes and mailing, usually at several different locations even.

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