Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Intrigue And Farce At Ben's

I knew something was up. Call it instinct or just pure intuition.

The moment Ben put up an advert to lease out another room, it signalled that he must have something up his sleeve. Like he has permanently decided to settle down to studying abroad or that he is permanently staying at the place near his school.

I like to think that it is the latter.

At my school, I had just posted some ads about a new place I found advertising for co-tenants. The message must have been passed on because now, Old Aunty said he is coming back and does not know if he will study overseas.

You can tell from her expression, that it was a BIG LIE! Because she will either answer very directly (thus vehemently denying or agreeing to prove "innocence") or she will evade the question. This time she was evading the question (to avoid being called a liar).

That also means that the advert my ex-roomie put up was a decoy. He probably doesn't stay there and his friends are, or he spends nights at different places like a flitting butterfly. The slut whore that he is! Ben can probably tolerate this because they are in the same mode.

Old Aunty is policing Rafi who brings in his groupie (and he probably passes them on to Ben and the rest). But seriously, what about policing his own son. What has she got to say about her own son's philandering ways despite being in a relationship, other than Rafi.

All the notes she writes in her Buddhism book is such a farce and a laugh! She is probably recording down her own sins and that of her son and the rest.

Ben probably thought I was moving out and so decided to come back and stay here. With who, I don't really know. My ex-roomie? After all, my school is opening a satellite campus near here and some classes will be moved here.

Or there could really be SOMETHING THAT HAD HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM as I expected. So they are parting ways?

Of course there is a third possibility that he went for holidays. Imagine leaving the two old folks at home to tend to his potential tenants and the bed frames. Gee Wheez!

We will all have to see.

As I said, they will have their just desserts one way or another. If not immediately, later or much , much later. Only time will tell.

I am absolutely confident of this.

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