Monday, September 04, 2006

I Had A Good Night's Sleep

Three blind mice - I don't wanna be the blind leading the blind
This is something which we all experience at one time or another. People bugging you when they are next in line, waiting for something. Except that there is actually another carbon copy of what is being waited for.

This woman stalked my newpapers when there was one right at the other end of the table. The new community library has two copies of our national newspapers after all, at least at this branch.

A muscled dude at the gym (and that is why I am saying the hulks have either no brains or their brains just got really contracted small) insists on waiting for my lat-pull down machine when there was another nearby. This was when I was on a test out at a renowned gym.

An elderly man stood near me waiting his turn for the hand dryer at a mall's washroom when there was one just opposite. I had to point this out to him as he was obviously oblivious to his surroundings.

Why don't we treat the root cause and not just the symptoms
It is pointless to try to rally for more babies and talent and then to suggest immigration or a slew of financial incentives as a panacea when this has not worked priorly. We are only treating the symptoms. What about getting our hands down dirty to understanding what lies behind our dearth of local talent and babies.

If we have a fever, we take panadol. But that is only treating it symptomatically. Can we prevent a bout of fever from occurring in the future? Was it because we were dehydrated or out in the sun for too long?

This problem is just gonna crop up time after time if we don't, won't it?

Can't save on this one
The photocopying service at the community library is only 5 cents a copy. But since I have to edit my application letter constantly in step with the job requirements, I can only print directly from my floppy and not otherwise.

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