Monday, March 30, 2009

The Decadent West And We Their Followers

Standing Up To A Bully
I am supposed to go into partnership with this ex-colleague of mine. Like one of his subordinates was postulating, he probably thought it was cool to imitate both our common arch-enemy boss - Sim Mong Chai.
So recently I found myself blowing up fuses when interacting with him. It was also a re-enactment of what I would have done differently with this monster of a boss Sim Mong Chai.
That is to stand up to him, teach him some manners, how to communicate effectively and properly, behave appropriately and give him a dose of his own medicine of unreasonableness and bullying.
And it felt quite good.
What Is Wrong With The American Way
Let me define as clearly as I can what I think is wrong with the American way.

First their pornography (of course Asians are copying them big time now). Then their commercialism, in particular the kinda rampant commercialisation that harms. The decadent lifestyle of multiple sex, drugs, sleaze and alcohol. Parties, clubs and pubs as inappropriate venues to meet people. The preoccupation with frivolities, looks, beauty and physique that spawns a multi-billion dollar comestic and plastic surgery industry.

City living disorders and psychopathologies and finally the pure lack of ethics and principles.

We only like their technology, invention and innovation which improve our lives, not the rest.

A Telling Story About How An Alien Culture (Anti-Culture) Affects Us All

When I read this book on psychology, there was a part about how when North American aborigines lived among themselves, there was hardly any reports of suicides. Now it seems, their suicide rate is a hundred times above the national average.

Those aborigines who actively sought to preserve their culture in modern day North America, surprisingly exhibited low suicides.

What this illustrate is that the American way of life just wasn't in their DNA or culture. The American way of life was their anti-culture.

And in my handouts, there was a report of a high-flying student in one of the top JC (mind you, so you would expect he should know better) who jumped to his death because he thought he had small private parts.

Again, this is another manifestation of modern pre-occupation with genitalia sizes like penises and vital statistics like breast cup sizes. There are enough adverts for enlargement in these sectors to feed a newspaper daily.

Doesn't this speak for the rest of us? Why we abhor some of their ways too and we are in the predicament we are in now?

Yes and suicide is a pyschopathology. Question is who created it? YOU! Isn't that true and you exported them outside your state.

Unethical And Unprincipled Gays

My stance is that the gay circle here espouses exactly the same value system. Despite being in a relationship, some like Ben and Rick are still at it on the side. They model a despicable moral value for the younger set.

Serial lying and deceit are just trademarks of life here. I think that even if you are gay, there are still morals, values and principles you abide by. Like keeping faithful and monogamous for one. And all the attendant values in business or work and living.

That is why, knowing how it is like, I believe that my ex-roomie will be justly retributed just like Ben or any of the other gays I know. It will come full circle. They will play each other out.

If they can compromise on any important issue, they can compromise on anything else. Fast and loose morals.

Develop The Big Cities And Leave The Rest Alone (Or Develop Much Lesser)
China is fast changing and the big cities like Hongkong, ShenZhen, Dongguan , Shanghai and Beijing are catching up as fast as we are and we can expect value system to equal sooner if not already. The other provincial capitals are to a lesser extent coming up.

All I hope is that it will have better sense to make these cities as mega, rich and big as they can while retaining the rest of their provinces' rustic charm, the beautiful countryside, simple living and old-world values of principled, communally caring and helpful ethical living.

That will give hope to city-dwellers like us who wanna return to our roots of the good old days. And that there will still be some people who are like that.

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