Monday, September 18, 2006

More Architectural Wonders, Monster House , Gymnos And Poor Dwayne

Architecture Now (Vol 4)
A must read for all architecture buffs. Hey I may be a movie buff too but I am selective.

Besides the ones I have listed previously, there are other note-worthy buildings. These are all contemporary designs unlike the ancient types of the Classical, Baroque or Romanticism periods (egs. Houses of Parliament in England)

The Nobel Peace Centre (Oslo, Norway), The Copenhangen Opera House, the Scottish Parliament, the Olympic Park (Munich, Germany) and The Guggenheim (Mexico, not the ones in Bilbao Spain or the USA).

They are spacy, futuristic and unobstrusive, blending well with the background they are built on and not some sky-high towers that obliterate views and look out of place.

Check these out!

What is happening at the community library
The crowd at the library is finally thinning. But in the late afternoons, evenings and on weekends, it is a social gathering of sorts, with coupled or groups of teens, hanging out to study or do projects. It is also a stamping ground for families to visit and gawk.

It is almost like school. I am kinda getting used to it but if you seriously wanna do a spot of reading, research or computing, don't count on not being distracted by handsome dudes trekking up and down, across and all over the library's hallowed halls.

I can't get down to work like this, hunky dudes. Gimme a break. *Smiles.

And of course, the headphone wires are still short, even if you uncoil them at the back of the monitor.

Monster House
The animation is so good, it looks like the real thing, right down to the falling red leaf in autumn. The plot is one which the writers must have cudgelled their brains scripting - simple yet intriguing. The characters are teens who are about as real as the ones we get in real life.

There is DJ, the boy who lives across from the spooky house which is inhabited by an old neighbor and the spirit of his "Monster Wife", thus the name of the movie in the first place. He would holler and confiscate one and all who set foot on his lawn which is what his wife would have wanted.

DJ has a basketball buddy Chowder. DJ's parents are leaving town for a while and has Elizabeth to nanny DJ. Elizabeth isn't your run-of-the-mill "babysitter". She is wickedly hip and conniving. It doesn't help that she has a punk rocker of a boyfriend too.

The last straw was when a girl came a-calling, pre-Halloween and almost got walloped by the Monster House. That is when the trio decided that they have to do battle with the forces of evil.

They cooked up a plan that consisted of sending out a vacuum cleaner of a scarecrow filled with sleeping medicine to quell the Monster House but almost got arrested by the neighborhood police who happened to patrol the place just at that moment.

However once they got their old neighbor on their side (who was admitted into and then discharged from the hospital) tamping down the evil wife's spirit was a cinch. They blew up the house with a stick of dynamite.

Don't forget to stay on for the closing credits as there is a final scene where Elizabeth's bf, the police and a dog scramble out of the house alive.

I was walking around the sports hall and there was this noise coming from inside. There, in one corner of the multi-purpose hall, some school gymnasts were half naked and had such wonderful bods (apart from Dwayne's of course), I drooled.

That aside, they were running up to the horse vault to do their little somersault thingy. After that, they climbed a rope (which is now a discontinued event in the Olympics). That got me intrigued, I mean the sport not their bods.

I discovered that "gymnos" means naked in Greek and gymnasiums were places where the sportsmen in Ancient Greece trained in the buff. WHOA! That got me all heated up. If only we could do that now!

Poor Dwayne!
Today I surfed and blogged at a LAN shop. At the libraries, I can never get to read the chatterboxes as they are never there (the legislators have curtailed all chatter at all the public institutions).

As I have not been following the thread of chatter for such a long time, I was shocked Dwayne had been spammed and stalked by a certain unsavoury character who happens to be schooling at his alumnus.

My heart goes out to you Dwayne! And that doggy post is cute! But the stalker sounds like HE likes you. Why dont you just give him a frigging chance to know and like you too.

Muahahahahahha. Burp.

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