Friday, September 29, 2006

Rag Tag Razzle Dazzle Razzmatazz

More Books
I read the Asian perspective of "Teaching and Classroom Management", written by our local academicians. It puts its finger on the educational problem all right but failed to offer as many concrete solutions.

Another book "The Cult Of Personality Testing" echoes exactly my sentiments about how personality profiling is misguided and often a complete hogwash.

The Meyers-Briggs (which many an institution here is using), for instance, was invented by a , read this, housewife in the 1940s. Different sittings of the test has yielded different results. So what are we supposed to make of this test?

I am borrowing this book home to read in lieu of Professor Bryan Sykes' "The Seven Daughters of Eve" and Bill Bryson's book on the English language.

"An Encyclopaedia of True Crime" (a book which was unceremoniously dumped onto my couch by a young couple - possibly because they saw the stack of books there and thought it a dumping ground with no one in sight - I glimpsed them when I came back from a toilet break) listed Bonnie And Clyde (one a homosexual, the other a nymphomaniac) as partners in crime (The Perons too), evil women (Imelda Marcos as the Steel Butterfly) , murderous men and war criminals (Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin and Sadam Hussein)

A Trip to Kinokuniya
On my first trip to Kinokuniya after a very long lapse, I couldn't help noticing that there weren't too many new books out on sale. Apart from Vincent Ng's muscle-rippling "Ten" (whose first few pages were torn right down the middle - a target of an overzealous fan perhaps?) and "Singapore: The Encyclopaedia", everything else looks almost the same. I was hoping for Professors Andrew Parker and Bryan Sykes to have written their sequels that they mentioned they would. But I didn't see any.

On my way back, after I had browsed copies of the "New Scientist" and "The Economist", a group of galls (who looked like university students) were drivelling away at the bus-stop. Among their chatter were a guy friend's bisexuality and an amorous (or eccentric) lecturer. Golly! The things galls talk about! Unbelievable!

I recounted to Muiz about how easy Alvin got his interior finishing job. This had me thinking that should there be nothing else left for moi to do here, I could probably do what he did in another part of the world - most likely an advanced economy.

1st October Fare Increases
Don't forget that besides the time spent travelling to Springleaf Tower, there is also the issue of cost - $1.25 per trip (excludes return) and discounting the fare increases two days from now.

Too Much To Blog About
I could blog on all my working experiences in commercial and public schools, financial and medical companies. But it would mean a lot of soul-searching, reflection and delving deep into the past. That would take such a long time and so many pages of blogs, I am not sure I am up to it. And you too I presume .

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