Friday, March 06, 2009

More "I Love Psychology" (With More Modifications Of Course)

Like Any Book You Read Or Person You Meet, Read Or Listen With A Huge Dose Of Skepticism And Large Pinch Of Salt
This book on pyshcology must be the best buy I ever made and it also provided me with the best read ever.

It corroborates what I believe about corporal punishment among a myriad other issues. Environmental stresses with regard to city-living for one, like over-stimulation, the concept of defensible space, the defence mechanism of callousness to cope with strangers and the socio/psychopathic tendencies of bosses, politicians and entertainers.

I was right about the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The psychology of partial reinforcement does go hand-in-glove with the casinos after all. It is all here in this book

However like any read or any person you meet, read it with a huge dose of scepticism and a larger than large pinch of salt. You cannot read a book like it is the biblical truth nor listen to someone like he is telling the truth.

There are always exceptions, variations, mutations and circumstantial circumstances.

Nobody can be scripted, pigeonholed or typecasted into any phase of any life-span development or gender role or any general role or image or psychological disorder or whatever. That would represent a misdiagnosis.

We display a spectrum of personalities and play many roles to survive and to get on in this world.

Latent Learning - Of Languages And Interpersonals
As part of the supporting evidence from this book about latent learning, I think thay my early childhood exposure to a variety of languages at home had led to a reservoir of multi-lingualism stored deep within me, waiting for the right time to be expressed.

From the Malay language coming from my paternal side of the family which include my father of course to the Teochew and Cantonese dialects from Mom and her circle of friends and neighbors.

Even though I only scrape through Mandarin especially at 'A' levels (and that was because it was mainly a written academic exercise), that latent learning nevertheless was there. Surprisingly I found myself building up a good repertoire of Chinese vocabulary inside me.

The times to express were when I conversed with Fatbloke's Indonesian Malay maid, with the older generation of aunties and uncles at the void decks and coffee-shops and especially when I encountered all those China Chinese nationals either working or studying here.

It must have been similar when I accumulated all those experiences while working and watching a variety of characters at work from women to men, pick up most of their traits (be like a woman when you deal with one) and internalise them over a period of time

And when the ripe time came, I was situational and that was when I unleashed myself.

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