Sunday, March 01, 2009

Fire, Re-Hire And Repatriate (Updated)

Transference (In Psycho-Linguistic Terms)
First let me define what psycho-linguistics means to me here which is the language of psychology and not the other way around.

And The Transference Goes On And On And On.........
Wednesday morning marks the first time in a very long while that I lost my cool and gave back to society as a transference all those bullying people I met throughout my life, from home to school to work.

If you wanna exclude that incident where I blew up in front of that towel girl at the gym.

In fact, like the security guards manning the commercial buildings (again a highly unproductive workforce producing nothing), the towel girls at the gym would have fared better if they kept their big mouths shut and not nit-pick on the return of the towels. Especially since they know that it was a ridiculous policy anyway.

First the sharing of towels between the two genders (which is one and the same towel but to be returned at different counters and just simply leaving a towel bin 24/7 near the showers unmanned for the convenience of members to dispose their soiled towels) and second the different operation hours throughout the day and on different days as well as the various branches.

Like the last time, my bank ATM card was almost split in two and I asked for a new replacement. The counter staff said that kinda card was no longer in service, I would have to apply for a new card and pay annual fees.

What riduculity! That was when I socked it to him!

Fire And Re-Hire On A Clean Slate, Maybe Even Repatriate?
I don't mean to be mean or rude.

I think it is high time that the unproductive sectors of our public service and in some private quarters be relooked into and assessed.

Some areas like defence, the education service, the commercial building security business, the SWAT team, parts of the home team, the 2000 environmental officers I heard that are being needlessly employed (on top of the army of cleaners) for example.

Lots of baggages, deadweight, deadwood, deadbrains, bad role models, senseless and wrong applications of authority and rules, arrogance, bullying and transference upon innocent victims. Worse if they are foreigners.

Maybe we can automate even more processes - like the towels for one. And define roles more clearly for each and every sector so that they do not stray into jurisdiction outside of their control or overstep their authority.

Let these arrogant, needless nit-pickers have a taste of what it is like to be sacked and left to fend for themselves without employment for long periods.

Perhaps they will then rethink what their attitude was like and think again before they open their big mouths. Or to even parole areas not under their purview.

The Fawning Community
There was another CPA firm near Beach Road where I had worked and have completely forgotten its name. This must be the most traumatic experience I had with the boss and the Malaysian female colleagues I worked with.

She wasn't qualified but ingratiated herself to the boss a lot and complained about a countless things about me to him. I am sure she did that to many others to protect her position in the company. That is how she could work so long in the company.

It is like at the gym where I notice many of the management staff are Indians. They posture and stand around at the gym with arms folded like they are big bosses. Friends with that fair Arab Indian who harassed me (I can link here because whenever I work out, they are always around me) . I fucked off another PT at another branch who tried selling me their PT program despite having told him off once.

I am sure in part they got promoted was because they fawn on the Caucasian bosses a lot, in additi0n to some PR skills.

Once more with hate, I only dig Asian Chinese guys with few exceptions. And even then certain kind of Asian Chinese guys. I dig younger twinks and muscled dudes. Again with a few others in between. Like my ex-roomie.

Yes the last day of Karen's class, besides the night of the Oscars with all those speeches made, there was that endless photograph-taking with so many cameras. I thought it was just one too many.

That reminds me of the madhouse CPA firm Tan Wee Tin was turned into. Even the big boss himself is aware. He has mentioned to me, look at all the people here. They were talking loudly, complaining, and engaging in all kinds of theatrics.

To win sympathy, to politick and gain advantages.

Again who are these people? PRs? Naturalised Citizens?

These Are The Facts.......
I am not trying to go on a witch hunt.

But the fact is that the first wave of new immigrant workers to arrive here are the Malaysian Chinese because of the kinda racial politics practised back in their home country.

Given that, they rather slog it out here, especially the first wave of them. Maybe the next generation has adapted fairly well.

They used to dominate employment in the food and beverage (especially the coffee-shops), retail, technical, construction, food produce sectors and now education, clerical, financial sectors. We know how their attitudes manifest themselves here.

The kinda ethics. Once they occupy positions of authority or power, we all suffer even more.

After all they are here to make money. They heck care two hoots about Singapore. Even if processes and policies are wrong. And that is to the detriment of people like us. We suffer. Huge social cost.

Then they bad-mouth us and instigate the rest of the other new immigrants from other countries.

Can't you see it for yourself?

Let us check who these people really are....Daryl Chan, the eunuch, Wicked StepMother, Sim Mong Chai, Richard....and the rest......

HotMail Co-Inventor Sabeer Bhatia Is A Good Example
I would have been placated if they started new industries for us.

Fact is they were going into traditional industries like food and beverage and then employing their own kind.

An immigrant Indian co-invented Hotmail for the United States. That spawned a multi-billion industry employing their locals and certainly foreigners I am sure. And that invention got exported to the world.

This then is the true meaning of creation and invention.

However that is only the first part of the story. The second part is that after Hotmail got sold to Microsoft for US$400 million in 1997, Sabeer has since returned to India to build a replica of Silicon Valley named Nanocity back home.

Good part is with an indigenous corporation like Microsoft who bought into Hotmail, the invention and the wealth it created is still being sustained for the long term in the USA.

So you see, with the wealth he made, he is going back home to build his home country's economy. Wouldn't that be the same for most immigrant workers who come here too eventually? What will that mean for us in the long term? Wouldn't it be better if our very own are the fuellers and the inventors instead since they are anchored here?

In population terms, our best bet will be on India and China, not Malaysia, in fuelling the invention of new industries for us.

Create and sustain for perpetuity, not take away from us.

Where Is The Education In Edutainment If It Is Just All Entertainment?
Chris is really missing the point.

Kumar and Gurmit Singh are in the entertainment industry.

I can see the entertainment in Chris' classes but where is the education? A lot of it was misssing.

Education can be entertaining - thus edutainment. But not when it becomes purely entertainment.

Join the ranks of Kumar or Gurmit, Chris, and be a drag queen! Or Daryl Chan the eunuch..who is also a pure entertainer in education. I really wasn't objecting to the comical antics or the jokes or the funny lines but just those issues they brought up which were untrue.

I can't imagine Daryl or Chris as leaders fronting the gay community. With all the nonsensities they were mouthing, people would have that kinda impression of us and think lesser of us.

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