Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It Is So Quiet Here At The Newly Opened Library

The library is so quiet this evening
I swung by at around 8pm after a light dinner of "Ban Mian" and a dessert dish of sweet potatoes at Bishan North Shopping Mall. It was dead quiet as compared to the last couple of days since its opening launch.

What's with our culture here
A little more on the profiling test. According to its final results, moi may be the type to want instant success. WHOA! Blame it on our culture here. Didn't we like succeed in one generation and reached "developed First World" status (this remains highly debatable). So moi doesnt wanna be left behind?

An observation by a British university when moi tried partnering it was its disdain for the "business culture" here. It seems academia has gone to the business dogs as well.

My new place
My room faces the refuse grounds right below my window. When the garbage truck comes by, it gets really noisy. Right across are other apartment blocks, so I have the venetian blinds pulled down but with its louvres opened so I have some privacy yet some view and light (no breeze here though but the fan is ok blowing me cool and there aint no sun here too).

I have my toiletries laid out on a rack on a side wall. When I squeeze the paste on my toothbrush and turn to the sink to brush, the paste does drip. Ergonomics does play a part so if the layout aint right, things do happen!

That asinide PVC telescopic pole invention
Just so you know what I am talking about, the pole has no suctions or whatever at either end. So how is it expected to hold on to two walls from which it is supposed to hang from except from its extendable tesnile force which aint strong enough?

Never Never Land and my travelogues
I guess I am so mentally exhausted not because of hard mental or physical work. It is more dealing with all the downright stupidity, be it a work process, a product/service, a reasoning behind a policy or a person's thinking.

Which reminds me of how I have been putting off writing on La La land and some of my travel experiences. I will if nothing else happens in the intervening period.

The potability of our water reminded me of this. When I was in Guangzhou, I filled my water bottle with its tap water. It was terribly chlorinated and I thought highly undrinkable.

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