Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Am So Mentally Shagged I Wanna Sleep Some More

My chip cashcard cannot work on this photocopier
Just as I was beginning to think that my chip cash card must be high jinx, a couple of other people's cards couldn't work on the photocopier as well. At the next photocopier it could.

So it must be the machine's fault. Then the MRT card-reading machines at Sengkang and Bishan must similarly be at fault. It must be the scanning technology or something.

After all the display panel at the trains did read "Card failed. Multiple cards detected."

Oops! I bumped into Brother and look at what he has to say
Coincidentally we were both at the same restroom. I acknowledged his presence and he started on a whole tirade about being cheated out of money by my second sister. This second sister is kinda possessed and would go into a trance, etc etc. My religion has "exorcism" too and we have turned to this group in particular. I can't believe this happening in our day and age.

I have had about enough of this family. I think I will just shut them out of my life. And I had truly wished for mom to not spend so much time in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning and so on. It would have been much more personally bonding and meaningful for her to spend time with us instead.

Which would bring to mind what we are doing with our kids these days. It would negate the purpose of parenthood if we just relegate our responsibilities to the grandparents, the childcare/studentcare centres and the maids of the world. Of what use is family like this?

M/s Black Widow
This brings me to another thought. She would have satchets of coffee powder in the pantry and invite one and all to help themselves to it. But when we do and they finish up really fast, she stopped buying them altogether.

Talk about talking shop and translating words into deeds !

More bimbs and wimps
Well as I go round on my usual routine, I can spot more bimbs and wimps. The Unholy Trinity if you will recall. And I am hoping Muiz will have better sense when picking his friends among the gay circle. I really worry for him that he may be led astray as I have met enough wimps in the circle to know.

People, we are killing ourselves like this
If all our inventions are not for our betterment but for a quick buck, at the expense of our well-being and health, then we must slowly but surely be killing each other.

I will implore nations of the world, First world or Third, to think first of all possible consequences for ourselves and mankind before embarking on any quest for economic gains.

It must stop somewhere. The sooner the better. For the sake of all of us.

Be it a product, food or a job. The economy, simply put.

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